Thanks Kal, and like I said purklize that was just something I copied and pasted off the web.
Yup,I love taking cuttings. Cause you can put them in fridge in a zip lock baggie with a wet paper towel and some air for up to 4 weeks. mites cant live in the fridge that long..
Ive only kept them in the fridge for 2 weeks, but i read somewhere they will last for 4-6 weeks.
not only is forbid expensive but root aphids aren't listed as target pests. I rotated pyganic and azamax in an airless sprayer and just covered the entire room, so far no more aphids but when my room becomes empty of plants I'll make sure of it. I'll rotate pyganic , azamax , malathion and bayer tree and shrub but first my room has to be empty.Bayer is good at killing jews, not sure about root aphids though lol In all seriousness Kal el from this forum constantly touts Forbid by Bayer, maybe that would work for you
Oh, I should add, put the clone in a big yogurt cup, and use a 1 gallon ziplock... that way the leaves don't touch the outside of the bag. If the leaves are soaking wet all the time they will rot.I've kept cuttings alive outside of the fridge for months in ziplocks before. It's a matter of feeding them and ventilating them once daily so they don't get powdery mildew or dampoff. It's a great way of preserving genetics if you have to lay low 'cause the landlord is onto you, or you have an inspection coming up, or you're in the middle of a big move. I know it's semi-off topic but I thought this might be interesting for some of you.
Originally Posted by medicalmj![]()
Never had the RAs thank god, but hear an Imid drench is the only way to kill em good. Just don't use after 2-3 wks of flwr...
Pretty much this.
I just dealt with them myself. My ladies were giving me phantom lockout problems, looked like a CaMg def. Anyways, one day I saw a couple of these guys floating in my res when it flooded. I went and added some SM-90 to the res cause that seemed to work last time I saw these critters...
Well that barely put but a dent in them this time, and within 3 days, I went from 10s to 100s to 1000s of these things.
After doing some research, primarily in this thread, and confirming that I did indeed have root aphids, I decided to get up to Home Depot and pick up some Bayer Fruit & Vegetable Insect Killer with Imid.
I added 10ml/gallon in my 25 gallon res and flooded it for about an hour. I also ran a pump from my res and top fed them really good, giving them a good rinsing with the Imid.
All those fuckers started climbing out of the hydroton and to the top of my pots, and looked like they were going crazy.
I waited about 10 hours, then gave my plants a good flushing with Clearex, and all these dead RAs just started dumping out.
I haven't seen anything in 4 days since treatment, and am pretty stoked because my girls looked noticeably healthier after treatment.
I'm spreading the gospel of using Imid as a preventative in veg, and in an emergency, no later than 14 days into flower. It truly works the most effective. If you use the other sprays or products, you just aren't going to get every single RA and egg. And it only takes one friggin' one to fuck shit up since they reproduce asexually.
Here's a pic of my slightly yellowing plants with the CaMg def, when there was no reason they should have had one, except for these damn bugs lol!
truly disgusting lol...those things look gross lol
Thanks, I'm going to war tonight when the lights come on at 9. Going to do a complete root drench at 30ml/gallon... some say that's overkill, but others said it worked wonders. I did it at 8-10ml/gallon last time, and while it kept at bay for about 3 weeks, they are clearly back with a vegenence.Yerp those are the nasty fookers.....and you have the a remedy on hand.....bayer..... re read my post #17.......