Obama's Slogan "Forward" is Socialism

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'm with Freedom, one term president! Obama is a fake socialist. You didn't build that. Redistribute the wealth. Sharing his sandwich elementary. He wants to fool us. I won't fall for it. All he wants is to take and not give.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So you want Obama to LITERALLY make you "butt hurt" ?
i believe the wabbit was asking for a reacharound.

we will not receive one.

the left is too busy driving Forward! to the next available butthole for the raping, leaving the ruined sphincters of their previous victims "behind" so to speak.

thats how marxism works. to keep the "revolution" from dying in its own filth you must export marxism to new areas, expanding endlessly, consuming the freedom and opportunity in new areas to feed the useless dead weight dragging behind the "Vanguard" of marxist thought.


Well-Known Member
yet another fail thread
If that were true, Why would Obama's slogan of "Forward" represent only Wisconsin, and not the rest of America? There are 49 other states. According to Obama there are 60 states. But I assure you he is wrong. The more plausible explanation for Obama's slogan " Forward" is because he can relate very well to the teachings of Karl Marx. Barack Obama, plays down his mentorship with Communist author Saul Alinsky. But Alinsky’s son, L. David Alinsky, credits Obama for “learning his lesson well” from the Communist guru.


Well-Known Member
If that were true, Why would Obama's slogan of "Forward" represent only Wisconsin, and not the rest of America? There are 49 other states. According to Obama there are 60 states. But I assure you he is wrong. The more plausible explanation for Obama's slogan " Forward" is because he can relate very well to the teachings of Karl Marx. Barack Obama, plays down his mentorship with Communist author Saul Alinsky. But Alinsky’s son, L. David Alinsky, credits Obama for “learning his lesson well” from the Communist guru.
it doesnt represent just wisconsin are you on crack you want a 50 word slogan?

wisconsin was using "forward" well before any of your examples
if the best you got to suggest obama is a communist is a shared word from many different backgrounds then you have a very weak case indeed

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
But what then is so significant about the slogan, “Forward” and why would the left, in one instance, purposely choose a word that is code-speak among Marxists and then go out of its way to hide all reference to that fact later? Liberal wack nuts refuse to answer, but circulating the Internet are a myriad Soviet and Maoist propaganda posters that provide hard-hitting insight into just how meaningful the “forward” saying truly is. Take a walk down Communist lane as Stalin, Lenin and Mao blast “forward” for victory.

you make me laugh.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It's all about slight of hand. You tell your objective to your target audience, while denying it to your detractors. If Obama had his way, he'd turn us into the new US of SR. He's planting the ideas while continuing the bullshit.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
It's all about slight of hand. You tell your objective to your target audience, while denying it to your detractors. If Obama had his way, he'd turn us into the new US of SR. He's planting the ideas while continuing the bullshit.
get your tinfoil hats, replace the lead one you've been using.


Well-Known Member
Obama has been to 57 states. He has one left to go. He is not going to Alaska or Hawaii. 57+1+1+1=60


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Why will he wail like a baby? In a little over two days that's what you'll be doing once Obama is repealed.


Well-Known Member
it doesnt represent just wisconsin are you on crack you want a 50 word slogan?

wisconsin was using "forward" well before any of your examples
if the best you got to suggest obama is a communist is a shared word from many different backgrounds then you have a very weak case indeed
The word "Forward" comes from Obama's upbringing. Everybody from his family to his mentors, to relationships throughout his life.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The word "Forward" comes from Obama's upbringing. Everybody from his family to his mentors, to relationships throughout his life.

frank marshall davis and barack obama junior and senor are not communists. they are/were socialists. theres a difference.


Well-Known Member
well if you got the juice on his upbringing why you stuck on the word "forward"
Barack Obama said:
To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.
Obama is stuck on the word "Forward" Its his slogan. Along with Stalin, Lenin and Mao.