Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. Try what my friend did, I was surprised as fuck! Interview for the job anyway, when they call you back to tell you you failed the drug test, get mad, mad enough and ask them "OK, so what? I'm more experienced than half the interviewees, I'm committed to my job, I don't smoke on the job, I use MMJ for medical purposes. I can call the state Attorney General if you'd like because this is simple discrimination. It's medicine and I use it as such".
They were so shocked at that response they offered him the job. Just be assertive and demand it or you're going to the state. It'll scare them into submission!
Worth a shot, the shit blew me away when he was telling me, but the logic is sound, think of it like any other medicine you'd get, consider if they didn't hire you based on something like Oxy's.. You'd have a FAT case against them, just bring it up, nothing else to lose...
here is a GREAT AVENUE to take.... +rep to you padawan