Well-Known Member
I top up with only fresh water after it gets down to about 1/3rd it really helps with keeping a clean system, during flowering i may top up with fresh water + carbs ( suga rush or pineapple rush ) something with a mild potash enhancement and natural sugars. Saying this, it's not a 'mild' system, by now i can run full strength base (grow a+b) as long as i don't over do the additives, B1 boost, silica and Dr. Repair. I watch for leaf vigor and stance for the amount of Dr. Repair i only want to see her 'perky' with raised leaves around once a week coming towards the end, this tells me how much food she's having, and how much is being wasted. Over-all i keep her metabolism very high after flush and then make her hungry towards the end of the week by diluting with fresh water. It's like she's always waiting for her maximum feed so it pushes her to her limit she will take up as much food and water as she can but hopefully never too much
The first time i used it i was shocked. The comparison is Ferrari vs Ford.
I would look carefully at the additives you're using however most liquid fertz can mix with XL (phos acid) organics is a no no it just kills everything you're trying to thrive.
Cyco in my opinion is definitely up there with the best, quality is really good and very consistent. Variables are basically up to me if i want to change the food regime. Alot isn't needed as first noted first page
I would stick with clean quality liquid ofcourse, i hear good things with advanced nutrients, ignore the bad hype its bogus... Some of cyco boys came from advanced a little birdie told me.... general hydro, good stuff, sensi nutes good stuff. Whatever Lordjin uses~!! can't remember but its obviously the bomb, you don't get quality bud without using quality nutes so don't go mixing up a box of 'thrive flower and fruit' unless you have $10 left for nutrients lol it will work but salt and deficiencies will be happening guaranteed especially if you mix high strength.
Most people go wrong by thinking the plant 'needs more' but adding more can sometimes lockout important and essential elements because the ph simply buffers them rendering them useless which then they turn to SALT. Salt then binds with other elements unless you flush and will pick up important traces like iron, calcium thus ending up with a deficiency or lockout. Then you can run into problems like the tips burning or simply no growth because the pores on the leaves block up and refuse to transpire and evaporate moisture. and in a high ph res with blocked leaf pores the leaves can only transpire through the very tip of the leaves and there is little surface area because of the shape of weed leaves so they burn very easily. But a GREAT tell-tale sign for over-nuting or environmental issues
Little bit of basic chemistry but all part of simple horticulture
The idea of my system is to keep nothing sitting still in the system for more than half an hour, even after feeding the perlite will; continue to drip for another 15-30 minutes continuously mixing in the res, and every 2 hours i'm feeding now, with perlite it's near impossible to over water in the later stages as long as you use an airstone to oxygenate the water.
Sweet bro, another very well informed answer hey and i totally understand, ive just finished studying chemistry and environmental chem for my uni degree and this all makes perfect sense

cheers for the full detailed reply man, it helps is all so much