Fat people are gross


Well-Known Member
My entire family isn't 1000 pounds each, but they are obese(200-300lbs for women and 300-400lbs for men).

They do get made fun of a lot and I think they are ashamed everyday of their bodies. My dad alone is also on 5 different prescribed meds just to battle his obesity.

I dont know what the point of this thread is, but fat people have to live in their bodies everyday and it is punishment enough sometimes.
I'm the only thin one in my family. My brother could take it and he damned sure could dish it out. Knocked 1 guy into amnesia literally with a single punch. Has knocked out at least 10 other people and even at our ages is nobody to mess with.

My sisters? Another story. The people who mock the loudest often are hiding the most faults.


Active Member
One thing i'm shocked about is that no one has said anything about that 1000+ women 'falling' on her 2 year old nephew and killing him! lol like no one payed attention to that part. How the hell does this women fall of him if she can't even get up!?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Because it's a tragedy. She accidently killed a child. Not only a child but her nephew. I can't even imagine what she is going through right now. What can we say about this that she hasn't already said to herself? She's a human being with real emotions. It was an accident, regardless of the reason.

I remember a few years back a family was having a cookout in their backyard. The owner of the home was walking to the grill to start the steaks and his arms were full with utensils and seasonings. When his grandaughter saw him, she ran to help. She tripped and impaled herself on a large knife he was carrying. She died. Are we supposed to give him shit about carrying a knife incorrectly? Should we beat him down with accusations and calls for jail time? It was an accident. The same as the large woman. The only difference is your shallow perception based on physical appearance.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Feel bad for the kid who had to wash and massage her.

I mean you can feel the love but...

Hes got better things to do than that, like being a kid.


Active Member
Because it's a tragedy. She accidently killed a child. Not only a child but her nephew. I can't even imagine what she is going through right now. What can we say about this that she hasn't already said to herself? She's a human being with real emotions. It was an accident, regardless of the reason.

I remember a few years back a family was having a cookout in their backyard. The owner of the home was walking to the grill to start the steaks and his arms were full with utensils and seasonings. When his grandaughter saw him, she ran to help. She tripped and impaled herself on a large knife he was carrying. She died. Are we supposed to give him shit about carrying a knife incorrectly? Should we beat him down with accusations and calls for jail time? It was an accident. The same as the large woman. The only difference is your shallow perception based on physical appearance.
Dude i'm not trying to bash her for this! Jeez i'm just trying to figure out how she fell on him if she can't stand up. It doesn't seem possible.


Ursus marijanus
Dude i'm not trying to bash her for this! Jeez i'm just trying to figure out how she fell on him if she can't stand up. It doesn't seem possible.
I'm guessing she shifted part of her body on top of her nephew. You don't have to be standing to have a part of you fall on someone else. Maybe it's a language thing and "rolled onto" would have been more accurate but less sensational.

And I'm sitting in my corner cheering Carne on. I've seen a sharp divide in the attitudes of my fellow Americans these past few years, with extensions into pathology. While I respect and admire rugged individualists, I don't like it when they hold the rest of us to a standard that is arguably cruel. Does anyone seriously want to tell me that this woman is spectacularly obese by choice? cn


Active Member
Holy shit lol I just can't win. It's not the guys fault for having the knife in his hands, but I think it's completely the fat womans fault how did she not know the child was under her. She coulda stopped her fat ass from eating when she was 500, 600 or 700 pounds but no she continues to stuff her fat face. There was a man who was also 1000 pounds and he started excercising by just clapping his hands a bunch to music. He ended up losing a shit ton of weight. This women can easily do the same thing but the only time she lifts her arms is to consume. I'm not saying she should go to jail that's just what the people in her country want to do to her. My opinion is jail couldn't be any worse then what she's living in right now.


Ursus marijanus
Holy shit lol I just can't win. It's not the guys fault for having the knife in his hands, but I think it's completely the fat womans fault how did she not know the child was under her. She coulda stopped her fat ass from eating when she was 500, 600 or 700 pounds but no she continues to stuff her fat face. There was a man who was also 1000 pounds and he started excercising by just clapping his hands a bunch to music. He ended up losing a shit ton of weight. This women can easily do the same thing but the only time she lifts her arms is to consume. I'm not saying she should go to jail that's just what the people in her country want to do to her. My opinion is jail couldn't be any worse then what she's living in right now.
Please elaborate on the bolded. Did you know that obese people have their metabolism set on starvation mode? They're not just hungry all the time ... they're literally starving. Try to imagine that, and then please elaborate. cn

<add> why the [bad word] are you using such an ugly racist term for a white man??

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I heard that the 1000lb woman didn't kill the kid, her sister did. She just took the blame because she said she didn't have much longer to live and they couldn't really put her in jail or anything.


Active Member
^see now that seems plausable.

Sorry for my language Canna I don't see 'nigga' as a bad term. More like another way to say this guy, ect. I use it in front of my black friends often without any offense taken so I don't see why you a white man are taking a fuss. Atleast I don't go around saying that word with an ER on the end. I'm smarter than that.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
The sister beat the kid with a hair brush. They should let the fat woman fall on her. At least put her under one of the folds. The fold that smells the most like tuna.


Well-Known Member
^see now that seems plausable.

Sorry for my language Canna I don't see 'nigga' as a bad term. More like another way to say this guy, ect. I use it in front of my black friends often without any offense taken so I don't see why you a white man are taking a fuss. Atleast I don't go around saying that word with an ER on the end. I'm smarter than that.
One question begs to be asked here.

have you no couth sir?