Was that a great debate or what?

I actually fell asleep during the first debate, but I have to say it was much more interesting this time. Obama actually showed up for this one, he just phoned in the first one. The two combatants (yeah, you heard me) really put up a good fight. They were right up unto each others faces. Both nearly told Kattie Crowley to shut up. They came close to blows tonight. It was sort of like a Korean Parliament meeting, except without anyone leaving on a stretcher. Who won? I can't say either way, but us fight fans sure did.

Put me down for "or what?"
Romney pissed me off. you DO NOT get in my presidents face AND you do NOT "subtly" usher my president to sit down. Dominance is one thing but you do not dominant the president. in my eyes romney is just person like you and i and if he really wanted to impress me... he should have shown respect. i like how Obama handled it, being patient and not giving hasty answers under pressure.

hypothetically if this was a debate in my own house (it kind was - THE USA!) i would have ejected romney. it was heated and i believe if you focus more on how they act in this situation rather than what they say (who can trust that nowadays) you get the real winner!

We agree, but it is a very fine line between agressiveness which I think we want in a president and rudeness or hastiness. Notice that he was equally rude to Crowley. In the first debate his actions were attributed to his amped state and lauded, in this one only the right, those who don't respect the president anyway saw it as fitting behavior. As I said, the right has never seen this president as real anyway, they wag fingers in his face, they yell "you lie", and even Fox interviewers interupt and challenge the man. I have never ever seen the likes of this.

Do you suppose were the situation reversed that the right would put up with it?
you raise a good point. you respect the position not necessarily the person. had it been reversed i could see myself arguing, the president does not talk to a citizen like that. Thanks for the viewpoint.

in addition, this Thread breaks all rules imo when it comes to debating topics. such fallacies make politics and undesirable subject to some. im still not sure why we are talking about pedos and eating cheerios.
You were championing that poll this morning when you thought Romney was ahead, I post a more accurate one consisting of over 500 different polls combined showing the opposite, you complain about liberal bias, I ask you to post a more accurate one, and then all of a sudden the polls don't matter. You know what we call that 'round these parts?
Where did I champion any poll? I complained about your selecting propaganda from the Huffington Post which is more biased than the DNC.
Romney pissed me off. you DO NOT get in my presidents face AND you do NOT "subtly" usher my president to sit down. Dominance is one thing but you do not dominant the president. in my eyes romney is just person like you and i and if he really wanted to impress me... he should have shown respect. i like how Obama handled it, being patient and not giving hasty answers under pressure. hypothetically if this was a debate in my own house (it kind was - THE USA!) i would have ejected romney. it was heated and i believe if you focus more on how they act in this situation rather than what they say (who can trust that nowadays) you get the real winner!
If you weren't totally silent on Biden's extremely obnoxious behavior, it would be easier to accept your statement. I don't see Obama's behavior being much, if any, different than Romney's.
Put me down for "or what?"
The first actual response to my OP. You posted earlier that you continued channel surfing instead of watching the debate. Have you watched any of the numerous replays on the talking head shows? Be aware those are heavily edited.
Where did I champion any poll? I complained about your selecting propaganda from the Huffington Post which is more biased than the DNC.

I wasn't talking to you.

I've asked you, freedomworks and beenthere to post a more accurate poll more that 3 times, NONE of you have rose to the challenge. FW even declared the polls are bullshit after he was the one who brought them up in the first place.

So, 5th time now, post a more accurate poll than the one I posted or simply stfu.

(I know why you don't want to post one, you know why you don't want to post one, so why don't you just be a man and admit it?)

None of you people have any integrity, just like the person you support.
you raise a good point. you respect the position not necessarily the person. had it been reversed i could see myself arguing, the president does not talk to a citizen like that. Thanks for the viewpoint. in addition, this Thread breaks all rules imo when it comes to debating topics. such fallacies make politics and undesirable subject to some. im still not sure why we are talking about pedos and eating cheerios.
Those posting bullshit about pedos and cherios do so that you know their posts aren't worth reading. Not sure what causes this, but it can reduce time wasted arguing with idiots.
I wasn't talking to you. I've asked you, freedomworks and beenthere to post a more accurate poll more that 3 times, NONE of you have rose to the challenge. FW even declared the polls are bullshit after he was the one who brought them up in the first place. So, 5th time now, post a more accurate poll than the one I posted or simply stfu. (I know why you don't want to post one, you know why you don't want to post one, so why don't you just be a man and admit it?) None of you people have any integrity, just like the person you support.
So, are you talking to me now?
The first actual response to my OP. You posted earlier that you continued channel surfing instead of watching the debate. Have you watched any of the numerous replays on the talking head shows? Be aware those are heavily edited.

No, I haven't.
None of you want to post one because you know what all three of you said will come right back around and bite you in the ass. You said the source of the poll is biased, even though it's a collection of over 500 different polls combined, including a FOX poll (and many other right wing media outlets).

And none of you have the integrity to admit you're just partisan assholes.

Silence speaks volumes.
6th time, post a more accurate poll. What's with your continued avoidance to this simple request?
6th time? I thought you weren't talking to me. So, now you were? I'm not the one posting polls, you are. I just think you picked a poor source. The Huffington Post is far more liberal than even the DNC. It's owned and operated by a billionaire who has never worked a day in her life, unless you consider the time she spent on her back. Yet she seems to think she has the right to tell others how much tax they should pay, while she pays little or nothing. Her newspaper makes no profit, she married her money.
6th time? I thought you weren't talking to me. So, now you were? I'm not the one posting polls, you are. I just think you picked a poor source. The Huffington Post is far more liberal than even the DNC. It's owned and operated by a billionaire who has never worked a day in her life, unless you consider the time she spent on her back. Yet she seems to think she has the right to tell others how much tax they should pay, while she pays little or nothing. Her newspaper makes no profit, she married her money.

I don't give a shit about the Huffington Post. Is that clear enough for you? That poll was a collection of over 500 DIFFERENT polls, NOT FROM THE HUFFINGTON POST, is THAT clear enough for you? It's not like HP went out 500 different times and polled people, that's not how it's conducted. What is so difficult to understand about this?

They gathered up all the polls that have been made, INCLUDING FOX NEWS POLLS, and came up with the AVERAGE NUMBERS. Stop bitching about it being from a liberal source simply because it was posted on a liberal website.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Furthermore, fuck that poll.

7th time (I've asked all three of you), find a more accurate poll and post it. Can you?

Speaka English?
See, at this point you guys are just arguing out of habit.
We all know those polls are inaccurate doesnt matter which site they are linked.
Only purpose they really serve is to poke at each other.