Petition to free Marc Emery

We are no more then what we put out to the world. The world that acts as the foundation for all our lives. If you think about it, it is suicidal not to give it our all to propagate revolution, change and balance
You guys are fucking stupid.

He was basically asking to be arrested so little crusty "bum-boys" like you lot would worship him. Worship him for what? No one outside this circle knows/cares who he is.

Noone should be arrested for pot, but as it stands he should've considered "cause and effect", with him being the number 1 "cause" in that occasion.

Cannabis simply being smoked in movies has done 1000 times more than Emery has for our cause. It needs to be accepted as normal and become a non-issue as opposed to some guy high off his mind who can ONLY talk about cannabis.

Again, you guys are fucking stupid.
Was Rosa Parks actions a waste of time? With out brave souls we would still have slavery and woman would not yet have equal rights. Heres to the one who propagated change. We are no more then what we put out to the world. The world that acts as the foundation for all our lives. If you think about it, it is suicidal not to give it our all to propagate revolution, change and balance
Was Rosa Parks actions a waste of time? With out brave souls we would still have slavery and woman would not yet have equal rights. Heres to the one who propagated change. We are no more then what we put out to the world. The world that acts as the foundation for all our lives. If you think about it, it is suicidal not to give it our all to propagate revolution, change and balance
And you'll keep becoming victims to the profit driven private prison system.

Good work geniuses, at least people like your dumb asses means they leave guys like me (ie. subtle smokers) alone.
And you'll keep becoming victims to the profit driven private prison system.

Good work geniuses, at least people like your dumb asses means they leave guys like me (ie. subtle smokers) alone.

At first I thought you were stupid. Now I can see that you're just ignorant. You get my daily dunce award :dunce:
Take that dunce award to the liberal social scientist olympics, they will give you a gold medal, and then tell you you've earned it.

Dude, Marc Emery made enemies for himself in the Justice system by being so blatant about the weed man.

He has an A+ commitment to the plant, but he gets F- in the common sense/non-crazy brain section.

You are the crazy one for letting government decide how you feel about growing and the plant.

The fact that you hide that you grow, yet love to do it, and show it off secretly, makes you weak. Marc Emery was strong.
You're the crazy one.
There are other aspects to keeping Weed illegal such as the effect on our minds and behaviour.

Do we not feel bad about ourselves because weed is looked down on? Do we not get "paranoid" and worry about being arrested?

Supporting the freeing of jailed pot-people is a good way to improve our mental health. We, together, can heal from the Effects of Internalized Oppression.

For more information

2015 is his out-date.

10 more signers needed!
In my years of growing I have learned some fundamental things I was blind to at first. There are growers and there are harvesters and ratios in between. Growers make an environment better then it was. Harvesters only take and take and take. Not everyone who grows is a grower. Some would rather have cannabis illegal to increase their profits. Some grow for quality who understand the ecology of the soil and what is healthy and some increase yields with cancer causing synthetics that destroy everything except final weight of the harvest. Heres to the true growers, with who even those such the harvesters are able to survive off of (how ever counter productive as they are). I think of harvesters like cancer. They developed from a balanced being though some thing went wrong and now they just suck though we are still all part of the same energy. It takes a true grower to reverse this process. Heres to Marc and the other true growers once again, cheers.
Was Rosa Parks actions a waste of time? With out brave souls we would still have slavery and woman would not yet have equal rights. Heres to the one who propagated change. We are no more then what we put out to the world. The world that acts as the foundation for all our lives. If you think about it, it is suicidal not to give it our all to propagate revolution, change and balance

No, Rosa Parks was NOT a brave soul. She worked for the NCAAP and was setting things up. She knew she had plenty of back up.
There are plenty of people who were brave souls that were arrested around the same time Rosa Parks was who didnt have an entire organization at their backs.

Like an above poster said, Emery chose to be a martyr. You have to have a bad ending to be a martyr.
No, Rosa Parks was NOT a brave soul. She worked for the NCAAP and was setting things up. She knew she had plenty of back up.
There are plenty of people who were brave souls that were arrested around the same time Rosa Parks was who didnt have an entire organization at their backs.

Like an above poster said, Emery chose to be a martyr. You have to have a bad ending to be a martyr.

He choose to stand up for what is right against the tides to maximize what he could give back. Once a person has matched his results of positive impact here on Earth I am a bit hesitant to take head in their advice of how to live.

Billybob - May of 2015. Although this may seems right around the corner it feels much longer. I got kidnapped by the same people for 3.5 years. I understand if some one is nervous about signing with a large grow though know it is not merit to get arrested. Maybe just post the link on facebook so those not rocking to help the movement. If you do not scramble your isp really you have other things to be worried about. torproject
I dont scramble though if you want to get paranoid start there. I hope you are growing thousands of them if you are
He choose to stand up for what is right against the tides to maximize what he could give back. Once a person has matched his results of positive impact here on Earth I am a bit hesitant to take head in their advice of how to live.

Billybob - May of 2015. Although this may seems right around the corner it feels much longer. I got kidnapped by the same people for 3.5 years. I understand if some one is nervous about signing with a large grow though know it is not merit to get arrested. Maybe just post the link on facebook so those not rocking to help the movement. If you do not scramble your isp really you have other things to be worried about. torproject
I dont scramble though if you want to get paranoid start there. I hope you are growing thousands of them if you are

So the time he spent locked up in Canada doesn't count towards time served? That's.... shitty for Marc.
Marc Emery wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

You think he cares about you?!

He's chasing the fat stacks fool, he wanted to go to prison, he's as dumb as two shits nailed together.

Again it shouldn't be illegal, but brain-dead wannabe-martyr stoners ain't gonna get the law changed, no matter how much they Emo-rage about t.
I am not even sure how to respond to that. Were you from an abusive environment?
No it's the bigger picture man. State initatives are how legalisation is going to happen, people like Emery are a distraction that make our movement look like 20 year old college kids still gripped with teenage "fight the power" angst mentality.

Cannabis needs to be looked at as something normal people do, and thusly it will itself become normal.
Also, is it not somewhat of a conflict of interest (of sorts) that if cannabis is legalised Emery is in a good position to make a shitload of cheddar?

Self-less martyr, warrior for the story bro.