Fat people are gross

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
BTW carne I love how you try to go to the phsycological approach of somthings wrong with me. I'll tell you why I think they're gross, because modern day media portrays them as gross and I just happen to agree. Have you ever seen a beautiful fat women? I havn't...."ohh but she's pretty on the inside" lol no, not at all.
So if modern day media said it was right to kill people who wear glasses then you would be more than happy to accommodate. So peer pressure and public opinion is your motivation. How mature.


Active Member
Seriously - walls are removed or doors removed, the frame cut out and the opening widened to get these super obese people out. Additionally, and I'm not kidding, they have used forklifts more than once after removing an exterior wall on second floor and higher. The fire departments do all this and we pay for it.

I was an ambulance driver in the 70's and you would not believe how many calls we went on where breathing and/or cardiac problems required the hugely obese to be transported to an ER. Then worked ER for 17 years as a med professional and been in medicine still (OR, ICU/CCU) going on my 4th decade.

Obesity should be immediately made a top priority national health issue with treatments deployed, beer and tobacco made prescription only and marijuana made 100% legal. We spend more health dollars on older patients in the last few years of their life than the rest of their life combined. A huge part of the care is centered on problems directly related to tobacco smoking (or oral cancer from smokeless like snuff) and alcohol. If not the primary cause they are very often an aggravating factor in major ways. Yet to see a single one due to marijuana use or even have that suggested by the most cynical doctor.

In ER we commonly saw marijuana "overdose" (on the chart form) which was always due to a new user just freaking out or to even veterans getting a big bud of killer sativa that robs your sense of balance and reality. No problem handling it and cheap too. Double strength coffee or anything with high dose caffeine kills a high fairly quickly. Jolt Cola was in every ER medicine fridge all the years they made it.
You seriously want the Federal Government to make beer and ciggs available by script only? We have TOO MUCH government now. What ever happened to taking personal responsibilty for ones own actions? Less government interference is always better in my opinion.
She is fat. She will die without medical intervention. Let her pay her own fanned way. Nobody held a gun to her head and made her eat those twinkies. It's not the governments job to monitor self destructive behaviour. There is NO provision for the government to have anywhere near that kind of power in our beloved Constitution.
Remember, if you give the government an inch, it will take the whole mile away and tax you for it afterwards.


Active Member
So if modern day media said it was right to kill people who wear glasses then you would be more than happy to accommodate. So peer pressure and public opinion is your motivation. How mature.

Dude we're not fucking talking about killing fat people now your taking it too far just to justify your point. And if that were the case then you know what...I'd take my damn glasses off and put in my contacts. Never said I was mature lol but I telling you my basis of thought.


Active Member
It's not the governments job to monitor self destructive behaviour.
Your right, it's there job to make sure the self destructive behavior continues, Besides obesity over population is another major problem we have. Beer and Ciggs are their god send.

match box

Well-Known Member
That bitch couldn't get that big by herself. All you do is stop feeding her sooo much. It will take a long time before she could get up and get something to eat. She is just like a junky only it's food.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Dude we're not fucking talking about killing fat people now your taking it too far just to justify your point. And if that were the case then you know what...I'd take my damn glasses off and put in my contacts. Never said I was mature lol but I telling you my basis of thought.
What I'm talking about is you starting a fucking volatile thread with the title, Fat People Are Gross and then explain that you only do it because everyone else is doing it. My example was pretty much on the mark. A tad extreme but you picked up on it. Sometimes you have to be extravagant to get the attention of the ignorant. And then your answer to the glasses question is to blend in rather than fight an injustice. Pretty much shows what kind of person you are.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
^ I agree, we should gather up all the fat people in the world like cattle, and harvest their sweet tender delicious meat, and make fat burgers and fat steaks. Smother that shit in some A1 or barbeque, omfg, my mouth is watering.


Active Member
I never said I was doing it because the media was, I said the media portayed them that way and I agreed. Gays are less accepted then fattys and I don't have a problem with them. Yeah i'd way rather blend in then try to stand up to the people doing the killing, you telling me you'd put your glasses on and stand in front of that crowd trying to explain to them how your the same. That's not how the world works, noone listens.


Ursus marijanus
The book to read is Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. It'll shock you in re the cover-up about dietary fat and fattening diets. the two are very very different. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I never said I was doing it because the media was, I said the media portayed them that way and I agreed. Gays are less accepted then fattys and I don't have a problem with them. Yeah i'd way rather blend in then try to stand up to the people doing the killing, you telling me you'd put your glasses on and stand in front of that crowd trying to explain to them how your the same. That's not how the world works, noone listens.
I've been gay bashed three times for standing up for who I am. One time ended me up in the hospital with serious injuries and permanant neural damage. I protested here in New Mexico for medical marijuana when it was put up for a vote. I protested the Navajo/Hopi relocation act and the big mountain mining dispute. I've put myself on the line more than once in protest to injustices I've seen around me. That's how I was raised. I'm not saying you're a bad guy. I'm just saying you make bad choices and form opinions based on stereotypes rather than hard facts. Read up on HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) and the effects it has on the body and how this has been fueling the obesity issue for decades.


Well-Known Member
Carne! Why didn't you just say HFCS=high fructose corn syrup? I thought they were putting something new in food, like MSG.