Petition to free Marc Emery


Well-Known Member
And even more when it's legalised...he's not doing it from the good of his heart like.
I think he actually stood up for his beliefs. And his ego thought maybe that was a winning strategy for his legal defense. And like tax protesters he got hammered.


Well-Known Member
I think he actually stood up for his beliefs. And his ego thought maybe that was a winning strategy for his legal defense. And like tax protesters he got hammered.
If they really wanna help the real "warriors" on our side, make a petition to free all cannabis incarcerated individuals, the normal people trying to relax in the evening after work who get fucked by the system.

Do that first, then we can talk about this Emery character who basically asked to get arrested.


bud bootlegger
If they really wanna help the real "warriors" on our side, make a petition to free all cannabis incarcerated individuals, the normal people trying to relax in the evening after work who get fucked by the system.

Do that first, then we can talk about this Emery character who basically asked to get arrested.
i agree with herrekin.. emery did everything in his power to get arrested... now people want to fight to get him out?? craziness imvho...

while i don't agree that someone should be locked up for a plant, or even worse yet, seeds, marc pretty much gave the us gvt. no other option.. he made himself public enemy number one by calling himself the prince of pot, doing interviews in bunches of big name us papers telling them how proud he was for breaking the law.. he was simply flaunting himself to the us so much they really had no choice but to lock him up.. which again, is exactly what the man wanted..
i always go back to that old saying.. be careful of what you ask for as one day you may just get it, which is exactly what happened in this case... i'll be damned if i'm signing anything trying to get this man out of jail..


Well-Known Member
i agree with herrekin.. emery did everything in his power to get arrested... now people want to fight to get him out?? craziness imvho...

while i don't agree that someone should be locked up for a plant, or even worse yet, seeds, marc pretty much gave the us gvt. no other option.. he made himself public enemy number one by calling himself the prince of pot, doing interviews in bunches of big name us papers telling them how proud he was for breaking the law.. he was simply flaunting himself to the us so much they really had no choice but to lock him up.. which again, is exactly what the man wanted..
i always go back to that old saying.. be careful of what you ask for as one day you may just get it, which is exactly what happened in this case... i'll be damned if i'm signing anything trying to get this man out of jail..
I hope Obama pardons him in his second term
That would send a signal on where this administration stands on medical marijuana and pot prohibition in general
not going to hold my breath though


bud bootlegger
I hope Obama pardons him in his second term
That would send a signal on where this administration stands on medical marijuana and pot prohibition in general
not going to hold my breath though
what on earth does marc emery have to do with mmj cheesus?? usually i'm right there with you, but not in this case m8.. :D


Well-Known Member
what on earth does marc emery have to do with mmj cheesus?? usually i'm right there with you, but not in this case m8.. :D
Not much.
But seeds are all part of it.
I am hoping they decriminalize the possession and growing of weed
and just make it illegal to sell

stoned cockatoo

New Member
And you'll keep becoming victims to the profit driven private prison system.

Good work geniuses, at least people like your dumb asses means they leave guys like me (ie. subtle smokers) alone.
hahah. Next time you go to hit you're bong.. Hang you're head in shame instead. You dont deserve to smoke it.

Yeah passionate people will become victims but pussys like yourself will sit by and let it fucking happen.

Think you're safe because you are a "subtle smoker"? That's just fucking stupid.

You mooch off the effects the plant gives you but won't give fuck all back but negativity to thoughs who put there life into.
Now go do nothing you cunt


New Member
i agree with herrekin.. emery did everything in his power to get arrested... now people want to fight to get him out?? craziness imvho...

while i don't agree that someone should be locked up for a plant, or even worse yet, seeds, marc pretty much gave the us gvt. no other option.. he made himself public enemy number one by calling himself the prince of pot, doing interviews in bunches of big name us papers telling them how proud he was for breaking the law.. he was simply flaunting himself to the us so much they really had no choice but to lock him up.. which again, is exactly what the man wanted..
i always go back to that old saying.. be careful of what you ask for as one day you may just get it, which is exactly what happened in this case... i'll be damned if i'm signing anything trying to get this man out of jail..

your stance on this makes no sense to me

either you find this behavior of locking people up for selling SEEDS immoral and unjust and think emery should be released

or you think weed should be illegal

but you think he's deserving of this and if it were up to you, you wouldn't pardon this guy for his "crime" because he "had it coming"??


bud bootlegger
your stance on this makes no sense to me

either you find this behavior of locking people up for selling SEEDS immoral and unjust and think emery should be released

or you think weed should be illegal

but you think he's deserving of this and if it were up to you, you wouldn't pardon this guy for his "crime" because he "had it coming"??
i simply think the man got exactly what he wanted.. he was begging to be locked up, despite my views on what he was locked up for, it's an illegal activity, and this man threw himself across every headline he could telling people how proud he was to be breaking the us law.. what did he expect was going to happen??
he knew he was going to be locked up, why should i fight for his freedom when he pretty much threw it all down the drain simply to be a martyr? it doesn't make sense to fight for someone's freedom when they gave it up so easily..


Well-Known Member
hahah. Next time you go to hit you're bong.. Hang you're head in shame instead. You dont deserve to smoke it.

Yeah passionate people will become victims but pussys like yourself will sit by and let it fucking happen.

Think you're safe because you are a "subtle smoker"? That's just fucking stupid.

You mooch off the effects the plant gives you but won't give fuck all back but negativity to thoughs who put there life into.
Now go do nothing you cunt
Mooch off the effects do I? Wow, you're an arrogant bastard, you decide who gets to "deserve" the plant?

I have to be stupid and get arrested to be part of the "cool gang"?

Well fuck that shit, and fuck you, fucking facist.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If they really wanna help the real "warriors" on our side, make a petition to free all cannabis incarcerated individuals, the normal people trying to relax in the evening after work who get fucked by the system.

Do that first, then we can talk about this Emery character who basically asked to get arrested.
That's a good idea to offer clemency to all. However if many of the "normal people" didn't hide their preference for cannabis and lick the boot of the state this would have ended years ago.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i agree with herrekin.. emery did everything in his power to get arrested... now people want to fight to get him out?? craziness imvho...

while i don't agree that someone should be locked up for a plant, or even worse yet, seeds, marc pretty much gave the us gvt. no other option.. he made himself public enemy number one by calling himself the prince of pot, doing interviews in bunches of big name us papers telling them how proud he was for breaking the law.. he was simply flaunting himself to the us so much they really had no choice but to lock him up.. which again, is exactly what the man wanted..
i always go back to that old saying.. be careful of what you ask for as one day you may just get it, which is exactly what happened in this case... i'll be damned if i'm signing anything trying to get this man out of jail..
Okay, so you disagree with his way of doing things, which is certainly your right. You can't be saying he deserves to be in jail are you?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so you disagree with his way of doing things, which is certainly your right. You can't be saying he deserves to be in jail are you?
I think he just wants to know why this dickhead should be at the head of the queue to get out tbh.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think he just wants to know why this dickhead should be at the head of the queue to get out tbh.
Yes, you could be right.

In a human way, I agree nobody should be at the head of the que. I still have friends that are serving time, one has several years to go...she harmed nobody. This is a real issue to many of us.

In a legalization assisting way, the publicity from Emery's release could have some positive effects due to his notoriety.

Nonetheless Emery is a human being regardless of what his motivation for being arrested may have been, he should be released immediately, as should all of those held for victimless crimes.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you could be right.

In a human way, I agree nobody should be at the head of the que. I still have friends that are serving time, one has several years to go...she harmed nobody. This is a real issue to many of us.

In a legalization assisting way, the publicity from Emery's release could have some positive effects due to his notoriety.

Nonetheless Emery is a human being regardless of what his motivation for being arrested may have been, he should be released immediately, as should all of those held for victimless crimes.
Oh absolutely, but depending on supposed "Demi-Gods" who get imprisoned intentionally takes the eye off the prize, that is legalisation and freedom for all people incarcerated over the plant.

If you want to do something, start a movement yourself cos waiting for Emery to get his shit together could take forever.


bud bootlegger
Okay, so you disagree with his way of doing things, which is certainly your right. You can't be saying he deserves to be in jail are you?
i've already stated i don't think anyone deserves to be in jail for a plant or worse yet, seeds, but imo, marc did everything in his power to get locked up.. it's like all he did and tried to do was to throw his business in the face of the us gvt.. what did he expect was going to happen to him??
idk, i just am not going to fight for his freedom like i said when imo he wanted to be arrested and thrown in jail like a martyr...

ime, plenty of people break the law and get away with it for a long, long time, but when that person throws it in the faces of the people who are there to up hold the laws, how long do they think they're going to remain free??


bud bootlegger
I think he just wants to know why this dickhead should be at the head of the queue to get out tbh.
my whole thing is it wasn't really him selling seeds across the us border that got his ass in hot water and eventually in prison.. god knows that there are plenty of other breeders / seed banks based in canada that will still sell us customers seeds..
if anyone thinks that marc got locked up over a few seeds is kind of naive imo.. like i keep saying, he brought all the heat onto himself by calling himself the prince of pot and doing interview after interview in us based newspapers telling people exactly how he was breaking the law ... imo, he just brought it all upon himself..