i need to tear some asss upp ARRGGHHH


New Member
lately it's been all-consciousness-encompassing. jerking off is pointless when i feel back to my normal, raging, impulsive crazy self 10 minutes later. I CANT GET WOMEN OFF MY MIND. And actually real "women" too...my age or 2-3 years older. I never thought i'd prefer that age.

i recently chilled with a girl and VERY soon after I saw her (stepped foot inside her house) I had to take a seat cuz I couldn't have her seeing me get aroused in within 10 seconds of seeing her. i literally knocked said hey, leaned over to hug her short self and remained hunched over as i walked over to the couch

fuck i love yoga pants
You can get that pussy bro,just get inside her head 1st

"But remember,anybody can control a womans body,but the key is to control her mind"
the girls got the sweetest face i wish i could post but i can't

maybe if i get a shot of her backside though, that's all anonymous n gravey. well anonymous, but truely unlike anything else. that'd belong in the "noodz" thread, even with jeans on. RIU would lose it :p

slowly, steadiy...increasing flirtatious mode with her. i think we're both in each other's heads a bit. Shitt, she knows I want it, and I'm convinced she's charmed by me :D
the girls got the sweetest face i wish i could post but i can't

maybe if i get a shot of her backside though, that's all anonymous n gravey. well anonymous, but truely unlike anything else. that'd belong in the "noodz" thread, even with jeans on. RIU would lose it :p

slowly, steadiy...increasing flirtatious mode with her. i think we're both in each other's heads a bit. Shitt, she knows I want it, and I'm convinced she's charmed by me :D
Shiiit go ahead and snap a pic,and let us see what she workin with.
Go find a fat chick, they always seem good to go if you give them a little attention, or a snack pack!
I love women, too! :)

What can I say?.....it's just a part of me!

It's a fire inside me!


Love is my Religion by Ziggy Marley!!

Don't en up with another 'Spanish Girl' scenario...

Your immaturity and eagerness actually comes across as cute in an odd way... If your blind insane horniness could be described as such XD

Actually, I'd try explaining your situation an let her see how shy and embarrassed you are about the fact she arouses you but bring up the fact you tried not to let her see in the first 10 minutes out of respect/shame lol. Let her know you like her and you've been lonely.She might just giggle and look a little shy too...

...If you're lucky she'll grab your dick lol.
Don't en up with another 'Spanish Girl' scenario...

Your immaturity and eagerness actually comes across as cute in an odd way... If your blind insane horniness could be described as such XD

Actually, I'd try explaining your situation an let her see how shy and embarrassed you are about the fact she arouses you but bring up the fact you tried not to let her see in the first 10 minutes out of respect/shame lol. Let her know you like her and you've been lonely.She might just giggle and look a little shy too...

...If you're lucky she'll grab your dick lol.

i couldnt let her see me getting aroused! then again her eyes were looking me up & down after i walked in and she offered to give me a tour of her apartment

i'm like fuck yaaaa tooo the bedrooooom

She was looking you up and down??

Well when you go in for the kill, let her do a little chasing, too. Tease her, flirt a little, go to kiss her tentatively and let her respond. Maybe start off with a little cuddle or a tickle and see how she responds. I get the feeling she wants you but without you going 'get on your knees, bitch' or something like that. Like she's looking for 'permission' to let her vixen out without just throwing yourselves at eachother like it ain't not thing, you know? x

Good luck, sweetheart <3

@Lahada, he could help getting caught up and screwed over by a spanish speaking girl because he was blinded by her fantastic ass.

...It was indeed fantastic.