
rumbling is that faggoty wwf hulk hogan shit so no, I say wtf I mean, I mean tumbling bitch. just pointing things out.

So if we drank, we would end up doing infant gymnastics together, because I "called you names".

That's a really weird prediction, and I really don't think I'm going to be doing any gymnastics with any drunk dudes.
Whose we? Because I'm pretty sure other states will be leaving as well (Look at Mississippi's state flag) Colorado and Washington will probably actually go first, and kick everything off. Meaning Anerica will mostly consist of the Midwest and North East.

Washington laughs in your general direction . . . . . lol .. . no way does Washington want to leave the union or condone traitors . . so many retarded things you say, how was Oregon . . . . .
Washington laughs in your general direction . . . . . lol .. . no way does Washington want to leave the union or condom traitors . . so many retarded things you say, how was Oregon . . . . .

It doesn't matter what they want. It's illegal to grow or possess weed in America. So 1 of 3 things HAS to happen. 1 weed becomes legal in America 2 they leave the union 3 they get attacked by the federal gov (DEA mainly)
thats why we have medical for 14 years . . ok . . . .you are so dumb . . keep screaming this weeks "Y2K" fear monger shit it will never happen

you don't know anything and neither do the people you listen to . . all hot air to get attention just like you, always crying for attention

you are like my old idiot neighbors, when the pipeline explosion happened here(you could see it from cali) they left town in fear or looting and rioting . . .bunch of weak willed, weak minded

followers afraid of there own shadow/thoughts

Fin . . .how many lies and unfinished never completed goals do you have to have before you stfu and go find your calling as a gas station cashier

arco is waiting??
a peaceful split includes texas stealing from the federal government and then threatening? wtf makes texas have right to what's been funded federally?
thats why we have medical for 14 years

Medical isn't the same as recreational.

And do you want to try to argue a real point instead of trying to win this via saying "fin sucks". If anything YOU'RE the one trying to get attention.

I never lied about anything, I've done plenty of stuff I said I would (like go to Mexico, Florida, got paid by google and those are just ones that everyone said would never happen). The ones I haven't done are just going to take time.
That might have worked when people were shooting muskets and riding around on horses, not so much today.

Lol. It's not hard to say "this is ours" and that's what Texas will do. And if the north attacks (which won't happen unless we shoot first) the rest of the south will leave the union.
a peaceful split includes texas stealing from the federal government and then threatening? wtf makes texas have right to what's been funded federally?

There's no such thing as "a peaceful split". America will never recognize Texas as a country, and that alone will start a war. (Because the FBI, DEA, etc will continue operations in Texas)
your asinine conclusions are not even debatable, you speak in if's and but's like they are solid facts

there is no reason to argue with a fool
truthfully this whole thing makes the USA look more like a circus than it already is and isn't doing shit for image at home or abroad. do your best to make this three ring motherfucker roll , I have faith in you.
Lol. It's not hard to say "this is ours" and that's what Texas will do. And if the north attacks (which won't happen unless we shoot first) the rest of the south will leave the union.

I suspect that you actually believe this to be true. You may want to read some history of the 20th century. The technology for keeping uppity provinces in line has improved some. cn
Lol. It's not hard to say "this is ours" and that's what Texas will do. And if the north attacks (which won't happen unless we shoot first) the rest of the south will leave the union.

What makes you think the rest of the south likes Texas? I'm sure it's not hard for texas to say "this is ours" and it's not that much harder for the US to deploy a shitload of troops to take it back.
truthfully this whole thing makes the USA look more like a circus than it already is and isn't doing shit for image at home or abroad. do your best to make this three ring motherfucker roll , I have faith in you.

Actually I bet the rest of the works is proud of our passion, in political affairs most Americans are docile. The rest of the world has real passion, like Texans do.
I suspect that you actually believe this to be true. You may want to read some history of the 20th century. The technology for keeping uppity provinces in line has improved some. cn

Not believe it to be true, know it to be true.
The south is a solid unit
What makes you think the rest of the south likes Texas? I'm sure it's not hard for texas to say "this is ours" and it's not that much harder for the US to deploy a shitload of troops to take it back.

I never said they like Texas. They're just waiting for Texas to start this.

And Texas may not even go first, Washington and Colorado have the most potential right now.