Nah dude, I'm talking about why they turn brown after you cut them while they're still green!
Nah dude, I'm talking about why they turn brown after you cut them while they're still green!
you're a bad liar in addition to being a lawn mower pusher.
Nah dude, I'm talking about why they turn brown after you cut them while they're still green!
Why you mad bro, I'm learning something here!
I have posted here since may of 2008 little boy.
learning cause you are not a grower but claim to be to seem cool at a pot website
i don't see how that precludes you from mowing lawns for your allowance.
It doesnt preclude me from having posted pictures for 2 full years before you even joined this forum.
You are so full of shit it is overflowing to the catboxes on your drying room floor...
Dont you have some trimming to do? Thousands of tiny little popcorn buds by the look of it... FFS, even an idiot can get better results in soil outdoors.
He did admit it was his first outdoor grow, but what gets me is the fact in another post a while back he said he didn't grow that much indoors! What doors is left? lol
And to be honest I don't trim much at all and certainly don't keep them around very long to find out.
I've never seen any turn brown that quick, how about you?
Dude, your boy gets busted hanging his plants over a fucking box of cat shit and you're questioning me? LMAO
Dude, your boy gets busted hanging his plants over a fucking box of cat shit and you're questioning me? LMAO
He did admit it was his first outdoor grow, but what gets me is the fact in another post a while back he said he didn't grow that much indoors! What doors is left? lol
there was already a lawn there when they moved there. sprinkler system on a timer and everything.
my mom is a nurse and my dad is a carpenter. they are salt of the earth, lower middle class folks. of course they don't have the money to support their sons their entire lives.
do tell me again about how i mooch. this promises to be grand, you lawn mowing pedophile.
since when does getting busted mean the cops leave you alone?
i don't see how that precludes you from mowing lawns for your allowance.
i dont know about you non growers but i could have a NLXS dead mothers body in there decomposing and my shit will still reek like bud!
Sucking lawns doesn't work too well, in any case. cn
that must be why i have a thread with two years worth of outdoor grows in it.
you fail so hard, clayton.
go back to stormfront and discuss your disdain for niggas with like minded dipshits.