Joints or Blunts?

Which do you prefer

  • Joints

    Votes: 35 63.6%
  • Blunts

    Votes: 15 27.3%
  • Neither

    Votes: 5 9.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
But anyhoooo

i rolljoints like nothing. Blunts for me are hit or miss
I've never rolled a blunt. I roll joints all the time, but I've never tried to roll a blunt. I've bought them for people, but usually the person that wants the blunt knows how to roll it, so I don't have to.


Well-Known Member
OMG im the only neither!? wow. I cant smoke blunts... the tobacco makes me sick. Used to roll em with the best of em. Joints are okay but they waste a ton of THC. if your as heavy a smoker as me you need something like a volcano IMO. i love mine.


Well-Known Member
its funny tho, as little as i smoke joints anymore... i can still twist one better than anyone i know. its like it gets burned into your mind once you get your own little thang down. its something u cant teach really IMO. those joint rolling books were always a joke to me.


Well-Known Member
OMG im the only neither!? wow. I cant smoke blunts... the tobacco makes me sick. Used to roll em with the best of em. Joints are okay but they waste a ton of THC. if your as heavy a smoker as me you need something like a volcano IMO. i love mine.
I actually don't feel vaporizers are very effective. It takes me like 4-5 bags off a Volcano to get properly blazed, maybe 2-4 if we're smoking hash, and depending how good that is.

I don't feel that a Vape is a tool to be used alone though. I think a vape should be used to smoke lose buds, low grade hash, reggie and trim (because it all really tastes the same in the vape, to me). Buds should be used for loading pipes, bongs, and rolling joints/blunts. Then everyone should eventually get a bong nail for hash, and make edibles regularly (eventually I want to do it with every meal).

That's how I feel smoking should be done. And I don't feel like vape can be used alone, it is something that should accompany smoking, not replace it.


New Member
OMG im the only neither!? wow. I cant smoke blunts... the tobacco makes me sick. Used to roll em with the best of em. Joints are okay but they waste a ton of THC. if your as heavy a smoker as me you need something like a volcano IMO. i love mine.
If I could afford a Volcano, I would definitely consider it lol...


Well-Known Member
you have a bit of a point while i still disagree... the head shop i bought my volcano at even warned me i would just put it up and not use it after a couple months. over 6 years later im still using it religously. dont get me wrong tho... i still like other methods. Plus yeah you feel it faster thru combustion. I seem to have a ceiling effect with combustion that i dont get with vape'n. by the way you mean bags or bowls... 4 or 5 bags isn't much if it wasnt a super big bowl or very good stuff like hash.
good point about the loose stuff tho... i found that out very quick. Plus im very very picky about leaves being in a joint/bowl/whatever. If its gonna be combusted it better not have a bunch of nasty leaves in it, sugar or not.
Vape gives u a diff feeling too, most describe it as a cleaner high. its not for everyone i suppose. the flavor is un-matched tho...
palma dutchmasters only here...just the inner paper and make sure to rip off that glue strip and the nasty cancer paper thats on the one end...lets see..been smoking that way for 14 years now...when i started they were only 50 cents like blunts then went to 75 cents real quick like a year or so and stayed there for like ten almost three dollars everywhere...except at the nearest Indian reservation where i buy a box of 55 for 55 dollars and they are always fresh...


Well-Known Member
rolled with raw, the sticky paper doesnt hold after you roll so you have to lick a little more and make sure to press firmly but it will hold after that. couldnt get my chair up the mountain today for dendro, so i stayed back alone and smoked a raw joint i stashed. fucking awsome class trip.


Well-Known Member
you have a bit of a point while i still disagree... the head shop i bought my volcano at even warned me i would just put it up and not use it after a couple months. over 6 years later im still using it religously. dont get me wrong tho... i still like other methods. Plus yeah you feel it faster thru combustion. I seem to have a ceiling effect with combustion that i dont get with vape'n. by the way you mean bags or bowls... 4 or 5 bags isn't much if it wasnt a super big bowl or very good stuff like hash.
good point about the loose stuff tho... i found that out very quick. Plus im very very picky about leaves being in a joint/bowl/whatever. If its gonna be combusted it better not have a bunch of nasty leaves in it, sugar or not.
Vape gives u a diff feeling too, most describe it as a cleaner high. its not for everyone i suppose. the flavor is un-matched tho...
I mean 4-5 bags. And the Volcano bowl we had only got about 4-5 bags a bowl, and we were smoking with 3 people usually. So I'm saying it would take 4-5 bags TO GET HIGH, not to get blazed off my ass.

And I just think vapes should be used with other things. All methods of smoking should be used, all day.


Well-Known Member
I mean 4-5 bags. And the Volcano bowl we had only got about 4-5 bags a bowl, and we were smoking with 3 people usually. So I'm saying it would take 4-5 bags TO GET HIGH, not to get blazed off my ass.

And I just think vapes should be used with other things. All methods of smoking should be used, all day.
I feels ya i feels ya. i geuss i wasnt thinking about multi-person bags either.
Damn! you got me bustin' out the ol Zig-Zag ultra-thins tho. Gonna twist a nice one for everybody: Blue widow, Pineapple express, Venus flytrap, and Amnesia Haze. nice multi hybrid joint.


Well-Known Member
Gonna twist a nice one for everybody: Blue widow, Pineapple express, Venus flytrap, and Amnesia Haze. nice multi hybrid joint.
Nice, wish I had a selection. I'm fuckin stuck buying dimes, and nothing gets weighed out. Fuck the ghetto of South Florida. (I've gotten a couple quarters, but it costs too damn much)


Well-Known Member
Nice, wish I had a selection. I'm fuckin stuck buying dimes, and nothing gets weighed out. Fuck the ghetto of South Florida. (I've gotten a couple quarters, but it costs too damn much)
homeboy.... (sits Finshaggy down) im from Flint. the worst ghetto in america years in a row. ive been thru hell and still live in it. trust me i been where u talkin about thats why i had to figure out how to do it myself. manfor real let me go get the statistics for u... i link it. its the population size grouping that makes flint stand out on the list so click the highest group and compare. and thats in 2010. we had like 40-50 something murders that year... the past year we broke the record set back when the city was at its peak crime and peak population. we have way less people now and the murders went way up into the 70-80 range. GM fucked us over and the place went nuts. all the good mids went bye bye, and now u gotta get ripped off or do it ur self. MI is crazy as hell, SE MI especially... look at detroit and were even worse ugh....,000_%E2%80%93_250,000)
time to light my well deserved joint which i aslo added some kief too... here we go!


Well-Known Member
I do like em. I got a pack from a friend and enjoyed them more than the other papers I was using so I ordered a case with a couple thousand. I smoked half of that case so far, so that's when I purchased the big case with 12,000. I should be set for at least 6 months.
2000 Joints a month? bout 60 joints a day? What are you, An air conditioner?


Well-Known Member
2000 Joints a month? bout 60 joints a day? What are you, An air conditioner?
Rofl... I truly stopped breathing for quite some time. :lol:

Hemp blunts?
Cannabis leaves more so, not hemp. Though I always roll my joints in Hemp paper. Even plain papers taste odd.

Nice, wish I had a selection. I'm fuckin stuck buying dimes, and nothing gets weighed out. Fuck the ghetto of South Florida. (I've gotten a couple quarters, but it costs too damn much)
Wow, I feel sorry for you man. I couldn't imagine not being able to buy an ounce or more at a time...