modern politics are based on polarization of the electorate. each side dodges discussion of their own ideas, and simply mocks belittles and disparages the ideas of the opponent.
when you indulge in mindless hate of the other guy because rachel maddow, glenn beck or sean hannity say you should you become a jingoist, not a thinking, informed voter.
we need more thinkin and less stinkin.
politicains are salesmen, they sell their image, not their ideas. barack came out of the gates strong last time, with ideas, proposals and promises which may not have been 100% what i like, but he was head and shoulders above mc cain.
then he flipped the script. the election became about how stupid sarah palin is, and how if you dont vote for him youre racist.
his "shadow government" of lobbyists and leftist hacks in his run up to the inauguration was the last straw. after that he couldnt get my support if he promised me free beer and a puppy.
romney is selling his bullshit story of business acumen, but he started off rich and just got richer. once you hit the top tier, you would have to be a real shit-for-brains to go broke.
when i do the math, his plan for america's working people is "be born rich, then hire an accountant and investment advisors".
barrack's plan: hold out your hand and the government will fill it with free shit taken from those who have more than you, and if you happen to get lucky and approach financial independence, we will kneecap you and send you back to the gutter.
neither one knows what it means to sweat away your days at the coal face, and then still wind up broke, and neither one gives a shit about those who work too hard for too little.
fuck em both.