My biggest fear is them building a resistance and me producing some kind of super root aphid.
Use my method. It's cheaper, non-toxic (you really shouldn't be using Imid!!! it's not approved for food, and lingers for a year+ in the plant!) and they don't build resistance, it's impossible because the whole idea is to drown them. I spent a HUGE amount of time researching solutions and months battling them. My method is so easy it's a complete joke. The hardest part is switching to hydro if you're not already doing it. Since you're already in hydro you could do it right now... a dash of rosemary or peppermint oil, a squirt of soap, and some water... soak the roots deeply enough that the hydroton starts to float... 10 minutes later, 100% are dead. Lift and drain and you'll see them pour off by the thousands. Your plant will be exploding with fresh growth in 2 days.
I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy!
I would.