Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member

good mornin troops

dam i gave the bubbas a second thought today -gone

old pool hall days
i member one guys fav saying study long study wrong


Well-Known Member
make them beans
find sumone in the same book on the same page as you
an lay them on him or her
cause thats the way luv goes

it aint holdin mary hostage in there basments for $$
i lived through the free luv error
an we can bring it back

over seed
over share
over spread da luv

my creator left them as gifts to us
not to them known breeders to get rich
manipulating mary as a hostage like they own the goose that lays the golden egg
when its ours

fuk dem make seeds an give them away
we can have seeds flowing all over this big carrupted ball


Well-Known Member
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a few hours ago was in red cups under flouresent tubes last week
changed to cloth when i thought of them at one week old
so now under bunch of cfls an a single t5 bulb down center

i got bored today must have been mighty bored to attempt to transplant one week old seedlings
takes patients
i thought of my new home made cloth pots
so i dumped the plastic cups

cups were 18 ounces theses about 40 sumthin
i gave buying bubba regs from attitude a scond thought when i wnt back for them this AM they were all gone
Swerve got his store up now he got a bunch of new stuff. I saw the regs listed there too along with chem 91 skunk va,la affie s1s and other stuff.. People say they won't buy it because of his track Rex and other stuff but he been aight with me.


Well-Known Member
g mornin troops

i never liked swerve as a person but to me his good outweighs his bad
he looks like one of hobbits from lord of the ring that lives inside a tree trunk -LOL

we are all made of both good and bad fibers
no good person is 100%good -an no bad person is 100% bad

pot pimp = laugh

torn-yo hows tings bro -im glad to back in the dirt any self respecting grower will miss the dirt if seperated from it for a week or so
this thread more of a check back errynow and again -more then a subed up thread -but im glad you are interested -thanks


Well-Known Member
sum of these so called breeders and there egos - i cant stand

how can you own nature
you can work wit her
not say it is yours

if it was yours you would not need the plant to produce
the plant dont need you to produce


Well-Known Member
males gettin big clusters and healthy ,all 3 ,wont have to bid on those anymore over there.all phenos are persistant with one another outlaws strains.


Well-Known Member
no you wont bruh
for this is how the game is evoloved
we gota all make an spread
over spread the sellers tryin to sell seeds
we gotta make it not even worth while for them to try to sell

one day when errybody doin same thing it will be worth it
till then just keep spreadin that luv
when you cast out it washes back in to you
two an three fold

mary used to be free whoever wanted to grow it grew it
now mary is a hostage by (breeders) laugh that say they own the plant
the plant belongs to the people you cant own nature

but we can work wit her
an a smart man does work alongside mother nature and father time
the eam of a smart man mother nature and father time can bring plants and can bring seeds for tomorrow
we have to take alook at tomorrow

cause from where i started at to now has been a disaster

and should not be aloowd to continue

arm all the soldiers wit seeds
its a war but we drop seeds not bombs

I an I