Does Any One Know About D.M.T.??

Like previous poster said.... Mimosa Hostillis (Jurema) Root Bark. But, prices have gone up recently. Kilo for 70 is no more. It's basically doubled, if you can find a good deal. Amazon no longer carries it either.

Look up the lazy mans tek.

I've never done this before, but I heard this is the way it would be done. And I am not telling you to do this. This is just a base/solvent extraction. It could be used to extract other things, legal, which i have done. I am no chemist. Just telling what works.

Put 112g mimosa hostillis root bark powder (dye) in the bottom of a large jar or bowl.
Fill a measuring cup with 750 ml filtered water.
Slowly add lye to the water. stir it in. it will get warm.
After you have mixed in 75ml of lye, and stirred it in, dump the water/lye mix into the mhrb powder in the jar.
lightly swirl the jar, do not shake, mix it until all the powder has been saturated, maybe 3-4 minutes.
then pour in naphtha or Besine. About 100 ml.
swirl the jar with the nathpha added, gently, do not shake. For about 3 minutes.
Let the jar sit for 3 minutes. The Naphtha will be sitting on the top as a layer.
Carefully dump the naphtha off into a pyrex pan. Be careful not to let any of the mhrb,water or lye (black goop) in the pyrex.
Add another 100 ml of naphtha and swirl again, dump off again.
Repeat this step 5 or 6 times.

Then, you find yourself with a pyrex pan full of solvent (naphtha or besine) and alkaloids. You wont be able to see the alk.
Sit the pan in front of a fan. Let the fan blow on it until it is completely dissolved. It can take days.
You will have orange crystals, whiter crystals, and orangish goop.
Scrape up the crystals and store for use. Take the orange goop, scrape it up, and then spread it into a very thin layer, put back in front of the fan.
after the goop dries out more (a few more days), it will be closer to crystal and ready to use as well.

Cleaner crystals and higher yields can be had. But the method described above is a very simple way to do it. It is the lazy mans tek but modified for mhrb powder, and leaving out the defat and recrystalization processes, which add to confusion for a first timer, and imo not necessary. If you want to do larger batches, just multiply all ingredients. If you use more naphtha then the above recipe, it makes for an easier extraction, but if you are concerned about impurities from the solvent, then the less you use the better... i personally feel naphtha is plenty clean considering doses are like 50mg, max.

You can do more "pulls" than 5 or 6, but you want to reheat the lye/water mix. You can rest the jar in a hot bath or just add more lye. The lye will heat when added to water.

You might want to get mhrb soon. it might not be available much longer. the price has doubled this year. A few more ethno store raids and it might be very difficult to aquire. if you only use for personal and just use on occasion..., a couple kilos of mhrb powder should get you nearly a life time supply.

DMT nexus is a good place. It's a forum. Sign up there and you will get all the help you need. But the above recipe if followed exactly will work. It really cannot be spelled out in an easier way or with an easier method. If you can't do this recipe, it's not going to happen.
I too live in the sunshine state, and there are PLENTY of good trees. I've only ever ordered from ebay... who knows.... maybe our trees yield more than mexican/brasil trees!
From what I hear.. the further south the higher the alkaloid content. So, Brasil should be the best source.
quart mason jar. 750 ml water,50g dried powdered gras or mhrb, 50 g lye, add lye to water while stirring or will form a hard cake at bottom, add grass or what ever, shake ,crack lid so it dont explode as lye makes water hot ,let sit over nite to break down grass, use vn+p naptha, any home depot has itput about a quarter inch with in after leaving break down, shake shake shake, let seperate, then shake shake shake, repete about 5 times ,draw off naptha put in flat pyrex dish with lid, put into freezer and the dmt will crash out and start growing into crystals, 24 hrs in freezer is best, pour off naptha let dry the rest of the way scrape up and smoke. this called the straight to base method
if you want to clean it up even more to get cleanwhite crystal. put it back into some naptha take some baking soda and water doesnt take much soda shake and the water will pull out fats. i find it easiest to use a short cigar test tube and take the water from the bottom rather than try to pull naptha from the top. run it thru the freezer again
Yeah, I've been very interested in trying phenethylamine on an MAO-B inhibitor. Apparently it's pretty amazing.
check out
usa to usa prices from $48 / lb or $84 / kg,
down to $28 / lb for 40 lbs.

greetings friends! As many of you are already aware, the us government has decided to start actively preventing the import of mimosa hostilis. At the start of september 2012, they raided our home and offices, looking for evidence that we were involved in illegal activities. Acting in an violent and ignorant manner, they stole all of our substantial mhrb inventory, along with a large quantity of other unrelated plant materials. The good news is that there are no charges against us, and we are free to continue our good work. however, their actions were sufficient for us to decide against importing or selling any more mhrb.

Plants of the Gods has a pretty comprehensive listing of DMT containing plants (and other psychedelic plants).
Another store was raided as well around the same time. It sent a little ripple through the market. Some others just dropped mhrb without being raided.
Can't say I disagree with them. Avoiding having trigger happy assholes with automatic weapons kicking down my door is a really high priority.
Well I used the false mimosa by my place and no go on that root bark... I did three different teks and all three produced nothing freeze or fan. In the freezer when I removed the dish there was ice building on the sides and when it melted and hit the ice cold naphtha it would make small white false dmt as it evaporated away when dried. LoL. Im going to try the several different teks on the reed grass next. The first tek on the root bark yielded nasty yellowish sticky crap. I balled it up like hash on a pin needle (What I could get up any how.) As soon as the flame got close it ran like water. I disposed of the rest.
UPDATE: I simmered my grass leaves in a ph of 3 to 5 water for 3 hrs let stand for 24 hrs. I added an ample amount of lye to water. Added strained solution into basified water. Heated to 120 To 150 degrees until solution was warm. Added naphtha and swirled for 3 minutes. Kept in heat for 3 hrs. Swirled around until naphtha diapered into the solution every 30 minutes. I drained only the naphtha into a glass dish. Put the dish in the freezer 18 hrs ago. Its a deep freezer so I know its way cold. I can freeze a gallon of water solid in 3 or 4 hrs. My drained naphtha after 18 hrs has nothing. Not even cloudy. I found an article online that said the root stalks of said grass contains most of its variety of Tryptamines/ 5 meo dmt/ nn dmt/EXT. Long story short I will use dried [FONT=arial, sans-serif]root stalk[/FONT] today.​ I will shred real fine and boil/simmer for a while and then strain.
I found out that for some reason naphtha grabs grass clippings and holds them just under the naphtha and just over the basified solution creating a sort of wall in between the naphtha and the solution.
Well I used the false mimosa by my place and no go on that root bark... I did three different teks and all three produced nothing freeze or fan. In the freezer when I removed the dish there was ice building on the sides and when it melted and hit the ice cold naphtha it would make small white false dmt as it evaporated away when dried. LoL. Im going to try the several different teks on the reed grass next. The first tek on the root bark yielded nasty yellowish sticky crap. I balled it up like hash on a pin needle (What I could get up any how.) As soon as the flame got close it ran like water. I disposed of the rest.

what is false mimosa?

assuming it contains the good...That yellow sticky crap will work for you...

if you demand crystals... it just needed cleaned up, which is simple to do. In the future, don't throw that "crap" away.
I thought you said you strained it before putting it in the basic water? Also what is the pH of the final solution. It should be 10.5-11.0 (ideally 10.7). Lower doesn't freebase all of the DMT and higher leads to fucked up emulsions that don't want to separate.