Rick Simpson Oil Cures Cancer Patient

rick simpson oil is classically made with naptha.
it shouldnt get you high or lethargic at all..
you eat a fingerfull in the morning and night to fight most cancers

Yes, you consume 2oz of oil in a 90 day period for most cancers, more if you had chemo.
When I found out about Rick Simpson Oil, I made the best oil I could. I tracked down a cancer patient who I had met a couple of years prior at a CC meeting, and offered him my caregiver services. We filed the proper paperwork and began treatment, at no cost to him. After 5 months of treatment with the RSO, the cannabis oil did for him what the doctors and modern medicine could not do in battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma for 12 years. He is now cancer free and we fully believe it is due to the RSO!! He has had a CAT scan that verifies that he is cancer free. He looks so much healthier and happier now and is back to his normal weight, he gained back 40 pounds that he had lost from being so sick the last couple of years. This is no BS, see for yourself.


This is wonderful, stories like these light up my day... thanks for sharing.

Please get your oil tested sometime, it would be of great service to us all. Sometimes RSO works, sometimes it doesn't, no one knows why but I'd be willing to bet it has to do with CBD content. I have someone close to me with Hodgkin's Lymphoma so I would love to know...

CBD plants are probably the ultimate for cancer, you can dose very high without getting too blasted, you can still function...
Yes, you consume 2oz of oil in a 90 day period for most cancers, more if you had chemo.

My cancer patient and other patients were not able to consume 2 oz of my oil in a 90 day period. The potency of the oil has a lot to do with how much a patient is able to consume. Joe, the Hodgkin's Lymphoma patient, consumed about 1.5 oz of oil during the 5 month period.

A lot has to do with the strains used in making the oil, how much quality bud material was used, and how well the plants were grown.
This is wonderful, stories like these light up my day... thanks for sharing.

Please get your oil tested sometime, it would be of great service to us all. Sometimes RSO works, sometimes it doesn't, no one knows why but I'd be willing to bet it has to do with CBD content. I have someone close to me with Hodgkin's Lymphoma so I would love to know...

CBD plants are probably the ultimate for cancer, you can dose very high without getting too blasted, you can still function...

As for the oil working sometimes and sometimes not, there are many factors to consider. In most cases, I truly believe the oil would have worked. Many times patients do not follow the directions of taking three doses per day. I have read many stories where the oil was made with garbage parts of the plant and not quality bud. The lower grade the oil, the lower the odds it will cure anything.

As for testing, yes I would like to have my oil tested. However, the testing does not carry much value to me. The biggest reason is most tests at best are only 60 - 70% accurate. That is the primary reason I have not had my oil tested. I truly believe that a smoke test of the bud before using it to make oil is probably the best. One example of why I prefer to do a smoke test of the buds. A particular strain can come out much differently between say 4 different growers. Also, one strain can come out different between one growers harvests. There is no real exact science in growing. There are so many variables to consider that can change the make up of the final product. Something else to consider, say you order white widow because it is high in THC or whatever, or order a strain that is high in CBDs. That does not mean you will get that exact phenotype that produced those results. In most cases, there is such a wide variety of phenotypes the only way to know is with a smoke test or have those exact buds tested every harvest.

So, all in all, I prefer the smoke test before making the oil with a particular strain. I always choose the most potent strains from each harvest. I believe the cure rate would be much higher if the oil was always made to a high quality medicinal product and the patient uses as directed. I believe that the failure rate can be attributed to low quality oils and the patient not taking the recommended three doses per day. It requires three doses per day to be able to build up a tolerance to be able to increase the dose size. When my patients dropped down to two doses per day, for maintenance doses, it forced their tolerance back down to where it was when they initially started taking the oil.

High THC has been proven to be most effective on cancer. CBDs do play a big roll, yes, but THC has been proven to kill cancer cells.
What you have posted is 100% why I haven't done it yet. I have several tinctures, I think the RSO should be of my best bud, and the buds should be tested. If I don't use a regular strain of mine and I don't know the lab levels, then I cannot make consistent medicine. This takes a certain quantity of quality buds. That is one of the leading reasons we are setting up in Detroit.

Any more info on strains. I intend on using Black Widow, pre-98 Bubba, and probably Jack the Ripper (because of potency and high thc-v). I figure if I have four good strains, then I will use a qp of each every batch.
This is wonderful, stories like these light up my day... thanks for sharing.

Please get your oil tested sometime, it would be of great service to us all. Sometimes RSO works, sometimes it doesn't, no one knows why but I'd be willing to bet it has to do with CBD content. I have someone close to me with Hodgkin's Lymphoma so I would love to know...

CBD plants are probably the ultimate for cancer, you can dose very high without getting too blasted, you can still function...

here is where we disagree.

no one compound beats out the other.

if it is one thing we should take from marinol and other synthetics, it that it has very little to do with just one compound.

it has EVERYTHING to do with the correct ratios.

THC to CBD ought to a 1:1 ratio. they couter each other and work more effectively together.

i would also say.. everyone here can attest to how i feel about proper nutrition (do as i say, not as i do.. lol)
proper Omegas, limiting your meat proteins, and following a diet or juice diet while on the an RSO treatment will bring success rates to the 90 percent i'm sure.

diet cannot be ignored. and the ratios cannot either. THC and CBD both have effects on anti-cancer, but also they inhibit each other as well, by boosting your immune system as a whole.
THC and CBD are both very effective on cancer. In general cancer drugs are going to be effect for a subset of cancers, no two overlapping completely, so they may be able to kill different cancers. Neither is going to be able to kill all cancers. I know of no evidence that THC and CBD need to be present together to be effective against cancer - the modulating effect of CBD on THC that is absent in Marinol is really just an issue with its psychological effects. CBD has the advantage of not making someone feel "fucked up" - adjusting to high dose RSO can be a big problem for some. Also, many need to keep working because they'll lose their health insurance if they don't, and so being blasted out of their minds daily from THC isn't an option.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Use any part of the plant you can. There is more to our plant than THC/CBD's use it all. Start small and learn how not to fuck up the process. Get it out there for people to use and try. If I waited until I had pounds of selected herb we would not hav samples or freebies for patients to try.
Any more info on strains. I intend on using Black Widow, pre-98 Bubba, and probably Jack the Ripper (because of potency and high thc-v). I figure if I have four good strains, then I will use a qp of each every batch.

Master Kush is the other. DJ from Canna collective emailed me today and my southern cali master kush will be shipped out monday.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Use any part of the plant you can. There is more to our plant than THC/CBD's use it all. Start small and learn how not to fuck up the process. Get it out there for people to use and try. If I waited until I had pounds of selected herb we would not hav samples or freebies for patients to try.

I agree. That is what I did. I sacrificed a quarter pound, followed the directions, and made some oil. My first batches of oil were given to the cancer patient.

A quarter pound is plenty to start, but you can start with less. You can use sugar shake if you have to. At least give it a try. There is nothing better than experience.

How is one to learn if they won't even try? Make the oil, give it to patients. Indoor quality bud is good enough in most cases. It does not have to be perfect. It is better off to start not trying to be perfect. Just follow the directions and be safe, use common sense.

I truly believe the oil is a gift from God.
Finally, a thread with some substance to it. great job on your RSO, and helping people out. The world needs more people like you.
Very inspiring thread. I have been researching RSO and it sure looks promising. I'll be making my first batch this weekend using 4 ounces well trimmed bud and naphtha. I have the rice cooker and coffee warmer.
In the RSO video it says to soak and stir the bud in naphtha for 2 to 3 minutes. Would it be at all beneficial to let it soak for longer?
Very inspiring thread. I have been researching RSO and it sure looks promising. I'll be making my first batch this weekend using 4 ounces well trimmed bud and naphtha. I have the rice cooker and coffee warmer.
In the RSO video it says to soak and stir the bud in naphtha for 2 to 3 minutes. Would it be at all beneficial to let it soak for longer?


a wash is best for purity and quality. quality in.. quality out. you break down more plant material with a longer soak.
My how time flies! I forgot I started this thread (maybe I have just been using too much of my oil) LOL :D

I am looking to try to cure another Michigan registered patient of cancer. There is still time to become a registered patient if you are not already.
If you have cancer and have proof of diagnosis, and you are interested in taking RSO to treat your cancer, then contact me. Send me a PM.
My caregiver services will be provided 100% free for a Michigan cancer patient for up to 6 months. Will only provide oil. I will not be growing your plants. The oil will come from my current patients plants. This offer is limited and time sensitive.
So, for any questions or more information, send me a PM.
My how time flies! I forgot I started this thread (maybe I have just been using too much of my oil) LOL :D

I am looking to try to cure another Michigan registered patient of cancer. There is still time to become a registered patient if you are not already.
If you have cancer and have proof of diagnosis, and you are interested in taking RSO to treat your cancer, then contact me. Send me a PM.
My caregiver services will be provided 100% free for a Michigan cancer patient for up to 6 months. Will only provide oil. I will not be growing your plants. The oil will come from my current patients plants. This offer is limited and time sensitive.
So, for any questions or more information, send me a PM.

GOOD FOR YOU SIR, really great work!! I have picked a very sticky deep purple from TGA to try a RSO run on shortly
Grow Goddess,

Awesome story about the RSO! You are amazing!

I am interested in talking with you. I am unable to send a pm.