Puff's 400W Grow Tent (Big Pictures!)


Well-Known Member
Some basic information, Im a first time grower who is tired of paying for crappy weed. I smoke a lot and its just too dangerous driving around with it or making shady deals with people who dont have as much to loose as I do. Personally I don't take my weed out of the house and I keep a low profile. My father has Glaucoma and I have stomach issues and I am tired of buying it. So Im going to grow a few plants to supply myself and my father. I have invested a bit of money into my grow operation, more than a thousand dollars. To me thats a fair price to pay to not have to buy it again. So in this journal I will try and provide all the information a person would need to duplicate my setup. Currently Im using the following setup:

2 - HTG 20"x36"x64" tents with 400W HPS lights (flowering chamber for clones)
HomeBox 23.5"x23.5"x47" with a 200W Comet CFL light (vegging chamber for mothers)
General Hydroponics Waterfarm 8 pack System with reservoir and controller unit. (I added 4 more units for a total of 12)
Daisy Cloner with a 125W CFL light
Sunleaves Windtunnel 6" centrifugal fan
2 - 4" Odorsoks (ordor control)
Fox Farm Nutrients the complete set

I have a Kill a Watt meter that tracks the power usage. Im able to provide accurate electricty cost. So far its projected to cost about $18 a moth or 60 cents a day.

I only use RO water filtered at home, all water is PH adjusted to 5.6-5.8 prior to use. I also track everything with a TDS and PPM meter.

Im sure Im forgetting stuff but thats the basics. It took me a while to design a system that would work, temperature is your biggest problem. So this is what I finally came up with. My grow space is approx 5' x 5' x 8' (my bedroom closet). Its hard to keep two 400W lights running in there while keeping the temps in the 80's.

This is what it looks like.


Both tents are identical in every way. There are 6 Waterfam buckets in each tent hooked up to an 18 gallon shared reservoir.


The air flow is critical. Im using one powerful 6" Windtunnel (400CFM) fan for both tents. All the ducting was purchased at Home Depot. On the intake side of the tent I am using an Odorsok as seen below.



The air is blown out of the top of the closet door and is directed out the door. (insulating tape was used to reduce noise from wind flow)




For the air intake I dont use any fans, its a passive intake. I rely on the negative air pressure to pull cool air in through the vent. I cut a space for a vent and covered it with a grill.


I went through 3 fans before I finally bought a centrifugal fan. Centrifugal fans are designed to keep the boost pressure up. A lot of fans are rated at say 200CFM but as soon as you put an Odorsok on it drops by half. A good fan will be designed to boost the air flow. I cant emphasize how important it is to have good air flow. It will prevent so many problems. You wont need CO2 and there wont be any humidity issues. The only problem you have with big fans is the noise. I bought a fan with a polymer case, plastic or polymer cases are going to absorb vibrations unlike a metal cases. I also went a step further and hung the fan with bungee cords. Now the only noise was from the air flow, I found that if you put a reducer on the exhaust it cuts the noise in half? It was an accident that I discovered that, I was trying to blow the exhaust out of the room by putting an elbow on. So now I keep the 6" to 4" reducer on all the time. The airflow coming out is moving at 27 mph! Can you believe that? Eliminate as much unnecessary ducting as possible, and avoid 90" bends if at all possible.


Ok so now that we have covered where and what we will be using to start this grow lets cover how to grow in tight spaces maximizing your yield. I started by putting a couple of week old seedlings in the tent, one in each 10"x 10" bucket. After a month the plants were out of control and impossible to manage. This is what it looked like.


That picture was taken on day 29. Now thats a beautiful site to behold but its actually an unproductive garden. First of all when you start from seeds you going to get a mix of everything. I planted 3 strains but they grew at different rates and some of them ended up being males which are useless. Out of the 6 plants you see there, 2 are slow growing, 2 are going to be males, and 1 has turned out to be a female. There is still 1 more that has great potential but I dont know if its a boy or a girl yet. What I learned from my first grow is that this setup requires small plants, but you cant grow a healthy small plant. You want a fast growing productive female. What I decided to do was to take my big healthy female and cut off some large branches to make clones. By putting in a garden of all clones I can ensure that they will all be females, grow at the same rate, mature at the same time. It was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done by going in there and hacking up my beautiful female plant. But now I know that I wont have to remove half the plants when they turn out to be males. To grow in a setup like this you almost have to use clones. But cloning is easy and its cool too. lol... The small HomeBox tent is a perfect home for my mothers. You can fit 2-3 in there easy. They dont have to be the same strain, that way you can alternate in between harvests.


I also used the vegging chamber to start my seedlings to pick out the super mom.


So I went ahead and took the biggest branches off my month old female. (10" -12" cuttings)


Im using the Daisy Cloner. Mine make 8 clones at a time. I made my first batch of clones last week with some smaller cuttings and I had a 100% success rate. This time my clones are all 6". The Daisy Cloner is simple. Just put a rock wool cube in the net pot and wait for the roots to appear. I use rooting gel along with a cloning solution. I also only use RO filtered water. Once the roots appear I will take another batch from the same female leaving her pretty much stripped bare. Ill use 12 of the healthiest clones to fill both tents. I will keep 2-3 clones for future mothers. Im not going to waste anytime vegging the plants, they are going to go right into flowering mode. Remember you cant have big plants in a tight space like that. You may not get the big yield from each plant like you want but you will get a bigger yield overall.

Here is a pic of the clones I made yesterday. They are all alive and standing up.


So this is the point at which I will keep updating the journal. In about a week I should have them transplanted along with a second batch started. If you have any questions let me know. I'm not going to cover things step by step. I will be happy answer educated questions. I think that's a fair thing to ask.
So out of the 6 seeds I started with I ended up with 1 female, 2 hermies, and 3 males. The clones from the female are now under a 400W HPS with a 12/12 schedule. Im giving them half strengh nutes for the first week, then next week Ill go back to the reccomended strength. The second batch of clones are in the cloner; they should be ready in about a week. I took the big female and gave her away. She was just too large to fit in the tent. She is living happily outdoors with a proud new owner.

Here is a pic I took a few days ago of the clones that were cut from the mother 2 weeks ago, as you can see they are all doing great.


Im not sure if Im doing the right thing by skipping the 18/6 vegging cycle. But last time the plants grew approx 32" in 36 days with an 18/6 schedule. They were too large to bud at that point considering they were inches from the light and it could go no higher. Hopefully I dont end up making a mistake but this is a learning process. Other people skip the veg cycle with their clones, so Ill give it a try.

More pics to come soon.
Oh I also invested in a recycling timer to run the drip rings in the buckets. I had a few plants develop stem rot (dampening off) from over watering. The dripper would run only when the lights were on and it was still too much water. Now they are on a 9 min on and 18 mins off schedule. Seems to be making a big improvement and the dampening off is no longer a problem. The Daisy Cloner also seems to work better on that schedule too. You could probably get away with using an intermatic timer with 15 mins intervals. The recycling timers are kind of pricey. I got mine for 50% off and it was still $50.

this is one of the cleanest, most efficient, thought out grows i have ever read on here...

NOT TO MENTION ITS YOUR FIRST GROW.... you are a very devoted man/woman..i like how you said 1,000$ is worth not buying ever again... thats right!!! a lot of people come on here trying to supply them selves and family but only want to spend 50 bucks


this is one of the cleanest, most efficient, thought out grows i have ever read on here...

NOT TO MENTION ITS YOUR FIRST GROW.... you are a very devoted man/woman..i like how you said 1,000$ is worth not buying ever again... thats right!!! a lot of people come on here trying to supply them selves and family but only want to spend 50 bucks


Thanks for the kind words! I'm kind of anal when it comes to the way I do things. I'm very detail oriented, plus I have a saltwater reef aquarium that I have had for many years. If you can master that hobby a lot of the skills transfer to hydroponics. Plus I have a secret weapon, the new edition of the Grower's Bible by Cervantes. I have probably read the book cover to cover twice already. Now that finals week is over I will have time to post more updates with lots of pics!
Hey man you like that setup, take a look at my next project. Its a Dark Room DR80 with two cooltubes. Currently its setup with two 400W bulbs 1 MH, and 1 HPS. But I cant keep the temps in the 80's. No matter how much I try the temp stablilizes around 92 degrees. Im switching out the the ballasts and bulbs to a dual 250W ballast and two enhanced HPS bulbs by Hortilux. They put out more blue spectrum than a standard HPS. I think I got carried away when I decided to put this together ;-) Running 800 watts in a 31.5" x 31.5" x 64" space is asking a lot. Hopefuly 500 watts will run a few degrees cooler.





Thank you for making this thread. It has greatly inspired me and I'm going to get started on fixing up my grow room tomorrow.
Glad I could get you off your ass! lol. I took me a few solid days [edited: weeks not days] of trying different things out before I settled on this configuration. I still try to make changes but it doest improve anything it just make a lot of work for myself. Oh but wait! I did make a change today that made a noticable difference. I took the intake grill and flipped it over, it was slotted to bring the air up into the closet. Well now it blows the air down on the floor and it lowered the temps by a solid 2 degrees in the tents. So make note on that one for your own setup if it applies. The tents are what makes it possible to have such powerful lights in a tight spot. When coupled to an effective fan you can pull off miracles in these things.
The clones are doing great. I was so worried that it wouldn't work out. This cloning thing sounds intimidating buts its not difficult. It does change the way you think about propagation methods. Pretty cool growing a plant with a guarantee stamped on it.

I decided to give them a little bit more of the blue spectrum for a few days so I changed out the HPS with a MH bulb. I think that will get them all the same shade of green? I haven't fim'd these plants at all. I was worried about hitting them up with any traumatic injuries when I just transplanted them last week. Its a good thing I have these photos to compare, I am surprised how much new growth there really is. I guess when you look at them everyday you don't see it as well.

(Day 1)

(Day 5)
Check out this clone chamber, you cant get much cheaper than this. I just removed a plastic shelf, hung a 125w CFL, and wrapped it in panda film.




Those are the next generation of clones to fill the closet with, they are about 5 days old. I see a few beginings of roots, looks like they are all going to make it.
wow. thanks for the inspiration! your set up looks very good Ill be following your grow closely and look forward to the next post
Check out this clone chamber, you cant get much cheaper than this. I just removed a plastic shelf, hung a 125w CFL, and wrapped it in panda film.

this is exactly what i have in the making. hopefully it works out alright

Those are the next generation of clones to fill the closet with, they are about 5 days old. I see a few beginings of roots, looks like they are all going to make it.

Your clones look huge! i thought you were supposed to take a 6 inch cutting. those look more like 8-10 inches.
Your clones look huge! i thought you were supposed to take a 6 inch cutting. those look more like 8-10 inches.

I learned that here on RIU, dont go by the book on that one. My first batch were tiny and took forever to get going again. You want big 10"-12" clones. And your right mine are 8"-10" in size. They root faster and do better overall. Besides Im skipping the veg stage on the last batch. So the bigger the better, within reason of course.
(Day 7)

The clones are doing better everyday. The ones in the cloner are nearly ready to go. They are a week old today. A few have roots shooting out of the cube but only about half. Ill wait a few more days and transplant them into the other tent. I cant wait!!! Ill have 12 clones that will all be true females!!!!! No more going in there trying to figure out which ones to keep and which ones to kill. Such a waste when you loose more than half your plants because of males and hermies.

Here are some pics of the next batch. I went a bit larger this time. I have found the bigger the cutting the better it does. Notice how the leaves didnt even yellow this time around. I moved the light a lot closer now that I see roots popping out. They should be ready in another day or two.


thats sweet dude!!

Awesome set up . What happens when u open that door with the pipe coming out of it? curious as to how you got it working

What do you think of those grow tents btw and also the odor sock.

im looking into a set up of those.would love to hear what you think mate.cheers.
thats sweet dude!!

Awesome set up . What happens when u open that door with the pipe coming out of it? curious as to how you got it working

What do you think of those grow tents btw and also the odor sock.

im looking into a set up of those.would love to hear what you think mate.cheers.

That's a great question, it took me a while to come up with something that works. The trick is to have enough slack to get in the room but not so much slack that it goose necks behind the door. I experimented with taping up the duct in some places to make it more rigid and to insulate some of the sound. I also have to use a rope that is hooped around the exhaust on the interior side. Here check out the pics.



This is what it all looks like when you shut the door from the inside. Yea, I spent a bit of time on this problem. I never thought to mention it.


Dude these grow tents allow you to pull off miracles when it comes to powerful lights in tight spots. The single biggest advantage is how you can control the air flow of the tent. No way I could keep 800watts in that space with only a nominal difference in temperature. And you cant smell a thing unless you go in there and unzip the tent.
I see that u like tents :P , im looking forward into getting one of them but i duno were to buy them . Would a store like hight times provide such tent/boxes?
Update: Switched the light back to an HPS bulb. They have been under 12/12 light since they came out of the cloner. Im kind of not sure what to do about topping them? Im just reluctant to mess with them. I want them to take off as fast as possible and finish. Every time you cut a part of the plant it takes time for the plant to get back to full speed again. Also part of the reason is because they are in a flowering schedule. I guess its not too late. Hhmm not sure?

Day 9


The clones are ready to come out, I just need to pre soak the hydroton in a PH 5 solution for 24 hours. I have noticed that if you dont pre PH adjust the clay rock it will try to raise the ph back to its own ph which is 7.


Here is where there going to go. Just need to get the rocks ready.
