Shroom Room!


Well-Known Member
Well i assume most people who love weed, have had some sort of experience with shrooms, if not had the urge to do so... this being said i shall conitue this thread's purpose.

I'm reall excited to be finding all this informations out on shrooms and how easy they are to grow... not to mention how profitable it can be, and im short on cash, majorly, and i know alot of people who would be excited to buy them if i could manage to get a decent supply. awsome deal. i get money for growing and caring for someing i like and giving my frinds what they want. everyone wins!

anyways i wanted to know how many other stgoners on this sight have experimented with shroom growing and sshtuff...did u sell them, keep em all, split with someone. fill me in on what your results were and the methods u used.

pluss, im totally baked and i just rolled the nicest joint i ever made. so im doing well at this


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I used to grow and munch on shrooms. I was quite the shroom head. But they are not necissarily "easy" to grow. Contamination is the biggest problem (i.e. mold). I developed my method which worked quite well and was quite easy... even though alot of fellow shroom heads said that it wouldn't work... it worked awesome!

Anyway. I purchased my spore syringes online. The strain B+ is the staple shroom and should be the strain that everyone starts with (in my oppinion). I only grew for mine and my wifes use and any friends that we invited over. I never sold it... but I had tons to sell if I did want to.

What I discovered is that growing shrooms for your own use places you in a compeltely different catagory than the person that goes and purchases shrooms. The reason that this is so is that your shrooms are free so you are not bound by the financial restrictions that a person purchasing them is. A typical person my purchase like 3 grams to shroom with. Well thats nice... Gives you a nice trip... yada, yada, yada.

At like $8/gram that is like $24 to get a nice trip going. Well when I had like 200 grams just bagged up that I basically spent no money on then I was going to take what I wanted to take. I started with an "ego melting" 5 grams. I then went up from there. I tried 10 grams and was completely "tripping balls!". The largest amount of shrooms that a person took that I found out about was 17grams. I couldn't believe that someone could do 17 grams. Then one night I started with 10grams. Then took more. After several hours I really lost control of myself and ALL judgement! I found myself going to my 54gram back and I just started munching. Then all went wrong! I went in to a massive bad trip. The easiest way that I could explain it is that I went in to a state of chemicaly induced insanity. If my wife wasn't there I would have killed myself without a doubt! She then measured how much was left in the 54gram bag to find out how much I had eaten. There was only 20grams left. I went in to a massive bad trip on 34 grams of shrooms. This is an experience that a person that purchases shrooms will probably never have the opportunity to experience. Or even tripping with 10grams on a regular basis.

Anyway, that was the very last time that I tripped on shrooms. I can't touch them and 1.5 years later I still have horrible flash backs of that trip. I shut down all my growing opperation and gave all my left over stash to a close friend to do with as he wished.

Thats my story... doubt it is what you were looking for though.



Well-Known Member
i was just thinkin about growing some too bcuz i just failed a piss test and my p.o. said she's not going to violate me luckily but now i got to go to rehab classes three times a week and they can test me at any one so it looks like i'm going to have to quit smoking for a couple of months:cry: but does anybody know if they test for shrooms?... i wouldn't think they would so this might be a good alternative for me.


Well-Known Member
some more expensive tests look for stuff like mescaline, lsd, and shrooms, but as far as i kno, normal tests dont. drug tests are expensive, and less-used, less-threatening drugs arent checked on by most. so unless u live in a city that can throw money around, i wouldnt worry about it. imo


Well-Known Member
hey man you can get drink which if you down say half hour before you take the test nothing will show up!


Active Member
Thw only thing that will not come up in a drug test . that you take for the state/fed parol system is whipets That is all I could do for 3 yrs on paper..........Dont belive all the bull shit about being able to get around the feds/ state drug testing..... or just get a can of whip cream and inhale the gas .. But you get a better high with the canester .The balloon is ok but you freez your hand lol


Well-Known Member
Thw only thing that will not come up in a drug test . that you take for the state/fed parol system is whipets That is all I could do for 3 yrs on paper..........Dont belive all the bull shit about being able to get around the feds/ state drug testing..... or just get a can of whip cream and inhale the gas .. But you get a better high with the canester .The balloon is ok but you freez your hand lol
damn that sucks. i'm getting so fucking sick of america dude i need to bounce. How can they be fucking stupid enough to make a plant illegal? i haven't even quit yet and i'm already getting pissed:evil: