Ladies of RIU, would you make a porno?


Well-Known Member
Kuroi gets honest: Thong was posted. T'was stupid and rightfully deleted. No asshole was seen though.

I do remember some super daring crotch shots from Jadeey though. Like, doesn't the gusset hurt you down there when it's that stretched like that?

Hun, fuck it! Not worth worrying about. I've done much worse and I'm not taking any down. Any 'man' that calls a woman a c**t on a public forum (on the edit) is clearly a mysoginistic, socially inept retard. If he could argue his case logically then he wouldn't resort to sexist profanity. Instead he brings his argument down to grow experience?! Im a female commercial grower so I'd beg to differ his professionalism.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yes, I was reading about that in another thread. I think it's cool you're smoking with your nephew. I've smoked with quite a few of my older relatives, several uncles and aunts and both of my parents. I'm glad we can share that part of our lives. It makes our relationship feel more honest. I was 19 when I started smoking with them also.

And lol, I wasn't kidding about drinking. Fortunately I don't have class til 1:30 tomorrow, so I should be good. I started drinking while manicuring my buds, and well, here I am now.
I talked to him tonight and he's giving me all kinds of shit. Kept saying I'll probably cough like a "little bitch". I told him I'd pull out my little bitch and slap him in the face with it. That little bastard has some nerve. I'm going to show him how we do it down here in Tortilla Flats. People will be saying for years, ¡Que huevos!


Well-Known Member
I talked to him tonight and he's giving me all kinds of shit. Kept saying I'll probably cough like a "little bitch". I told him I'd pull out my little bitch and slap him in the face with it. That little bastard has some nerve. I'm going to show him how we do it down here in Tortilla Flats. People will be saying for years, ¡Que huevos!
Lol, ok, nevermind, your nephew doesn't sound at all like the way I was at 19.

I would slap the shit out of my nephew if he said shit like that to me. And then I'd tell him to gtfo.


Well-Known Member
I talked to him tonight and he's giving me all kinds of shit. Kept saying I'll probably cough like a "little bitch". I told him I'd pull out my little bitch and slap him in the face with it. That little bastard has some nerve. I'm going to show him how we do it down here in Tortilla Flats. People will be saying for years, ¡Que huevos!
Carne, don't pull out the cape or ice cather bong. Give him a nasty tar covered pipe. Load your harshest buds and tell him to kill the bowl in one hit. When he's on the floor coughing and dying, call him a pussy lol

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Lol, ok, nevermind, your nephew doesn't sound at all like the way I was at 19.

I would slap the shit out of my nephew if he said shit like that to me. And then I'd tell him to gtfo.
He's a lot like his dad. Arrogant shit. But I lurves him.


Well-Known Member
My wife and i watch that show gigalos and she said "you could be a gigalo, but id leave you."
I didnt ask to be one, she was just thinking out loud apparently.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Carne, don't pull out the cape or ice cather bong. Give him a nasty tar covered pipe. Load your harshest buds and tell him to kill the bowl in one hit. When he's on the floor coughing and dying, call him a pussy lol
Now that's an idea. I was thinking an aluminum can and resin. I was going for permanent damage.