Rick Simpson Oil Cures Cancer Patient

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
When I found out about Rick Simpson Oil, I made the best oil I could. I tracked down a cancer patient who I had met a couple of years prior at a CC meeting, and offered him my caregiver services. We filed the proper paperwork and began treatment, at no cost to him. After 5 months of treatment with the RSO, the cannabis oil did for him what the doctors and modern medicine could not do in battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma for 12 years. He is now cancer free and we fully believe it is due to the RSO!! He has had a CAT scan that verifies that he is cancer free. He looks so much healthier and happier now and is back to his normal weight, he gained back 40 pounds that he had lost from being so sick the last couple of years. This is no BS, see for yourself.

If rso is really the cure for cancer that's what we should all be in this for. we got generations upon generations to cure!! Congrats. I can't wait to be able to test rso myself....Happy Growing
I use it myself at maintaince doses or if I'm ever having trouble sleeping...wham. Personally I like using 190 everclear, but have been thinking of using dry ice to sift and then then the alcohol, thoughts anybody? That's awesome work there GG!
congrats man! great story!! im watching a medical mmj about fighting cancer right now btw! GREAT JOB MAN!
I use it myself at maintaince doses or if I'm ever having trouble sleeping...wham. Personally I like using 190 everclear, but have been thinking of using dry ice to sift and then then the alcohol, thoughts anybody? That's awesome work there GG!
just use the dry ice no alcohol. alcohol is just a method of extracting just like the dry ice method. i think you still have to heat it to activate it
When I found out about Rick Simpson Oil, I made the best oil I could. I tracked down a cancer patient who I had met a couple of years prior at a CC meeting, and offered him my caregiver services. We filed the proper paperwork and began treatment, at no cost to him. After 5 months of treatment with the RSO, the cannabis oil did for him what the doctors and modern medicine could not do in battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma for 12 years. He is now cancer free and we fully believe it is due to the RSO!! He has had a CAT scan that verifies that he is cancer free. He looks so much healthier and happier now and is back to his normal weight, he gained back 40 pounds that he had lost from being so sick the last couple of years. This is no BS, see for yourself.


I've met joe quite a few times! RSO has saved many! and may it continue to do so!

will be going to the Cannabis Camp (where the youtube vid takes place) in the middle of july to watch and learn the RSO process.
When I found out about Rick Simpson Oil, I made the best oil I could. I tracked down a cancer patient who I had met a couple of years prior at a CC meeting, and offered him my caregiver services. We filed the proper paperwork and began treatment, at no cost to him. After 5 months of treatment with the RSO, the cannabis oil did for him what the doctors and modern medicine could not do in battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma for 12 years. He is now cancer free and we fully believe it is due to the RSO!! He has had a CAT scan that verifies that he is cancer free. He looks so much healthier and happier now and is back to his normal weight, he gained back 40 pounds that he had lost from being so sick the last couple of years. This is no BS, see for yourself.

Please tell me about the strain and its THC/CBD levels that you used to make your oil with.
so glad to hear of your sucess!!

I make a lot of capsules. The process for RSO uses the whole bud. His directions state "start with a pound of good bud". If you used just kief,you would get a hashoil cap but not RSO. The trichs do not have the terps,limolenes(sp),etc,

My tested THC's hav been from %12 to %22 CBD/CBN are all over
Homeless purple for example %20.3thca cbda%.2 cbn %1.0
Please tell me about the strain and its THC/CBD levels that you used to make your oil with.

I used 4 different strains, all indica dominant. Unfortunately, three of the strains are rather difficult to get. Strawberry Cough Kushman Cut (clone only), 4-G (clone only), and Dr. Atomic Blueberry Jam. The Dr. Atomic BBJ is difficult because there are many phenotypes to sort through when first grown from seed. Most of the phenotypes are of a lower quality unless you are lucky to find the right blueberry tasting one. The last strain I used is TGA Querkle, space queen dominant. I think that the Querkle space queen dominant is one of the better strains to use. I highly recommend using Qush, I will be using that in the future. With the Qush, I have selected the shorter low stretch phenotype. Soon I will be selecting a phenotype from TGA SpaceDawg.

As for the THC/CBD levels, well I have not had any of my buds or oil tested. So I am unable to answer that question.

For me, I cast judgement on smoke tests, then I determine whether or not it is a worthy strain for making the oil. I planned on having some of the oil tested, but the patient was in need of some more medicine, so of course it went to him.
I use it myself at maintaince doses or if I'm ever having trouble sleeping...wham. Personally I like using 190 everclear, but have been thinking of using dry ice to sift and then then the alcohol, thoughts anybody? That's awesome work there GG!

rick simpson oil is classically made with naptha.
it shouldnt get you high or lethargic at all..
you eat a fingerfull in the morning and night to fight most cancers
Wow, what a great story GG!! You must be thrilled that you could help save this mans life!

It was a greater high than any drug can provide!!

I can't even put it into words how good I felt when he told me the results of the CAT scan and by how much better and healthier he looked from only 5 months prior to the scan.

During treatment, we set it up to where the plants would be in his possession. This way, he could get a garden started so in the future he would be able to supply himself with the essential oil. I provided him cuttings of all 4 of the strains that I used in making the oil to get him started.

Now, this patient is also a caregiver providing the oil to other cancer patients. He has also been teaching others how to make the oil as directed. Kind of like a "Pay it forward" type of thing.

This guy has a very big heart, true blue through and through. I could not be more happy for him and the others he is helping. We both feel very blessed.
rick simpson oil is classically made with naptha.
it shouldnt get you high or lethargic at all..
you eat a fingerfull in the morning and night to fight most cancers

Yes, Rick Simpson uses naptha. He also says that 99% isopropyl alcohol can be just as effective. I feel more comfortable using the 99% iso.

Not sure where you obtained your information, but the cannabis oil I make is very potent. It is very easy to get too high from a very small amount. That is the purpose of starting off with small doses the size of a grain of rice on up to a dose the size of a small pea. From what I recall, it took my patient about 6 weeks before he could work up to a dose larger than a grain of rice while building up his tolerance. During the treatment, he took three doses per day. That is not easy to do because the oil is so potent. The effects of each dose can last up to 12 hours.
I agree with the 99% iso being better than the naptha. ct walrus i think the trick is to heat it first so the thc/ cbd becomes activated. thats why medables get you high because they are heated before consumption. growoddess you use a rice cooker am i correct? I always infuse that stuff in extra virgin olive oil on the stove top. It can be used as a topical or you can drink it. one teaspoon in enough to get you buzzed if you like that sort of thing. If you try it as a topical you will find that it treats a number of skin conditions.
I agree with the 99% iso being better than the naptha. ct walrus i think the trick is to heat it first so the thc/ cbd becomes activated. thats why medables get you high because they are heated before consumption. growoddess you use a rice cooker am i correct? I always infuse that stuff in extra virgin olive oil on the stove top. It can be used as a topical or you can drink it. one teaspoon in enough to get you buzzed if you like that sort of thing. If you try it as a topical you will find that it treats a number of skin conditions.

Yes, I use a rice cooker.
I have heard of others infusing the RSO with olive oil. I have not tried that yet. Some people will do that and use it as salad oil.

One of my patients believed he was getting skin cancer on his nose. It was not officially diagnosed though so we do not know for sure if it was cancer. I gave him a 1cc syringe of the RSO. I told him to mix some of the oil 50/50 with some triple antibiotic ointment (neosporin). Stir it around with a toothpick and it mixes up real nice. He put it on his nose at night with a band-aid and within 2 weeks the lesion was gone and it has not returned since. It had been bothering him for a couple of months before treating it with the oil/salve mix.
Thank you everyone for all of your input and kind words.

Oh yes, I also wanted to mention about the Hodgkin' Lymphoma patient. It was a little less than a pound of bud made into the oil that treated him for the 5 months.
I would like to note that I had made three different batches, I did not make it up all at one time.

I ended up with approximately 5 grams (5cc) of oil per ounce of bud. 5 grams of oil is equivalent to 1 teaspoon.
Have you looked into the high CBD strains that are coming out?? Hopefully we can make a cap that 'normal' patients can handle larger doses.
rick simpson oil is classically made with naptha.
it shouldnt get you high or lethargic at all..
you eat a fingerfull in the morning and night to fight most cancers
Yes it is made with naphtha. But you are way off on the effects. Mine will rock your world. Either wake you up and motivated you or knock you out. Depends on the person as to which effect.
I am happy to be reading great articles like this and happy we are findin more great things that come out of the greatest plant of this world