Ladies of RIU, would you make a porno?


Well-Known Member
Thats bcuz she has that abnormal brain that dr.frankenstein put in to the head of that monster in that 1931 movie "frankenstein"


Well-Known Member
Idiots exist in every profession, just like professionals do;


Get a load of the look of pure judgment on Tyra Banks' face..

That's a clear example of exactly what I was talking about, self righteous fucks who think it's OK to project their own moral values on everybody else. What an asshole.


Well-Known Member
That's true. It disgusts me how many 'my ex gf' videos/site there are out there. Vindictive, exploititative, filthy and sad. It also makes you wonder what went wrong. Oh wait, he wa pathetic enough to do something like put it on the Internet.

I'm lucky I have the 10% though. And I have never ever shared anything sent to my inbox, no matter how I felt about the person. I din't know how people do it.
those are mostly fake/scripted.


Ursus marijanus
Idiots exist in every profession, just like professionals do;


Get a load of the look of pure judgment on Tyra Banks' face..

That's a clear example of exactly what I was talking about, self righteous fucks who think it's OK to project their own moral values on everybody else. What an asshole.
It made her a tidy sum. cn


Staff member
Idiots exist in every profession, just like professionals do;


Get a load of the look of pure judgment on Tyra Banks' face..

That's a clear example of exactly what I was talking about, self righteous fucks who think it's OK to project their own moral values on everybody else. What an asshole.
i fucking love the tyra show. LOL


Well-Known Member
those are mostly fake/scripted.

I say stay together and if your boyfriend thinks you're too sexy to keep to himself then good for you if you're consenting, but even you women, no matter how freaking hot your ex was you can't go posting indecent photos or videos of him either. I think what it boils down to here is mutual respect and consent.

So all you happy horny couples make a blockbuster lol I think I 'll stop giving my opinion on the porn industry before I get lumped in with the feminist crazies lol. Oh wait, I think I'm there already 0_o


Well-Known Member
K, what do you think is an overall healthier, safer, generally better opinion to have, someone like me who couldn't care less if people see them naked, or people like Amanda Todd who are ashamed and embarrassed if people see them naked, and why?



Well-Known Member
probably not. guy are dickheads 90% of the time after a break would be plastered everywhere
That's why you make one of him as the star as well, then you could start an 'ex=BF" trend to go along side the already existing ex-gf one.


Well-Known Member
Idiots exist in every profession, just like professionals do;
So true.

I gave an employee a company credit card and asked him to put gas in the dump truck
before he came back from the dump.

Later that evening driving back to the shop i run out of gas.

I have to wait on the side of the road for another supervisor to see me broke down.
While on is way to get me 5gal to get to the next exit he ran out of gas at the top of
the freeway exit.

When asked why the truck was not filled before returned to me, the oxygen theif said
"You did not say how much so I put $3.00 in it."



Well-Known Member
K, what do you think is an overall healthier, safer, generally better opinion to have, someone like me who couldn't care less if people see them naked, or people like Amanda Todd who are ashamed and embarrassed if people see them naked, and why?

That is an interesting question.

Morals and self image may keep many from expressing them self in the raw.

nudity was not a way of life while i was living at home but
no one ever gave second thought to go to the loo nude.

I would, today even, walk down to the beach and serf there all day nude if it were not for
the morals police.

I have no problems seeing another human naked. It is natural after all.


Well-Known Member
What makes being nude 'immoral' to some people? An even better question is, what makes my action immoral if someone who doesn't want to see me naked sees me naked while I'm walking around my property?

How is projecting their own idea of what is moral onto me, someone who doesn't share that same opinion, moral at all?

I think mustard is immoral, so are people who eat hotdogs with mustard on them in my sight immoral? Why/why not? What's the difference?