i need to tear some asss upp ARRGGHHH

Remember there's a girl attached to that pussy.. you can have an awful lot of fun with girls, involving polite conversation-making, ganja, game consoles, the kitchen and then ravaging every other part of her body first... Tease her and she will squeeze you..
I like to think that it's important to get to know each other B 4 jumping into the bedroom! I like to start with sharing meals, music and spaces.....plus, I want to have fun - like, to go out at night on the weekends and drink some, 420 & dance! Get to know each other some B 4 U have sex. B a friend first! Then, I like to talk about the sex well B 4 doing it! :)

Let her dance!!!! :)

we just had lunch...i felt like the vibe was dying a little ONLY toward the end

then she got up and walked her fine ass in those zip-up boot high heels with those jeans outside the door after me, and i looked at her and said "let's go to the park." She said she had an interview she had to go get ready for (she did, she talked about it in advance)...then we're walkin toward the car and i'm a pace behind her just admiring such a fine ass/walk...and she goes "and no kisses!" which I immediately read as flirty (we were texting before about how she got a cold and is contageous)

I raced up behind her and said "you're not contageous anymore" and she's smiling and saying "yea but I don't do that sort of thing with people."

And i go, "but i'm not "people" and I'm sure as hell not anybody" walk up to her, pointing to my cheek and as she goes to kiss itt....i turn my head and catch a LITTLE taste of her lips, but mostly just felt her wiiicked sofffttt cheek

she called me a brat a few times for that move. I'm just like whatever, i think shes flirting or into it, and i need to push for this cuz time is of the essence

goddamn i'm under her spell. i'm gonna try to get her in my hot tub before i leave. fuck that body is sooooo sexyyy
She's into you, I think...

But you have to remember its different with women. No one gives a shitbif you are a man who kisses or fucks women at any opportunity.

However, she probably gets alot of male interests dances (because she is attractive an men make advances every chance they get) and can she really be seen to encourage every guy, or give every guy a kiss who wants it and can she trust every guy? Either that or she'll find herself saying 'ok, but I don't do this for everyone' lettin him have his way then she's ditched and telling the next guy 'just for you but I dont do this for everyone' At the same time, some man is going to be calling her a prude if she isn't a slut.

I gave him the lecture about getting to know a woman first already, but nice to hear that viewpoint from a guy!!!

Hang in there hun. When she's finished ask her how her interview went, show that you care an are interested in something other than the contents of her jeans. This wil give you a topic for conversation and show you value her voyage of self-improvement and professional progression etc

Try inviting her back to yours for a shared activity that will show you more of her character or allow her to relax into being herself in the moment, enjoying it. Video games? Board games even? Then try the accidentally put your arms around her on the couch thing.

I kind of subconsciously found myself into Tip Top's arms during a movie ^^; but most girls will panic if you're putting the moves on too early. She's going to panic that you're just going to fuck and she's going to be left wondering what happened and is she going to see you again and away do you think of her.
damn kurio, pickin apart my post, yea IDK I kinda went haywire texting her but it was back n forth n witty

her txts are all "you were smirking like a punk :P" after i had "snaked" a kiss on her

idk, that whole scenario didnt feel right. i caught a little essence of her, close

but i went off the wall a little bit after i said she has a nervous tick and she should relax, in my hot tub (
we just had lunch...i felt like the vibe was dying a little ONLY toward the end

then she got up and walked her fine ass in those zip-up boot high heels with those jeans outside the door after me, and i looked at her and said "let's go to the park." She said she had an interview she had to go get ready for (she did, she talked about it in advance)...then we're walkin toward the car and i'm a pace behind her just admiring such a fine ass/walk...and she goes "and no kisses!" which I immediately read as flirty (we were texting before about how she got a cold and is contageous)

I raced up behind her and said "you're not contageous anymore" and she's smiling and saying "yea but I don't do that sort of thing with people."

And i go, "but i'm not "people" and I'm sure as hell not anybody" walk up to her, pointing to my cheek and as she goes to kiss itt....i turn my head and catch a LITTLE taste of her lips, but mostly just felt her wiiicked sofffttt cheek

she called me a brat a few times for that move. I'm just like whatever, i think shes flirting or into it, and i need to push for this cuz time is of the essence

goddamn i'm under her spell. i'm gonna try to get her in my hot tub before i leave. fuck that body is sooooo sexyyy
Bro,your almost in their LOL...but let me tell you a trick,just when she's about to give in to you,stop yourself,and say that you can't right now,that will make her want you even more,and say "we just met,I don't think we should do this" and then say "I gotta go,I just remembered I have to help someone with something" that shit will have her biting her nails,and pacing back and forth waiting for you to call her.Go missing for a couple days,then when you come back,that will make her even wetter than niagra falls,and then give her ass the business,I'm talking about have her shaking even after you are done.

BUT!! if you just wanna hit it one time,soon as she gives you the chance,smash and go,but see paragraph 1 for a everyday,speed dial fuck LOL..
Yup, it will make you say stupid shit. I could be the same. In fact I am the same with women... Sometimes I just blatantly hit on them and sound like the biggest creep ever. But I'm not tryin to get with them. You are trying to get with her, however lol

If the feeling isn't right, give it up. Find someone who wants to do some hobby stuff or activities with you and you might find that plain girl who is down for an Xbox session has 'something special' about her smile.
we just had lunch...i felt like the vibe was dying a little ONLY toward the end

then she got up and walked her fine ass in those zip-up boot high heels with those jeans outside the door after me, and i looked at her and said "let's go to the park." She said she had an interview she had to go get ready for (she did, she talked about it in advance)...then we're walkin toward the car and i'm a pace behind her just admiring such a fine ass/walk...and she goes "and no kisses!" which I immediately read as flirty (we were texting before about how she got a cold and is contageous)

I raced up behind her and said "you're not contageous anymore" and she's smiling and saying "yea but I don't do that sort of thing with people."

And i go, "but i'm not "people" and I'm sure as hell not anybody" walk up to her, pointing to my cheek and as she goes to kiss itt....i turn my head and catch a LITTLE taste of her lips, but mostly just felt her wiiicked sofffttt cheek

she called me a brat a few times for that move. I'm just like whatever, i think shes flirting or into it, and i need to push for this cuz time is of the essence

goddamn i'm under her spell. i'm gonna try to get her in my hot tub before i leave. fuck that body is sooooo sexyyy

It's a succubus!! quit get out now before she eats yew all like omnomnom with a side of veggies

Check out this Classic image of putting a woman on a pedestal! Classic! He's kissing her shin and she's got some lovely B-cup sized breasts exposed! Awesome!
