New Bagseed Grow. CFL'S


Well-Known Member
Man, i only got a webcam right now, Im workin on it though. My tallest plant is doin awesome, its starting to look like a pot plant, the first 3 leaf leaves are coming out good. And it still looks healthy as hell.


Well-Known Member
Ok well, Its been exactley 3 weeks from seed. Its bag seed. They look really healthy to me. There still under 24/0 light. I Just gave them there first feeding, im gonna feed them once a week. I got miracle grow. Its weak stuff the NPK is only 12-4-8. Supposedly nitrogen is good for plants in veg.? i mixed 1/2 teaspoon with 2 liters of water. Like the directions say. They are kinda young 2 be puttin nutes on. But like u can see. Its not very strong stuff. And its supposed to be really good for tomatoes. Which are very similar too pot. So, im hoping for the best. If the plants dont like it and it burns them because there to young im gonna stop. Hopefully they will like it though. How long does nute burn usually take to form? Well. Heres the 2 pics anyways. Just took these. Everyone feel free to post and comment. I want to hear what you have to say. I want the best plant possible.



Well-Known Member
Your plants don't need any nutes yet, they are still too young. Looks like you have been over watering or they are already root bound. See that one drooping?

And I hope you got something to test your PH? Have you done that yet? If not, they will surely meet their death with you giving them nutes in non PHed water. When you add those nutes to the water, it will drop the PH.


Well-Known Member
It looks like drooping. But thats just the way its growing, Its been like that from the start. Those leave are nice and strong. Im also not to sure about the nutes. Its a trial thing right now. If it is to much for them, Then im gonna stop. And no i have yet to PH my water. And yes they are rootbound though. Im transplanting tomarrow. The roots are starting to turn webby like on the very bottom, The cups are clear, so i can see them. But size wise. Do they look alright. And oh yah, im getting PH tests friday, Where i went to look for them, The shipment was late so the didnt have any. But i will. And youll be the first to know the results besides me. i promise ;).


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give them any nutes until you can find out the PH. But if you insist on still giving them some, give them a very very small amount. If it's too much for them, you will see the tips of the leaves start to discolor. This is the begining of nute burn...


Well-Known Member
Yea I why are you trying to grow this shit and you don't even have just the basics yet? If you use that, you are going to have to transplant again..plants don't like that shit.

It would be much easier if you had all the right things.


Well-Known Member
Well, i do have pots. But there not big enough. i bought them before i ahd any idea what i was doing. i might just wait and buy some tomarrow. Im not sure yet.


Well-Known Member
Yes bro, I'd get them in some REAL pots. Save yourself and the plants from more trouble.


Well-Known Member
And also. i dont have any good soil. And i cant spen any more money. Not for a while. My money well is runnin dry... Can i use heavily watered down and flushed soild from my lawn? There a spot where alot of water gathered. Its dry now. But can i use this?


Well-Known Member
mate this isnt realy gonna work with u having no money to invest into it and all. whats ur lighting situation like? any chance of pics of ur setup? seriously man if u dont even have enuf money to buy pots i dont think ur plants are gonna last much longer.


Well-Known Member
mate this isnt realy gonna work with u having no money to invest into it and all. whats ur lighting situation like? any chance of pics of ur setup? seriously man if u dont even have enuf money to buy pots i dont think ur plants are gonna last much longer.

My sentiments exactly...



Well-Known Member
Im gonna be using buckets, im transplanting into soda bottles in the morning for root space. Mine r completley rootbound. Im gonna leave them in there till the roots reach the bottom, then i will transplant into there final 5 gallon buckets with drainage holes punched into the bottoms. And i meant that i have no more money "right now"


Well-Known Member
Damn, just because i dont have money doesnt mean shit. I know plenty of people that do it while investing alot less money then i have. Dont hate Cooperate. ;)


Well-Known Member
LOL @ you..

Nobody's hating man, I've done nothing but try and help you this whole time. I'm just trying to get you to do it right. If you start stressen these babies out, you can kiss any good yield goodbye.


Well-Known Member
I know, and i been listenin, u been really helpful at that. Im just sick and tired of being harped on by people cause im poor as fuck. God knows how many times ive been told i shouldnt be growing. and shit like that. Because i dont have have any money usually. It just pisses me off. Just because im poor doesnt mean i shouldnt be able to do it just as well as you guys can. And no, im not talking about you..


Well-Known Member
dude where in the message did you think i was hating? im just tryna giv u a heads up cos ive read this whole thread and someone suggested a pH meter for $5 or somthing and you said u couldnt afford it. so i thought with no money growing plants succsesfully is gonna be a challenge for you. cos as the plants get bigger your gonna have to buy a hps or more cfls which is gonna cost anywhere from $50-$300. im trying to help, no hate is/was intended.


Well-Known Member
I DO HAVE MONEY! god damn, sorry if im poor and i cant spend money on a whim, im working on getting my PH meter, i went to get one and they were all out. So i have to wait until friiday. if ur gonna read and comment, Make sure u read everything, cause i know i already said that.