nice doe green thumb. I can't wait till rifle season I didn't get one last year but I also didn't get out much last year. I'm getting one this year though I don't care if I need to soak down with doe in heat and walk around with the 12 gauge hoping to get I just seen a nice 8+ point buck just down the road from my house I want that big boy for sure. I haven't beaten my first buck still to this day I was only 15 and I got a 9 point buck. I'd like to go down south to hunt I know places like tennesee are loaded with deer I heard the bag limit was like 2 deer a day up here you can only get 1 per season rifle but you can get 2 archery. I'd loved to get a moose liscense theirs probally more moose around here then deer atleast I see moose more often but I never win the lottery for the moose tag.![]()
I tried using the doe in estrus last year at the end of the season I just put it on my boots though but no luck. I have heard they will attack you if you wear it theirs even a warning on the bottle. I wouldn't do it with a rifle but buck shot will put them down quick.Thanks. I've been tempted to get some doe estrus urine to lay out somewhere and see it if actually works. I myself have never tried it, but heard of a guy getting attacked by a buck for putting it on himself.
I haven't quite decided if I am going to use my rifle this year. It's an extra license that I would have to buy, even though my license covers elk and black bear if I so choose to hunt them. I tell you what though, my step dad is pissed because last year I was the only one to get a deer and I just bagged one yesterday. HAHA. Another thing I know he is mad about is that he buys rage broad heads hoping that he will get a pass through and it has yet to happen for him, all the while I am using some cheap 10 dollar broad heads from Walmart.
I'm sure my crossbow has a lot to do with it though. That fucker is powerful.
Yep. They will fuck a man up quickly. BUT, i don't think i've EVER heard of an incident where the deer attacked out of self-defense or predatory nature. It's damn near ALWAYS related to them trying to get laid lol.Damn, I may put some on my dogs just to get a closer look at them on my walks... can't believe a deer would have the balls to attack a human.
Lol. i'll stick with my 30/30 as my brush gun.lmao man o man bucks in rut=stupidity driven via nuts! As for any ole deer as the elders say if its on that certain part and we need meat.....then if its brown its down! lmao caught the old man trying to go hunting last year with a fcuken .444 marlin, lol called it his 'BRUSH GUN'!Must be the generation!
Shoot skin it what do ya do with that yote ?
Oh look its rick perrygot this guy friday night love coyote hunting
The doe in estrus would only work during the start and peak of the rut I would think. End of the season would seem like it would be too late for it to have an effect since most of the does are not in heat anymore and the bucks start becoming nocturnal again.I tried using the doe in estrus last year at the end of the season I just put it on my boots though but no luck. I have heard they will attack you if you wear it theirs even a warning on the bottle. I wouldn't do it with a rifle but buck shot will put them down quick.
I only got about a week for rifle season though I can't wait I just seen a big buck 1/4 mile down the road from my house by a field and he ran up the logging road which is perfect cause the logger has it posted so I'm the only one that goes up their I can't wait.