
Well-Known Member
Looks like the area where I grew up in Southern NM, West Texas.
Yall are telling on yourselves.I will be very careful bcuz the police are on these forums,believe that,that's how a certain somebody got caught not too long ago,but I won't say any names.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yall are telling on yourselves.I will be very careful bcuz the police are on these forums,believe that,that's how a certain somebody got caught not too long ago,but I won't say any names.
Lol, we are all aware that cops wander these forums these forums. What do you take us for?


Well-Known Member
I personally had no idea! :o

I wonder why the cops haven't busted the rest of us in the 10 months since then?


Staff member
once again police and feds have better things to do then go search the 400 thousand plus members on this site and any other marijuanna site.

seriously. think about it!
you can always just say "oh i was just trying to be cool i was lying"

yo FDD your address is on that club ..info

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
once again police and feds have better things to do then go search the 400 thousand plus members on this site and any other marijuanna site.

seriously. think about it!
you can always just say "oh i was just trying to be cool i was lying"
Say what you will, i recall a couple of users who got busted and the evidence against them included RIU posts.


Staff member
Say what you will, i recall a couple of users who got busted and the evidence against them included RIU posts.
I just don't see it happening on a regular basis, its one thing if police bust someone without RIU then go to court then they bring out ya know pictures on their computer of them and pot and they can identify ect buti dont see feds and police sitting here trying to find every active member. I think and would hope they have better thigns to do


Well-Known Member
So when you guys say cops, do you mean local police? You really think they have the resources to have an officer sitting on a computer all day looking at the internet? Don't you think it would be tough for them to sort through everyone on here to find someone in their jurisdiction. Talk about a needle in a haystack.

Are these DEA officers hanging out on RIU? CIA? Interpol? Who exactly scours grow sites for people to bust? I'm curious at the theories.