• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why social scientists keep "discovering" conservatives are dumb, crazy etc...


Well-Known Member
hmmm, so there has been a study? where was this study done? by whom? what methodology?

welfare dependency and unwed mothers are NOT the only issue. the entire fabric of the black community is unraveling. from the lionization of silly minstrel performers like "lil wayne" and "soljah boi" to falling graduation rates, higher unermployment numbers, rejection of any success not approved by al sharpton as "legitimate", rising crime rates (especially violent crime) falling literacy rates, increased self segregation, and the popularity of "Grillz".

shits all fucked up. that is undeniable. and it's not so easy to blame "socio-economic conditions" for the deplorable (and unmistakeably ghetto as fuck) actions of michael vick, suge knight, and ron "gonna have to choke a bitch" artest, as they are all millionaires not street urchins. or for that matter wiggers. who despite their low melanin content have embraced the ghetto culture and now suffer from the same problems.
everything you just named is due to socioeconomic conditions and the like, not melanin. when will this sink in for you?

now go ahead and have another apoplectic rant. i'll let you have the last word, aka a woman's prerogative.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
everything you just named is due to socioeconomic conditions and the like, not melanin. when will this sink in for you?

now go ahead and have another apoplectic rant. i'll let you have the last word, aka a woman's prerogative.
"socio-economic conditions" makes ordinarily self-respecting black people give birth to critters that want to be shucking and jiving coons shuffling off to buffalo in sparkly pants with jewel bestudded false teeth?

lil wayne, souljah boi, and all the other mistrel show performers who have become wealthy seling stupidity to the innner city youths are not the result of any "socio-economic conditions" i can think of. bein poor doesnt make chicano kids want to be idiots. and chicanos have some melanin up in their shit too.

al sharpton declaring that any success that doesnt meet with his approval is selling out? what "socio-economic condition" is that?

$5000 in spinning rims on a car thats worth less than $500, what "socio-economic" conditions results in that level of stupidity?

dropping out of school to sell weed or crack COULD be a result of "socio-economic conditions" but dropping out of school to sell self produced mixtapes from the trunk of a shitbox accord sitting on $5000 in spinning riims is NOT.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That's the "socio" end of socioeconomic. cn
nah, when liberals join two words together they cannot be separated ever again.

thats why "socio-economic conditions" means we cant look at why black society is collapsing in on itself around the singularity of stupidity.

it's a force so strong not even logic can escape.

nobody can get out of the self imposed ghetto except by selling out and becoming uncle toms.

thats the difference, the nazis had to lock jews into the ghettos of warsaw. black america has locked itself in, and thrown the key into the river.

but we dare not ask why


Well-Known Member
nah, when liberals join two words together they cannot be separated ever again.

thats why "socio-economic conditions" means we cant look at why black society is collapsing in on itself around the singularity of stupidity.

it's a force so strong not even logic can escape.

nobody can get out of the self imposed ghetto except by selling out and becoming uncle toms.

thats the difference, the nazis had to lock jews into the ghettos of warsaw. black america has locked itself in, and thrown the key into the river.

but we dare not ask why
Dare not ask why? Only a generation ago there was segregation and discrimination is still lingering.

The Nazis had to lock Jews in Ghettos? So fucking openly bigoted. People like you are to blame for racial strife.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Dare not ask why? Only a generation ago there was segregation and discrimination is still lingering.

The Nazis had to lock Jews in Ghettos? So fucking openly bigoted. People like you are to blame for racial strife.
yes, a generation ago. if your generations are 50 years.

nobody discriminated souljah boi into being a dumbass, he chose that for himself.

nobody discriminated michael vick into dog fighting, he made that move all by himself.

nobody discriminated michael jackson into creepy sexual deviance and weird plastic surgery. that was all him.

nobody discriminated al sharpton into the position of liberal elder statesman and arbiter of who is black enough for any particular purpose.

as to the second statement you made. yes, the nazis forced the jews into the warsaw ghettos, then kept them there for later solutioning. of a final variety. blacks in america have sealed themselves into their ghettos and deride and despise any who leave, revoking the "ghetto pass" and declaring them to no longer be "down with the struggle"

any black person who speaks proper english rather than meaningless gibberish interspersed with "know what im sayin" "ya feel me" and "fo shizzle mah nizzle" is an uncle tom
any black person who tries to better himself is a "house nigger"
any black person who dares hold a view other than the approved view that black people are REQUIRED to hold is a "sellout"
any black person who defies the groupthink of his fellow blacks is declared an "Oreo"

meanwhile the leftist intelligentsia is so terrified of offending anyone and being branded with the scarlet letter of shame that they so willingly apply to everyone else, hides their eyes from anything they fear might be even slightly controversial. since i am ALREADY branded with the indelible stain of RACISM!!!! by dint of asking why my own friends are rejected by their own people because they dont shuck and jive like strutting coons, i have no compunction about stating the facts. .

only black comedians are allowed to question the black social structure, and then they better not go too far, and they had best end the comment with a punchline, or they get bill cosby'ed into obscurity.

remember david allen greer? his show Chocolate News only ran for a few weeks, despite the fact that it was hilarious. his mistake was a single joke.

since we have a black president now, he asked his fellow african americans to "tone down the niggertry". next thing you know. he is off the air, and bagging groceries at Vons.

this new crop of young people act in a manner that is even farther down into the worst racial stereotypes of black people than even Steppin Fetchit. why the fuck would anyone deliberately go out oif their way to make themselves look like a comic foil from a minstrel show? blacks today arent being downpressed by the man, they are making themselves into silly side show freaks suitable only for two bits a gander midway attractions.

Come One, Come All!! See the Negro That Time Forgot!!
Wonder At His Lowrise Trousers, As Ill Fitting As Any Runaway Slave's!
Observe His Curious Fascination With Anything Covered In Rhinestones!
Marvel At His Fake Grillz! Sparkling With Faux Diamonds!
Be Amazed By His Refusal To Respect His Elders And Heed Their Council!
Witness The Startling Return Of All The Prejudices Of Bygone Age

Youll Never Be Witness To A More Shameful Spectacle!
Step Right Up And See The Architect Of The Destruction Of The Civil Rights Movement!
You Sir! Two Bits Is All You Need For the Most Terrifying Show Since The End Of Segregated Vaudville!
You Dont Have Weak Heart Do You, My Good Man?
Such A Shock To The System Could Spell The End For Anyone With A Delicate Constitution!
Come One, Come All And Bear Witness To The End Of Convivial Race Relations!


Well-Known Member
that's all well and good, but i feel like you could make more lopsided racial stereotypes and generalizations.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
that's all well and good, but i feel like you could make more lopsided racial stereotypes and generalizations.
ohh bucky, i dont gotta make em, since i live in town now i just gotta go to the store or look out my window.

several of my older black friends have commented to me in most unflattering terms how the kids today are trying to be the very niggers that The Man tried to make them be in the 60's.

of course it's not all black youths, but enough off them to cause rational normal people to wonder what the fuck has gotten into their heads.

among white kids the percentage that choose to cover themselves with faux-tribal tattoos, gauge their ears out, and spend 20 minutes taking off piercings every time they go through a metal detector is low. not so low as it should be, but low.

where i live most of the black people under 30 have their drawers hanging down to their knees, and cant communicate well enough to order a pizza, much less get a job.

a few years ago an old woman on a bus let into a young punk for his shenanigans and shameful habits, she really opened up with both barrels particularly for "making a spectacle of himself in front of all these white people!" i almost died laughing as she tanned his ass for being, as she put it "a no-account nigger" and "a pickaninny" where white people could see him. and the best part was he had the good sense to look ashamed of his actions. perhaps thats what the black community needs, leadership from angry old black ladies who dont take kindly to foolishness, rather than al sharpton jesse jackson and P Diddy.

but im racist for even seeing that ass whuppin.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Dr you are bigot like i have hazel eyes, get used to it, everyone but you is aware of it

and is pathetic to watch kinda like my spelling

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
We elect people like this asshole to positions required by REAL scientists. [video=youtube;rikEWuBrkHc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rikEWuBrkHc&feature=player_embedded[/video]

now i'm sure there are many who agree with him, guess what.... your fucking wrong.


Well-Known Member
nobody discriminated souljah boi into being a dumbass, he chose that for himself.

nobody discriminated michael vick into dog fighting, he made that move all by himself.

nobody discriminated michael jackson into creepy sexual deviance and weird plastic surgery. that was all him.

nobody discriminated al sharpton into the position of liberal elder statesman and arbiter of who is black enough for any particular purpose.
Ted Nugent sucks, never made a good song

several dozen British people a year, most of them white, convicted of dog fighting

Jerry Sandusky, If you want to talk about sexual deviation

Ron Paul, as racist as Al Sharpton

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ted Nugent sucks, never made a good song

several dozen British people a year, most of them white, convicted of dog fighting

Jerry Sandusky, If you want to talk about sexual deviation

Ron Paul, as racist as Al Sharpton
ted nugent's musical tastes are irrelevant, non sequitor and also, disputable, as cat scratch fever is a classic.

several dozen british university educated millionaires with everything to lose? no. dumbass pikeys with a pocket full of lottery tickets and no sense.

jerry sandusky may have been boy-hungry pedagogue, but then so was michael jackson. white people everywhere are not protesting and calling the investigation racist....

the allegations that ron paul is racist come from the left, lives only among the left and has become an article of faith on the left. meanwhile anyone who shouts the same party line as the left may indulge in all the racism they wish, as long as they target groups which are not on the democrats protected specie list. on the left you can be racist as fuck against jews, slavs, "rednecks", "hillbillies", anyone who votes republican, germans, italians, brits, frenchies, irish, armenians, indians (dots AND feathers) and a few others.

the left hates as viciously as anyone, they just mark out some groups as protected, and unleash their extra pent up venom on those who violate their super special rules about who can be hated. since it is hate from a source that is unimpeachable due to their support for the leftist progressive agenda, they get a pass, or as whoopi goldberg might say, it's not HATE hate...

of course to be labeled as a hateful racist homophobe bigot who wants to see all minorities lined up against the wall and shot, all it takes is a QUESTION about a protected group's chosen behaviors, like kanye west's entire career, or "why the menthol cigarettes?" to be branded as racist and henceforth marginalized and heaped with scorn.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
don'tbother, he thinks highly himself, notice the title of "Dr", he's serious bzniss.
yes, i am often quite serious. you however have displayed a notable LACK of seriousness. or sense, or anything other than blind acceptance of the party line. if you didnt like weed i would have nothing to say to you. of course if you didnt like weed you would most likely be lined up alongside ainslinger, lyon and all the other "drugs are bad m'kay" dumbasses and would be dispensing similar nuggets of ill-informed hate upon cannabis.

if thats too complex for you to grasp ill offer a simple version.

youre a dumbass who doesnt know enough about anything to do any more than repeat what youre told. you are a Jingoist.


Well-Known Member
Seems pretty evident that liberal arts in higher education is one huge echo chamber of liberals, each one lovingly massaging the gonads of the next.

When he asked for centrists and libertarians, he spotted fewer than three dozen hands. And then, when he asked for conservatives, he counted a grand total of three.

What do you expect "Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s conference" that contains the word Social.. Duh!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Thanks, Ernst, for bringing the discussion back around to the original topic, though it is pretty apparent that you don't understand "social" in the context of science as opposed to "socialism".

The point of the original post was that university social science departments are composed nearly entirely of liberals and progressives who are virulently opposed to anybody that dares to not toe their line. They admitted as much. One third of them declared they would refuse to hire a conservative, one third declared they would turn down a research grant. I have talked to college professors online who self-identify as Libertarian; they tell me that they must hide their political identity or face repercussions.

I have a good friend whose daughter was an associate professor of molecular biology at a California University; she left because of the hostile atmosphere she encountered. Please note that she was a professor in a real science where the political pledge of allegiance is not so rigidly enforced as it is in "social sciences". I can only imagine the intellectual desert in the social sciences.

Having said all that, I have enjoyed the divergence that happened in this thread. Unfortunately, it has played out as usual, in this case Kyne making some excellent points and the lefties responding with ugly name calling. Honestly, this thread is a demonstration of exactly what is going on in university social science departments: if anybody dares to make an observation about a forbidden topic he will be tarred and feathered. If you guys are so terrified of a civil discussion, your ideology is doomed.

Given the echo chamber of conservative-hating liberals in American academia the only rational response to these "studies" that conclude that conservatives are "crazy, stupid, and dangerous" is to laugh.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Ernst, for bringing the discussion back around to the original topic, though it is pretty apparent that you don't understand "social" in the context of science as opposed to "socialism".

The point of the original post was that university social science departments are composed nearly entirely of liberals and progressives who are virulently opposed to anybody that dares to not toe their line. They admitted as much. One third of them declared they would refuse to hire a conservative, one third declared they would turn down a research grant. I have talked to college professors online who self-identify as Libertarian; they tell me that they must hide their political identity or face repercussions.

I have a good friend whose daughter was an associate professor of molecular biology at a California University; she left because of the hostile atmosphere she encountered. Please note that she was a professor in a real science where the political pledge of allegiance is not so rigidly enforced as it is in "social sciences". I can only imagine the intellectual desert in the social sciences.

Having said all that, I have enjoyed the divergence that happened in this thread. Unfortunately, it has played out as usual, in this case Kyne making some excellent points and the lefties responding with ugly name calling. Honestly, this thread is a demonstration of exactly what is going on in university social science departments: if anybody dares to make an observation about a forbidden topic he will be tarred and feathered. If you guys are so terrified of a civil discussion, your ideology is doomed.

Given the echo chamber of conservative-hating liberals in American academia the only rational response to these "studies" that conclude that conservatives are "crazy, stupid, and dangerous" is to laugh.
so tell me about how welfare dependency and unmarried parenthood is a function of melanin then.


New Member
I'd like to drop off the two wanna-be black defenders Buckie and Chessie in West Oakland for just one night.
Both of them would piss their little white pants in the first 15 minutes!


Well-Known Member
I'd like to drop off the two wanna-be black defenders Buckie and Chessie in West Oakland for just one night.
Both of them would piss their little white pants in the first 15 minutes!
how dare anyone point out the fallacy of thinking that behavior is a function of melanin.

i mean, to point out the simple facts like that is "black defending", and we all know how clayton feels about defending "niggas".

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
so tell me about how welfare dependency and unmarried parenthood is a function of melanin then.
you are still presuming that all questions asked by non-leftists are crypto-racist attempts to prove social factors are determined by racial lines.

in samoa fat girls are considered attractive.
in some parts of india hairy girls are the hotness. (and i mean HAIRY!)
in some parts of africa blackness is considered sexy as fuck, while in asia paleness is considered hotter.

the african groups who assert that "the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice" are just making good sense, while asians who prize a graveyard tan, and a ghostly pallor are self hating racists.

meanwhile in samoa, fat girls are straight up slammin hot, but thats NASTY cuz fat people are disgusting and bloomberg has banned anybody with a BMI higher than 25 from all public areas,, but girls so skinny they look like 12 year old boys (who also happen to be super skinny) are just keen.

this is the SOCIO in "Socio-economic", and economics are not always part of sociological trends.

black dudes in america are primarily sexually focused on the buttocks. this is not so in other parts of the world (though several african societies also favour the female posterior as the trait that gets them stiff, but not all) and in most of the rest of the american male population there is a hearty debate on the virtues of legs, breasts, and butts as the primary attractant. I personally favour a blending, of long slender gams, firm but not necessarily large tits, and a well shaped posterior. so i suppose im a moderate. and as a moderate i now control the moral high ground and all you ass men, breast men, and leg men must submit to my iron fisted domination as your new moderate overlord. Bring Alyssa Milano to my chambers or face my moderate wrath!

ohh yeah, sorry...

anyhow, these social factors are NOT based on race, but they are prominent in a racially self-segregating population and many people (Uncle Toms, House Niggers, Crypto-Fascists and Racist Bigots alike) are concerned by these trends.