Petition to free Marc Emery

Marc is a Canadian in a USA jail for selling seeds to Americans nothing more nothing less. Politicians made it more than it is. Harrekin you should have a little more compassion for people that paved the way. But I understand you live on that small backward Island.
Marc is a Canadian in a USA jail for selling seeds to Americans nothing more nothing less. Politicians made it more than it is. Harrekin you should have a little more compassion for people that paved the way. But I understand you live on that small backward Island.
If we're so backward, then why is your Democratic Party going hell for high water to try make America into the Welfare Nanny State.

Also why is our education and healthcare free (and still cheaper per captia) if we're so backwards?

Methink you need a big glass of stfu.

Mark E. got what he deserved for ripping off so many people with bogus, bullshit seeds sales- KARMA IS A BITCH! He doesn't deserve to be in prison for selling seeds, true, but he does deserve to be in jail for his bad business practices and general disregard to the seed buying population, especially from the U.S.. He hides behind the legislation issue, while stealing money from hard working growers. Hope you rot, jerk-off.
Mark E. got what he deserved for ripping off so many people with bogus, bullshit seeds sales- KARMA IS A BITCH! He doesn't deserve to be in prison for selling seeds, true, but he does deserve to be in jail for his bad business practices and general disregard to the seed buying population, especially from the U.S.. He hides behind the legislation issue, while stealing money from hard working growers. Hope you rot, jerk-off.
Everyone thinks he's a self-less warrior of "the cause".

He wants to legalise his primary business, simples.
If we're so backward, then why is your Democratic Party going hell for high water to try make America into the Welfare Nanny State.

Also why is our education and healthcare free (and still cheaper per captia) if we're so backwards?

You attack Democrats for wanting free healthcare and education and then turn around and crow about your "welfare nanny state" system. You can't have it both ways.
You attack Democrats for wanting free healthcare and education and then turn around and crow about your "welfare nanny state" system. You can't have it both ways.
I believe there should be a middle ground, a system that rewards hard work and supports people who NEED it (not those who are too lazy to work).

At the minute, you guys are right, we're left. You don't need to rush to where we are, find the middle ground cos once you're left it's hard (basically impossible) to go back to centre.

EDIT: I bet you'd be shocked to know I support a minimum wage too, Im not the righty you think I am.
I believe there should be a middle ground, a system that rewards hard work and supports people who NEED it (not those who are too lazy to work).

At the minute, you guys are right, we're left. You don't need to rush to where we are, find the middle ground cos once you're left it's hard (basically impossible) to go back to centre.

That's a great point. The problem is that Conservatives have pulled so far to the Right that Center is now considered a Lefty communist campaign of freedom killing laws and regulations. Meanwhile the Right is slowly picking away at our civil liberties and safety nets. It has become a profit driven nation run by Corporate interests. It's time we started pulling back to the Left and recovering the Center.
That's a great point. The problem is that Conservatives have pulled so far to the Right that Center is now considered a Lefty communist campaign of freedom killing laws and regulations. Meanwhile the Right is slowly picking away at our civil liberties and safety nets. It has become a profit driven nation run by Corporate interests. It's time we started pulling back to the Left and recovering the Center.
"Obama Bucks" are not a step in the right (in this case left) direction, it's not pragmatic enough a solution, nor is Obama(doesn't really)Care. One plays to the freeloaders and one rapes taxpayers.

If anything it's a step away from a Single-Payer system.
"Obama Bucks" are not a step in the right (in this case left) direction, it's not pragmatic enough a solution, nor is Obama(doesn't really)Care. One plays to the freeloaders and one rapes taxpayers.

If anything it's a step away from a Single-Payer system.

It's not just about O'Bama. It's about local and state politicians too. We were overrun by tea party candidates (well coordinated and with an agenda) who won office by lying and misrepresenting their positions. Then they proceeded to do everything they could to make O'Bama a one term president. I still can't figure out how Susanna Martinez ever made it into the Governor's Palace. Once we can fill the house and senate with democrats then we can start to correct the tea party (koch brother entity) race towards the Corporate States of America. The welfare queen narrative along with the unwashed millions who live off the government teat scenario is propagandist nonsense. Bullshit that people are swallowing hook, line and sinker. Without GOP obstructionism we can finally get the single payer system and amend the Affordable Care Act to where it was supposed to be in the first place.
It's not just about O'Bama. It's about local and state politicians too. We were overrun by tea party candidates (well coordinated and with an agenda) who won office by lying and misrepresenting their positions. Then they proceeded to do everything they could to make O'Bama a one term president. I still can't figure out how Susanna Martinez ever made it into the Governor's Palace. Once we can fill the house and senate with democrats then we can start to correct the tea party (koch brother entity) race towards the Corporate States of America. The welfare queen narrative along with the unwashed millions who live off the government teat scenario is propagandist nonsense. Bullshit that people are swallowing hook, line and sinker. Without GOP obstructionism we can finally get the single payer system and amend the Affordable Care Act to where it was supposed to be in the first place.
No, the ACA needs to be repealed in its entirety with Single Payer being the replacement (or Universal Health care even).

The Welfare Queen may not exist in the US YET, but it does exist. I see it first hand every night of the week when I walk down the street. There was a family here making €90,000 a year from benefits...that's twice the average industrial wage.

People here shamelessly call the day their dole arrives in their account as "getting paid" as if they worked.

As I said the net needs to protect those who need it, and lets the moochers recieve their just desserts.

Like that is going to fucking happen with ROmney in office

Exactly, his advice for people who can't afford it is to go to the emergency room (in an ambulance, no less). One of the reasons we have insane health care costs. What a financial guru he is.
Exactly, his advice for people who can't afford it is to go to the emergency room (in an ambulance, no less). One of the reasons we have insane health care costs. What a financial guru he is.
So basically, Obamas plan is shit but we'll ignore that cos Romney is such a bad guy?

If only a third party candidate had followers as stupidly loyal as you guys.
So basically, Obamas plan is shit but we'll ignore that cos Romney is such a bad guy?

If only a third party candidate had followers as stupidly loyal as you guys.

If only Ireland had some leaders to get them out of the status of welfare country
If only Ireland had some leaders to get them out of the status of welfare country
Dude you keep trying this shit and by every metric we're doing better than yous.

Does it hurt everytime you fail? Do you have a loyalty card for the fail-train? You seem to travel it often.
Dude you keep trying this shit and by every metric we're doing better than yous.

Does it hurt everytime you fail? Do you have a loyalty card for the fail-train? You seem to travel it often.

14.8 unemployment and your countries bonds are worthless junk

Your people are fleeing
14.8 unemployment and your countries bonds are worthless junk

Your people are fleeing
So we've the same unemployment, a closing deficit, growth and we've a net job gain.

At least Obama closed Gitmo...oh wait, ended the two wars (without starting any others)...oh wait.

Well at least he gave you Osama bin Laden...oh yeah, he "didn't build that" either.

Once again, RetardRice, you seem to forget that our unemployment rate doesn't naturally decline like yours cos we've no fall-off on Social Welfare (we don't end people's benefits after a set time).

Go eat some free cheddar that you get for your obvious mental/intellectual shortcomings.

You fail so hard you can't even talk about your own countries problems, that's call deflection Rice-boy.
The Riceboy comment was reflective of the fact you'd to marry a foreigner who only wanted you for a green card btw.

Hope you little Downies have a good day, just don't scratch any of her CD's.