1. end the war on drugs and outlaw waging war against abstract ideas
2. release all non-violent drug offenders from prison
3. legalize all drugs in the USA for individual use. I would keep drugs illegal to minors, I would regulate drugs to ensure what you purchase is actually what you want, and I would use the taxes collected on the sale of these drugs to go towards institutions working towards helping people with addictions and recovery
4. work on a comprehensive solution tot he obesity epidemic and strongly incentivize the food industry to serve healthier meals
5. increase teachers wages, increase their training, and increase the requirements to become a teacher, ensuring we get highly paid, highly skilled individuals teaching the next generations who actually enjoy and are successful at what they're doing
6. ensure no conviction without representation, innocent until proven guilty
7. abolish capital punishment
8. release Bradley Manning and guarantee compensation for being imprisoned
9. donate every US military base outside of US territory to the country it's in and bring every soldier in them home
10. end the war in Afghanistan and bring every soldier there home
11. end No Child Left Behind, put someone competent into the position of Secretary of Education, have them come up with a plan to educate the nations youth and give them a 3 year deadline to show improving results or they're replaced, with the goal being #1 in science, math, history and english worldwide
12. hire a Secretary of Energy and have him come up with a realistic solution to abandoning our dependence on foreign and domestic oil, with the eventual goal of being completely, 100%, self sufficient by 2030, 4 years to show improving results or he's replaced
13. tax breaks to everyone across the board, igniting economic growth
14. hire a board of world renowned economists to find a realistic solution to eliminating the debt
15. Mars by 2030
16. hire a board of civil engineers to determine what needs to be fixed in American infrastructure and hire the American workers to fix it
17. hire a Secretary of Immigration and have him come up with an easier way to become an American citizen, with the goal being to quell illegal immigration into the US, results in 2 years or replaced
18. anyone caught up in corruption in my administration and found guilty will receive life imprisonment with no possibility of parole
19. abolish the federal reserve and the fiat banking system
20. universal healthcare for every American citizen
21. incentivize jobs in the medical field, education, science and technology, engineering, electricity and mechanics, and art by reducing the cost to attend higher education
22. ensure higher education is affordable by every American citizen
23. incentivize international corporations to base in the US
24. +10% to NASA's budget
25. abolish the DEA
More to come...