Ladies of RIU, would you make a porno?


Well-Known Member
Good lord, that's one of the dumbest women I have ever heard. Good thing she's in porn, I highly doubt she could make a living doing anything else
Of course she could, its called prostitution, probably wouldn't make as much though, Lolz. But I agree she does come off as pretty damn stupid, I really hope she was just dumbing it down for the camera.


Well-Known Member
Of course she could, its called prostitution, probably wouldn't make as much though, Lolz. But I agree she does come off as pretty damn stupid, I really hope she was just dumbing it down for the camera.
I have a feeling she wasn't, I've seen some of her work and it's pretty similar.. She's one of those chicks too stupid to fuck tbh.. I have a hard time watching her scenes because of that..

A lot of porn girls are like that, but that's the nature of the business, just like McDonalds, you're not going to end up with a room full of brain surgeons..


Well-Known Member
Yet you refuse to cite them...

You do know how normal conversation works, right?

Not sure why you have such a problem with answering a legitimate question I asked.

Someone doesn't understand something I said to them and they ask me for clarification, I don't bitch and moan and beat around the bush accusing them of fault. I explain it more clearly to get my point across.

Your strategy is only self defeating.


Well-Known Member
Yet you refuse to cite them...

You do know how normal conversation works, right?

Not sure why you have such a problem with answering a legitimate question I asked.

Someone doesn't understand something I said to them and they ask me for clarification, I don't bitch and moan and beat around the bush accusing them of fault. I explain it more clearly to get my point across.

Your strategy is only self defeating.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I've read the thread, did you forget I created it?

I'm not asking for a recap of it, I'm asking what your main issue is?

I can't understand what is so difficult about explaining it. I've gone back and read each post multiple times and your seeming "solution" does nothing but reveal more questions, questions you refuse to answer for whatever reason.

Why do you insist on alluding to your issue, but refuse to actually explain it?

Stop being a little kid, act like an adult, explain wtf your problem is. This is the last time I'm asking. Your further refusal will say enough.

Balls in your court, bud.