Women's Suffrage, Slavery.. what are some ideas, practices or concepts...


Ursus marijanus
nationalism shouldnt die. I doubt it will be viewed in a negitive light. Nothing is more essential than a healthy dose of nationalism. Not to the point where it decides your foreign policy or where it makes you antagonistic/paternalistic, but nationalism is beneficial to the everyday man. Creates a sense of pride, creates national unity that allows us to band together in times of hardship and celebrate in times of peace. nationalism makes everyone feel like they are apart of something greater, and people tend to give a shit about things when they feel involved in the machine that makes up our culture/government
You'd be surprised at how young the nationalist concept is. We all grew up with it and so it feels like it's been with us since the earth cooled ... but it 's rather recent. I do think that globalization (barring a collapse of the economies) will lead us to the follow-on paradigm that our children's grandchildren will think was the way of things always. cn


Well-Known Member
i know nationalism is about as recent as the late 1800's, but that is not my point. Nationalism, while creating global conflict, also helped ease conflict within each respective state. Other than that, I dont understand the point you are making lol


Ursus marijanus
i know nationalism is about as recent as the late 1800's, but that is not my point. Nationalism, while creating global conflict, also helped ease conflict within each respective state. Other than that, I dont understand the point you are making lol
That feels tautologous.
(How does that feel you ask? Like slackologous but stretched.) cn


Well-Known Member
Because the world is becoming more globalized?
Because people receive judgment solely based upon where they are born, they also pass judgment based on where someone else is. I don't know how many of my fellow Americans I have seen state that we should be policing the world. How we need to be the biggest bad-asses out there, because we are America and we are the best.


bud bootlegger
i'd still like to see a dent put on racsim .. i admit we've come pretty far regarding racism in just the past 50 or so years here in the us, but if anything this last election has showed me is that racism is still alive and well in the us of a.. and not just whites hating the blacks, or the blacks hating the whites, racism still runs pretty deep in a lot of aspects in the us culture imo..

i'd also love to see religions take a back seat to common sense.. i've never belittle someone for their religious believes, but when they start trying to push it on to others is when it gets my hackles up.. sometimes i feel like things are going more to the religious side of things instead of progressing away from it at times..


Well-Known Member
nationalism shouldnt die. I doubt it will be viewed in a negitive light. Nothing is more essential than a healthy dose of nationalism. Not to the point where it decides your foreign policy or where it makes you antagonistic/paternalistic, but nationalism is beneficial to the everyday man. Creates a sense of pride, creates national unity that allows us to band together in times of hardship and celebrate in times of peace. nationalism makes everyone feel like they are apart of something greater, and people tend to give a shit about things when they feel involved in the machine that makes up our culture/government
Nothing wrong with a little love for your country, if it's warranted. I added the "extreme" for that reason. I'm talking about blind love and support of your country that leads to wars like the US is in today.


Well-Known Member
well the rise of nationalism led to world war one, but at the same time led to unified eastern european states, also allowed the german states to actually form a germany. nationalism formed the modern world, and broke up the hold of monarchy, broke down the barriers of large empires... And although not at the consequences were the best in hindsight, nationalist sentiment in places such as the balkans and in the russian empire fueled the course of history. American nationalism, while making us imperialistic, also made a unified american psyche that didnt exist before. Sure, people considered themselves American, but the American indentity, that spurns class or race, comes from nationalism. It allowed the disenfranchised, while still remaining disenfranchised, to feel like they were part of our country.


bud bootlegger
Because people receive judgment solely based upon where they are born, they also pass judgment based on where someone else is. I don't know how many of my fellow Americans I have seen state that we should be policing the world. How we need to be the biggest bad-asses out there, because we are America and we are the best.
i tend to agree.. i'm not the most patriotic person out there, that's for damn sure.. i see a lot of things that we should be ashamed of right off the bat from us stealing this great land and claiming as our own..
this is a big reason why i'm not into sports.. i can't stand the thought that i should like the philadelphia eagles as they're the team closest to my house... why on earth should i have to like such and such team simply for the fact that they're the team nearest me is beyond my comprehension honestly..
i've also been to italy, going on the train from milan to venice, and this wench who was pushing the food cart on the train only needed to glance at me and the gf to tell we weren't italians and therefore we must not be hungry nor thirsty so she didn't even look in our direction as she walked right past us on her way to the next thirsty looking pair of italians she saw..


Ursus marijanus
Because people receive judgment solely based upon where they are born, they also pass judgment based on where someone else is. I don't know how many of my fellow Americans I have seen state that we should be policing the world. How we need to be the biggest bad-asses out there, because we are _______ and we are the best.
Egypt, still or again!
Han China!
The Caliphate!
Holy Rome!
Roamy Hole aka the Golden Horde!
Imperial Spain!
Imperial France!
Imperial Britain!
Greater Co-Prosperous East Asia!
A few Imperial Germanies!

...And now it's our turn.
Who's next, i wonder. cn


Well-Known Member
i'd still like to see a dent put on racsim .. i admit we've come pretty far regarding racism in just the past 50 or so years here in the us, but if anything this last election has showed me is that racism is still alive and well in the us of a.. and not just whites hating the blacks, or the blacks hating the whites, racism still runs pretty deep in a lot of aspects in the us culture imo..

i'd also love to see religions take a back seat to common sense.. i've never belittle someone for their religious believes, but when they start trying to push it on to others is when it gets my hackles up.. sometimes i feel like things are going more to the religious side of things instead of progressing away from it at times..
As long as we have someone who used the term "legitimate rape", and a M.D. that believes rape is a gift from god on the house science committee, I have little hope for this one happening.


Well-Known Member
contracts/written agreements are used as a form of legal slavery today, when you live in a society where money is what it takes to survive and people come up with these elaborate contracts for as many little details they can cover so once you sign and you didnt read that 5+ pages of tiny words and things that make no sense to you besides the gist of whats going on, they own your ass. Fail to complete contract in many different circumstances can leadd to you having your money sucked away and you ending up possibly homeless.

Either way you look at these sort of things it comes down to the fact that our lives are influenced by things put in place by people trying to gain an edge, taxes influence things like marriage, social media portrays standards for society in he younger crowds while influencing consumerism, the news is constantly influencing practically everything, ive seen reporters hating on other religions such as muslims over in iran potraying them as evil people that cause nothing but problems, and when you have millions of people that are very easy to manipulate regardless of wether or not "they are free to make any choice they want"; which i might add regardless of who you are your life has been influenced greatly by new age technology and media, your friends, family and practically everything about your lifestyle growing up, then people have grown to understand that they can influence people very easily and they take advantage of that fact, humans are very social creatures and will do most anything for attention.

im not to sure where i was going with that but a fat bowl gets ya thinkin, and at the end of the day your a slave to life if you arent happy every step of the way.


Ursus marijanus
contracts/written agreements are used as a form of legal slavery today, when you live in a society where money is what it takes to survive and people come up with these elaborate contracts for as many little details they can cover so once you sign and you didnt read that 5+ pages of tiny words and things that make no sense to you besides the gist of whats going on, they own your ass. Fail to complete contract in many different circumstances can leadd to you having your money sucked away and you ending up possibly homeless.

Either way you look at these sort of things it comes down to the fact that our lives are influenced by things put in place by people trying to gain an edge, taxes influence things like marriage, social media portrays standards for society in he younger crowds while influencing consumerism, the news is constantly influencing practically everything, ive seen reporters hating on other religions such as muslims over in iran potraying them as evil people that cause nothing but problems, and when you have millions of people that are very easy to manipulate regardless of wether or not "they are free to make any choice they want"; which i might add regardless of who you are your life has been influenced greatly by new age technology and media, your friends, family and practically everything about your lifestyle growing up, then people have grown to understand that they can influence people very easily and they take advantage of that fact, humans are very social creatures and will do most anything for attention.

im not to sure where i was going with that but a fat bowl gets ya thinkin, and at the end of the day your a slave to life if you arent happy every step of the way.
The key difference between that and real slavery is that you were never forced (or allowed; almost the same) to put yourself up as collateral. cn


Well-Known Member
Egypt, still or again!
Han China!
The Caliphate!
Holy Rome!
Roamy Hole aka the Golden Horde!
Imperial Spain!
Imperial France!
Imperial Britain!
Greater Co-Prosperous East Asia!
A few Imperial Germanies!

...And now it's our turn.
Who's next, i wonder. cn
Starts with a 'C' and ends in 'hina'


Well-Known Member
Their economic growth is unrivaled. If I had to point the finger, China gets my vote

They're also far behind on social and human rights issues, but their population is, what, 15% of the world? Lots of working hands..


Well-Known Member
The key difference between that and real slavery is that you were never forced (or allowed; almost the same) to put yourself up as collateral. cn
mostly everything you need to survive an "american lifestyle" requires a contract such as power, water, rent, heating, and then you need a supply of cash to keep all these commodities to live a comfortable lifestyle which is gonna require a soirce of income such as a job which you then gotta sin some more shit for things suchs as taxes and then there goes a portion of your cash and you refusd you can be greatly fines and imprisoned, you will also have to sign employee forms stating you will do as required or you can be terminated from the job and then you are signing hours of your life away to be able to live the lifestyle of your choice and if you dont have a supply of income then you cant afford those commodities and then you cant possibily afford food, so where are you going to stay? what are you going to eat? loitering is illegal on alot of properties, stealing or even harvesting foods on someone elses land is illegal, welfare/food stamps/cash aide are a limited resource that last only a few months.

i do understand we have a choice but when you start breaking it down you will start to notice its either follow societies standards enough to survive or be homeless near the end of the road, were slaves regardless if its someone behind us with a whip screaming worlmfast 24/7 its slavery over a greater span of time