tip top toker
Well-Known Member
I just don't see it happening on a regular basis, its one thing if police bust someone without RIU then go to court then they bring out ya know pictures on their computer of them and pot and they can identify ect buti dont see feds and police sitting here trying to find every active member. I think and would hope they have better thigns to do
No, they do not find every active members, but they do run around looking for folk bragging about their big grows. But the folk who were busted, form what i recall the evidence was not obtained post-arrest, it was the posts which aided in the signing of the warrant.
And jigfresh, by cops, i mean anyone with that form of authority, be it the police, or any form of government looking at stopping the nasty law breakers.
And you do know that they do not nesecarilly have to have people scouring grow sites, it would be piss easy for them to write a program to search for key phrases etc which in turn then alerts a human being to look into it. On a larger scale, look at GCHQ in the UK, they have software and whatnot recording all emails, texts, phone calls etc, just mention the word bomb in an email and the email get's flagged for attention. Very easy to assign a computer to also look out for certain phrases such as "100 plants" as a random exmaple.