Petition to free Marc Emery


Well-Known Member
Dude, Marc Emery made enemies for himself in the Justice system by being so blatant about the weed man.

He has an A+ commitment to the plant, but he gets F- in the common sense/non-crazy brain section.


Well-Known Member
Dude, Marc Emery made enemies for himself in the Justice system by being so blatant about the weed man.

He has an A+ commitment to the plant, but he gets F- in the common sense/non-crazy brain section.
That is truth.


Well-Known Member
Sorry let me elaborate on my response above;

I don't agree with anyone being imprisoned over the plant, but do you really think the Feds will care about a petition to free someone who actively and openly has blatant disregard for the law?


Well-Known Member
Sorry let me elaborate on my response above;

I don't agree with anyone being imprisoned over the plant, but do you really think the Feds will care about a petition to free someone who actively and openly has blatant disregard for the law?
It's not will some "FEDS" care it's about will you!

Signed and the comment reads
Sometimes it takes one to speak for the rest. Marc spoke with cannabis seeds and I listened by planting cannabis seeds.
It's is a freedom that was taken away from us all which shouldn't have been.

I know most all of you hide behind false persona's but we cannot become an effective political force for cannabis change until we get real.

We here in politics forum call each other names, complain someone isn't "cool" and even try to blacklist people we do not like yet we will not be real to start with.

Think about this friends! Get Real.. Come out of the Cannabis Closet.

Oh edit: 40 more needed after me.


Well-Known Member
It's not will some "FEDS" care it's about will you!

Signed and the comment reads

I know most all of you hide behind false persona's but we cannot become an effective political force for cannabis change until we get real.

We here in politics forum call each other names, complain someone isn't "cool" and even try to blacklist people we do not like yet we will not be real to start with.

Think about this friends! Get Real.. Come out of the Cannabis Closet.

Oh edit: 40 more needed after me.
A blind gesture is just that.

People like Marc Emery lack the subtlety and finesse to be the head of a legalisation movement.

Most stoners think he's off the walls, what do you think politicians are going to think?

Again his heart is in the right place, and no one deserves to be locked up for weed, but seriously, do you honestly think he's a good figurehead?!


Well-Known Member
A blind gesture is just that.

People like Marc Emery lack the subtlety and finesse to be the head of a legalisation movement.

Most stoners think he's off the walls, what do you think politicians are going to think?

Again his heart is in the right place, and no one deserves to be locked up for weed, but seriously, do you honestly think he's a good figurehead?!
Why not tell our "Tribe" here what honors you have won. Perhaps some great thing you did for as many as Marc?

Like it or not he was an active leader in our Revolution.

My claim is I am out of the Cannabis Closet and arguing publicly for Cannabis Change. I am a Warrior. Oh and I wish to open a dispensary of some type in a County that has banned them!

Care to share?


Well-Known Member
Why not tell our "Tribe" here what honors you have won. Perhaps some great thing you did for as many as Marc?

Like it or not he was an active leader in our Revolution.

My claim is I am out of the Cannabis Closet and arguing publicly for Cannabis Change. I am a Warrior. Oh and I wish to open a dispensary of some type in a County that has banned them!

Care to share?
Oh it's totally illegal here, but I grow and smoke no problem cos I'm not annoying the police or doing stupid shit.

Self-righteous little leftie stoner fucks like you acting out like you're better than everyone else are the biggest obstacle to legalisation cos no one in a million years will ever take you seriously.

Theres correct and incorrect ways to do things, Emery did things the wrong way and got arrested (as he should have expected to be). It's not right but it's the way it is.


Well-Known Member
Oh it's totally illegal here, but I grow and smoke no problem cos I'm not annoying the police or doing stupid shit.

Self-righteous little leftie stoner fucks like you acting out like you're better than everyone else are the biggest obstacle to legalisation cos no one in a million years will ever take you seriously.

Theres correct and incorrect ways to do things, Emery did things the wrong way and got arrested (as he should have expected to be). It's not right but it's the way it is.
Have you listened/Read "to" yourself? Take care.. I'm done making my point with you. Be Well.


Well-Known Member
Have you listened/Read "to" yourself? Take care.. I'm done making my point with you. Be Well.
I just don't understand why crusties worship this guy as if he's some sort of messiah. He was the self titled "Prince of Pot", what did he expect to happen with that sort of attention?

He's self martyr'd, let him enjoy his status.


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why crusties worship this guy as if he's some sort of messiah. He was the self titled "Prince of Pot", what did he expect to happen with that sort of attention?

He's self martyr'd, let him enjoy his status.
Wish i could disagree with harrekin

Now with all that said

Imagine what message that would send if Obama commuted his sentence right after he gets reelected


Well-Known Member
I like Marc as he stands for freedom and has effected my life for the better following actions he knows in his heart to be right. He not only pushed freedom of the press into being in Canada by standing up to unjust laws though he has benefited more lives then 99.9 percent of humans will ever think of in their lives. For me this is what living is all about. Cheers to Marc and all others not afraid to stand up for those unable to for what ever reason.


Well-Known Member
We need Heroes in any war. Is it true that Marc is not our Hero?

Anyone here have the Balls to do what he did and suffer the consequence?

On the merit of pardoning the rest of his time in prison.. It's the least we can do.


New Member
Oh it's totally illegal here, but I grow and smoke no problem cos I'm not annoying the police or doing stupid shit.

Self-righteous little leftie stoner fucks like you acting out like you're better than everyone else are the biggest obstacle to legalisation cos no one in a million years will ever take you seriously.

Theres correct and incorrect ways to do things, Emery did things the wrong way and got arrested (as he should have expected to be). It's not right but it's the way it is.

lol that's the difference between someone like you and someone like Emery

His blatant, ouspoken approach is what made him an activist...and for somebody who you claim "approached it the wrong way" he's sure had a lot of success with his store, his seed business, his contributions to charities, his contributions toward policy changes and his CC magazine.

He's also stated numerous times that he did what he did to draw attention to the cannabis legalization movement and that if it threatened his freedom, then he'd end up a causualty of the drug war for a noble cause