Women's Suffrage, Slavery.. what are some ideas, practices or concepts...


Well-Known Member
I want to say the war on drugs, but fuck, who knows..

I also don't understand the appeal of football (most sports come to think of it), especially the size and enthusiasm of it's fan base, and especially in the UK or the deep south in the US


Well-Known Member
nationalism shouldnt die. I doubt it will be viewed in a negitive light. Nothing is more essential than a healthy dose of nationalism. Not to the point where it decides your foreign policy or where it makes you antagonistic/paternalistic, but nationalism is beneficial to the everyday man. Creates a sense of pride, creates national unity that allows us to band together in times of hardship and celebrate in times of peace. nationalism makes everyone feel like they are apart of something greater, and people tend to give a shit about things when they feel involved in the machine that makes up our culture/government