The Talk - Everything Included

wont happen, its a federal import issue.since it european its not approved by the FDA and cannot be approved untill it is not reconized and classified as a "Dangerous Drug"
Go fishing on carter lake in Moose Pass. You gotta hike an hour up but it is worth it. Take the trail that goes to the North end and throw your line when you get to the big rock in the water.
Hiked up the lower end today again, no fish but had fun working on my technique. Saw a bear print the size of my head on the sand bar i was fishing so decided to move. Sockeye are really showing up late this year. Had an awesome day woke up and had a egg sammi, went to the range and shot my gun, smoke a bowl cleaned my cabin and went fishing, smoked another bowl on the river, came home, had sex with an eskimo(really and wow she is a fantastic fuck) ate some dinner now about to watch copland, I saw i made the best out of my first day off in two weeks. Good night RIU
Medical marijuana store gets Discovery reality show -- EXCLUSIVE
by James Hibberd
Categories: Scoop
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Image Credit: Discovery
Discovery Channel is set to announce a potentially controversial new series: A docu-soap reality show set in the country’s largest medical marijuana distributorship and starring a pot reform activist. This fall, the network will unveil Weed Wars, where cameras follow the day-to-day dealings of a California ganja store.
The show follows Steve DeAngelo, the owner of Oakland’s Harborside Health Center, which serves 80,000 clients. According to the network, DeAngelo strives to provide patients with the highest-quality product and uses his business to promote the national regulation and taxation of cannabis.
“Weed Wars fearlessly pulls back the curtain on a once illegal and still controversial world,” said Nancy Daniels, executive vp at Discovery Channel. “From the inner workings of the business to Steve’s distinctive leadership style, Weed Wars is a fascinating glimpse into this highly unique setting. Like Gold Rush or Deadliest Catch, these are guys pursuing their own version of the American Dream.”

Image Credit: Discovery Channel
California passed the Compassionate Use Act in 1996 that permitted legalized pot dispensaries where customers can select from a variety of toke-able or edible products if they have a doctor’s approval. Some have accused the Act of essentially legalizing marijuana. But in addition to providing relief to some patients struggling with severe illnesses, the passage has also resulted in a new breed of local-owned brick-and-mortar outlets at a time when retail stores are shutting down as commerce increasingly shifts to big box stores and Internet.
The show will follow the journey of the plant from germination to harvesting to sales at Harborside, which has opened up a second location in San Jose despite “constant police monitoring and security sweeps,” says to the network.
What do you think, will you check out Weed Wars this fall? It’s sort of like Cake Boss with pot … or not.

We are WAY behind, wake up Alaska!
Ok you said everything included...

I dont know if I have a legitimate reason to become Medical... and for sure not one thats been doucumented cuz never went to the doctor ever less it was real serious...
but i want to be legal and think it should be legal for everyone... so whats the best chance for me to get away with convincing a doctor that this would be the best treatment for me... or i hear about it everywhere else there being docs that just wont the $200 dollor visit fee dont care if you have a legit reason or not... i dont know if this might rub some people the wrong way but im gonna grow regardless and id like to be able to grow legally..

This is AK you can grow up to 25 plants legally according to the right to privacy act in the state constitution. The pot card only allows 3 mature plants and 6 total it doesn’t make sense but it does help with the feds. The folks that get busted are the ones that are what we used to call “knocking off’ (when you’re being obvious about being high), just flat out bragging, or trying to sell to every “tom; dick and harry” on the streets. If you grow keep your mouth and grow room SHUT!
This is AK you can grow up to 25 plants legally according to the right to privacy act in the state constitution. The pot card only allows 3 mature plants and 6 total it doesn’t make sense but it does help with the feds. The folks that get busted are the ones that are what we used to call “knocking off’ (when you’re being obvious about being high), just flat out bragging, or trying to sell to every “tom; dick and harry” on the streets. If you grow keep your mouth and grow room SHUT!

As long as one keeps in mind that this means 24 or less plants.

Welcome to RIU oldthumber. :-P
Why are you giving away details to some of the better non-discovered fishing locations over the public forums................ next time you go there it will be covered in dead cans and cigarette packages
Why are you giving away details to some of the better non-discovered fishing locations over the public forums................ next time you go there it will be covered in dead cans and cigarette packages

How is it you've been around since 7/2010 and have only two post's ?
Don't talk much ?
Agree with chilly. Too many slobs anymore. Only need one to read the post and tell his fellow slobs. Glad my work brought me permanently to AK. Even MT is getting trashed by the foolish.
if you like going out to eat and maybe want to spend a chunk of change, there is this fancy little place right next to huffman carrs where i prepare delicious foods all night long.
SouthSide Bistro..... Right? Man, I lived over there on Oceanview for a few months, and that place at Huffman rd, next door to the Ace Hardwear..... Name? I think SouthSide is up the road a bit.... grrrrrrrrrrrrr, great place to eat, I loved it!
SouthSide Bistro..... Right? Man, I lived over there on Oceanview for a few months, and that place at Huffman rd, next door to the Ace Hardwear..... Name? I think SouthSide is up the road a bit.... grrrrrrrrrrrrr, great place to eat, I loved it!

i used to live across the street from ocean view on o. seward :)
What up, what up to all my fellow AK peeps! So, I've been growing my 6 plants at a time, as per the medical statutes but, from what I'm getting here, I can grow up to say 23 and not have any issues?
Now, is that 23 per person, or is that 23 per household? I guess I'm just sort of confused with all the gray area, so I suppose the best best is to just play it safe, and stick with the six, however it'd be nice to
know that you're maximizing your potential, if u know what I mean.
Hell when I called the office in Juneau last week to ask them how to handle a change of address and the lady was all but clueless, she had to go back and read the statutes, then was just like "Eh, this is pretty vague isn't it?"
That wasn't a very encouraging response to get from our "Medical Marijuana Registry" if you know what I mean.