Ladies of RIU, would you make a porno?


Well-Known Member
Oh for fuck sake. You'd do it because you are fucking horny. NOTHING to do with "wanting to look sexy." At least admit you'd do it so you'd have something to masturbate to later at night, knowing all those people watched you have an orgasm all over some mandingo dick. I'd at least respect you if you were honest about your horniness. FOR MOTHER FUCKING SAKE. Even my girl calls bullshit on your post.
I hate it when people make me mean. I have an assignment to do; why am I wasting my linguistics on you...

For the last time, please fuck off.

Are you going to punish me for actually having something a little more insightful to say than 'it is fun and I do it cos I'm horny'?

I don't need material to masturbate to, sorry if you're that physically challenged.

I do not like the idea of people watching me orgasm. Fuck I am still a little shy about my own freaking boyfriend watching me orgasm.

Yes, one could actually compare Tip Top to mandingo, but he doesn't like to boast about it and neither was I declaring it.

Of course everyone gets horny, but unlike some people, no matter how much sex is on my brain I actually have thoughts, feelings and beliefs besides that. If when you think of sex your stunted man-brain is only capable of handling titas and/or ass that's not my fault. I wonderif you follow me around to act like an ass because you are jealous of aforementioned mandingo dick. Guess what, he actually has a heart and personality to go along with it, too.

Referring back to my post:

Yes, I do actually see sex as something other than just getting your rocks off. It is a beautiful union between man and woman (or man and man or woman and woman...) I don't know if you're just upset because you don't get that warm, loving tender embrace not a reenactment of tacky hardcore. We are long distance and it'll give him somthing to keep himself entertained with. I'd quite like to see what we look like together seeing as we only get a view of eachother. It's called curiosity. I couldn't possibly get off to watching myself though...

Yes it would be nice to have a tape where i see myself naked and think 'dang I look sexy', however vain that sounds. Every girl want to feel sexy. There's a whole lot of girls that get in to porn, because they never felt sexy and attention from men is all they live for and makes them feel like they're good for something. I nearly became one of those girls. Thankfully I did have a shred of self-respect before finding my love. That's life. If you don't want to believe that because your conscience can't handle it, again it's not my fault you can't get it up next time you're searching Pornhub, mr guilty. I am one of THE MOST MOTHERFUCKING HONEST PEOPLE ON THIS SITE. Too honest, so honest I fail at lying to cover for other people's lies and get told to shut the hell up... so shut the hell up.

I don't get you, If I ran around saying I'm horny all the time you'd call me a slut. Well I get horny just like everyone else, only I have a little bit more to me and my views on love and sexuality than a bit of wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Are you intimidated by girls who have brains and morals as well as a sex drive and sense of fun?

Probably, they're a bit harder to get a dick into.


Well-Known Member
Good morning!!! Have u been up all night? I just got up feverish, soaking etc. Weekend was HEAVY!!=sick now. Seems like quite a debate here!! :)
Yes I have 0_o

Not even time to smoke tonight. I've been going all-out on my essay becausse the tutor decides not to show up and pass on an assignment to one student by word of mouth... I found out as I left campus less than 12 hours ago... I'm still going!

Aw.. hun... That's horrible... Lotsa hot soup, dioralyte, belladonna plasters for the muscle aches, but just for the love of god, replace fluids!!! Flu puts me in the hospital, people forget the real thing can turn bad... Please take it easy and let yourself get better or you'll get worse... Get comfy on the couch, eat dry crackers and if your fever goes over 104, get your ass to a hospital... Take care of yourself!!! Or get that sexy man from work to come and have a 'business meeting' with you at home.. but he must bring Lemsip and Night Nurse.

You cannot make porno in sick blankets, hehee :3

PS Roll a fucking fat one :joint:


Ursus marijanus
Yes I have 0_o

Not even time to smoke tonight. I've been going all-out on my essay becausse the tutor decides not to show up and pass on an assignment to one student by word of mouth... I found out as I left campus less than 12 hours ago... I'm still going!

Aw.. hun... That's horrible... Lotsa hot soup, dioralyte, belladonna plasters for the muscle aches, but just for the love of god, replace fluids!!! Flu puts me in the hospital, people forget the real thing can turn bad... Please take it easy and let yourself get better or you'll get worse... Get comfy on the couch, eat dry crackers and if your fever goes over 104, get your ass to a hospital... Take care of yourself!!! Or get that sexy man from work to come and have a 'business meeting' with you at home.. but he must bring Lemsip and Night Nurse.

You cannot make porno in sick blankets, hehee :3

PS Roll a fucking fat one :joint:

"Sick Fucks" vol. 13 ... cn


Well-Known Member
Yes I have 0_o

Not even time to smoke tonight. I've been going all-out on my essay becausse the tutor decides not to show up and pass on an assignment to one student by word of mouth... I found out as I left campus less than 12 hours ago... I'm still going!

Aw.. hun... That's horrible... Lotsa hot soup, dioralyte, belladonna plasters for the muscle aches, but just for the love of god, replace fluids!!! Flu puts me in the hospital, people forget the real thing can turn bad... Please take it easy and let yourself get better or you'll get worse... Get comfy on the couch, eat dry crackers and if your fever goes over 104, get your ass to a hospital... Take care of yourself!!! Or get that sexy man from work to come and have a 'business meeting' with you at home.. but he must bring Lemsip and Night Nurse.

You cannot make porno in sick blankets, hehee :3

PS Roll a fucking fat one :joint:

Hiya!! How many words? I went to Westminster, many moons ago! The course director had a nervous breakdown!

I've got chest infection/cold. Think I'll go Dr later. Got in Sun midday from Sat, big fun! Now I pay for it!! I saw Italian boy last night, swear he was looking at me funny, prob wondering what happened to my face!! He dropped a hot rock on his dog and I could smell hair burning, sorted that as he stared at me asking me in Spanish if clones are necessary-no I'm asking for fun- duh!! I hate bumping into people when I look flu'd up. I swear my eyes look like piss holes in the snow. Its all about the honey and lemon!! I also ate a lot of cereal for energy.


Well-Known Member
probably not. guy are dickheads 90% of the time after a break would be plastered everywhere
I had videos of two exes, and after the breakup I trashed the phone when it was time for a new one. Never put it up on the Internet, and one even deserved it in a serious way. I honestly think that 90% number is pretty inflated. And don't forget it goes both ways honey, women are the most vindictive creatures on this planet. Let's not keep making this a battle of the sexes ladies. Guys are this, girls are that, blah blah blah we all know.


Well-Known Member
I really don't see what was bad about what I said. I answered back straight and all he can do is bitch. I even said I wanted to make him cookies!! Oh well, some people are just bitter and mean and can't accept not everyone is cynical and blinkered like them, or some girls have more than one facet to their personality.

Cookies for the rest of you...

...Now go make a sugar-charged porno X3


Well-Known Member
lol, my GOD I can't stand you.
I can't express in words how much I dislike your presence on this site. Do you even grow weed?
And just exactly how many members of your family have seen a picture of your ass-hole by accident?
y u so mad bro?


Well-Known Member
lol, my GOD I can't stand you.
I can't express in words how much I dislike your presence on this site. Do you even grow weed?
And just exactly how many members of your family have seen a picture of your ass-hole by accident?
I still don't get what your problem is. Do you even read most of my posts trying to be insightful, running around finding information/threads for lazy people, giving support/advice, making stuff etc? Or do you just live for that moment I post anything to do with sex huh? What? Did you only like me when I posted pictures in my panties? Sorry I was wrong, your dick is so huge you can't see past it.

What do you want me to be a slut going around getting all the cock I can and yelling about it on the Internet?

How about me when I go all shy and start hating on people for watching porn? Be the killjoy? If I got pissed at guys for asking a girl to make a porno you'd be complaining I'm a feminist prude so make up your fucking mind.

I haven't been a happy medium for a while so don't you fuck it up.

And the answer is no one, because I've never taken a picture of my asshole..

I hate sinking to your level. I don't like being a mean person and yiu're bringing all the nasty out in me.