They wont sprout:-(

oh really???

Well-Known Member
hey just a quick question. if your germinated seeds are "mush" on the inside does that mean the seed are rotten? or does a germinated seed get "mushy"?


Well-Known Member
nah he has a point, when i was using the heating pad to germinate i noticed with the first ten seeds I failed with that they seemed really soft and mushy when i grabed them w tweezers to plant. then the latest batch i took it easy with the pad and kept it much lower and they sprouted with a harder more durable feel to the shell.

oh really???

Well-Known Member
yeah. i put beans in and waited a week. then i went searching. they hadn't even moved. and when i picked them up and crack them open, the inside was the consistancy of porridge (cream of wheat). plus the stuff inside smelled like rot. it was horrid. anyway...i know it was something i did. so i have about 15 left and i'm keeping it simple.

. . .weird huh?


Well-Known Member
Well at least it seems you know why you had problems... Turn that heat down/off and those seeds will be going good.


Well-Known Member
I dunno if this has been brought up...but after i plant the seeds, i always put a black plastic bag over the starter pots and put lights above to give it a sorta greenhouse effect...seems to work good for i do that to ALL my plants as well! Don't forget to have some air circulation as the black bags will promote mold in the soil.


Active Member
i have just planted 5 seeds after i germinated them . 1 and 2 came right out within 12-14 hours. 3 , 4, and 5 havent seen em yet . its been day 3. I started digging carefully and found out that the plant has rooted all the way but the top plant coulnt break through the soil. I guess i packed it too much (didnt think so when i was putting the soil in) but definately a problem. I got all 3 loose carefully and i am hopeing they are ok. number 3 root goes all the way down the cup. 4 was a little scrunched up. I dont want to transplant them yet. the roots are getting through the soil it was the plant itself that couldnt break through. since i freed them do you think they will be ok? they look a little down and a little yellow. any suggestions. 1 and 2 are green and healthy.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
nah he has a point, when i was using the heating pad to germinate i noticed with the first ten seeds I failed with that they seemed really soft and mushy when i grabed them w tweezers to plant. then the latest batch i took it easy with the pad and kept it much lower and they sprouted with a harder more durable feel to the shell.
This is right. The shell should never be soft or mushy but the inside is plant material so it has the consistency of baby leaves and roots. The guy talking about porridge and rotten smell, that's def a problem. You probably left them to germinate too long or soaked in too much water after planting. Seeds and their baby roots need to breathe a little and if you drown them they will rot and die.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
i have just planted 5 seeds after i germinated them . 1 and 2 came right out within 12-14 hours. 3 , 4, and 5 havent seen em yet . its been day 3. I started digging carefully and found out that the plant has rooted all the way but the top plant coulnt break through the soil. I guess i packed it too much (didnt think so when i was putting the soil in) but definately a problem. I got all 3 loose carefully and i am hopeing they are ok. number 3 root goes all the way down the cup. 4 was a little scrunched up. I dont want to transplant them yet. the roots are getting through the soil it was the plant itself that couldnt break through. since i freed them do you think they will be ok? they look a little down and a little yellow. any suggestions. 1 and 2 are green and healthy.
As long as the soil was good and moist when you planted it is probably best just to forget about your little seedlings for a couple days. The more you mess with them at this fragile stage, the higher the possibility there is for mistakes. And stress is very important when growing a plant. You want to put your plants through as little stress as possible in the seedling stage. There's stress training when they're older but that's another topic. So for now, make sure they have good light and moist soil and leave them alone for awhile. They will do their thing. Trust me.


Active Member
but what about them being yellow? Is that from the plant rooting but not sprouting out to get some light? I am gonna let them be for awhile but just in case i have a couple germinating.
thanks for the help

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yellow how? The whole plant or the leaves are starting to yellow. I had one plant that was the color of yellow gatorade for the first week, the entire plant. In fact I have pics. First one is when it was real yellow. It is a couple weeks behind the others. Second pic is about 10 days later. Nice and green but still the smallest of course. Still haven't given any nutrients. Sometimes they just need time to work through their quirks.

