Get rid of illegal immigrants!


Well-Known Member
I think it is sad that you would begrudge children of a few pieces of candy. I don't care if they live in your neighborhood or not. For a while, I lived in an area where years went by without a single trick-or-treater. I left my porch light on, hoping to see the kids come round, but there were none. I know the few local children went to other places like schools or closer to town, because homes were so far apart there. I am somewhat annoyed by 20 somethings trick-or-treating, tho. I live in a college town now. I see a few children, but mostly college students. I guess I'm nostalgic for the past.
As I said, they get as much as everyone else.

And it's an annoyance, not a problem.

We get teenagers, but the only adults I see are with their kids. If I had 20 something's show up at my door asking for candy, I'd tell them to go pound sand. The candy is for kids.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Gee, I wasn't trying to be racist or nothing! Nothing like a drunken rant to ease the pain!
you were that racist without even trying??!!

thats the most racist thing i ever heard!

NOTHING could be more racist than that, except TRYING to be racist! thats as racist as you can be

unless your trying to NOT be racist which is even more racist!

unless you think youre not racist, then thats even more racist!

unless you admit youre racist, then thats even more racist yet!

unless you actually dont know youre racist and thats the worst kind of racist.

fuck it your SUPER DUPER ULTRA MEGA RACIST for even breathing the air that a non honkey could be breathing right now.


New Member
^^^ I really like the flow of your words! They are almost rythmic in detail! It's not often that I find an author I really like..... I'm onto you...I mean into you! I'm trying to say I like the way you write, bro! Cool writing, bro!

Here! Have a gratuitous like from the power of flower!


You're welcome!



Well-Known Member

we dont take kindly to people wut caint spell lynyrd skynyrd round hea!
Lenard Skynard, a teacher in a Jacksonville, FL high school who the band took their name from, was a real person. So, while he did misspell the first name, "Skynard" is technically the correct spelling.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Lenard Skynard, a teacher in a Jacksonville, FL high school who the band took their name from, was a real person. So, while he did misspell the first name, "Skynard" is technically the correct spelling.

the jury will disregard this answer as it is non-responsive.

let the record show that His Honor is also delicious.


Well-Known Member

the jury will disregard this answer as it is non-responsive.

let the record show that His Honor is also delicious.
Itd take someone with experience and skill to pack all that fudge.

Is Carne around to give us his expert opinion?


New Member
I'm always surprized how all of my poorest quality threads go on to get 10+ pages when my last thread where I tried to be funny just bombed!I got one reply! LOL!. When I try to be funny it don't work at all...LOL!

ever worn this hat?

