24/0 vs 18/6


Well-Known Member
Ceestyle....I see where your going with this. But selecting optimum growing conditions from nature and transferring those to indoor growing does not make the growing process fallacious at all. ...Or am I missing you point..
No, but take one example: watering frequency. I know that nature does not produce xxmL of water twice per day, but I know it's best for the plant to have consistently moist but not soaked soil.

Take the vegetative lighting example: even 18hrs does not mimic nature, at least nowhere I've lived. Yet we know from experience that more light than is provided by nature this time of year increases overall yield.

Take carbon dioxide enrichment: how is that mimicking nature? It's not .. neither is jacking up nutrient availability, using pesticides, etc. We just know it's better for production of foliage and flowers.

So the fallacious argument is that because conditions more accurately mimic nature they will necessarily make happier or more productive plants.


Active Member
Ceestyle........Yeah I did miss your point, and point well taken my friend. In outdoor growing growing you can only manipulate nature to a certain degree. Indoor growing you have the opportunity create your own nature based on basic principles found in nature. Probably not a good idea for me to participate in some of these threads when I've had too much smoke......


Well-Known Member
Ceestyle........Yeah I did miss your point, and point well taken my friend. In outdoor growing growing you can only manipulate nature to a certain degree. Indoor growing you have the opportunity create your own nature based on basic principles found in nature. Probably not a good idea for me to participate in some of these threads when I've had too much smoke......
cool. yeah, it's hard to have patience to read through a whole thread sometimes. i usually opt for the shorter ones to match my attention span :)


Well-Known Member
LoL... i love stonrs... lol.... we r so funny.. we get all mad for nothing n then in no time.. we are soo friendly... n happy... ;).. im so high right now... lol..

Whiz Bang

Active Member
24/0 versus 18/6 didn't make much diff to my plants but to produce a crop in the shortest time , 24/0 is the way to go. Good luck on your grow. Whiz Bang.


Well-Known Member
Whaterver RL420. I'm done with this thread, your root system WILL NOT be as expansive in 24/0 as in 18/6 and personally I get a better yield when vegged in 18/6. Experts or not, experience outweighs any book, period, anyone can write a book. Both have great results, no doubt about it, and it may seem 24/0 grows faster, but I'll stand by my claim.

I know you're not a plant, but how about you go a week without recharging your batteries with some healthy sleep. See if you can make it, I bet you my next harvest you cannot.


Well-Known Member
Whaterver RL420. I'm done with this thread, your root system WILL NOT be as expansive in 24/0 as in 18/6 and personally I get a better yield when vegged in 18/6. Experts or not, experience outweighs any book, period, anyone can write a book. Both have great results, no doubt about it, and it may seem 24/0 grows faster, but I'll stand by my claim.

I know you're not a plant, but how about you go a week without recharging your batteries with some healthy sleep. See if you can make it, I bet you my next harvest you cannot.
Personal experience +1


Active Member
I went 4 off and 20 on. 5 weeks into bloom and probably looking at 3 oz. per plant already .4/20 seemed fitting and turned out to be my best grow ever. GOOD LUCK!


Well-Known Member
I went 4 off and 20 on. 5 weeks into bloom and probably looking at 3 oz. per plant already .4/20 seemed fitting and turned out to be my best grow ever. GOOD LUCK!
Changing to that amount of light would stress the plants back into veg mode.. did you do a controlled experiment to prove that it is worth it?




Active Member
The 4 off 20 on was for veg. I went 6 weeks then cut to 12/12. Like I said before it's the best grow I have done so far. About 3-4 oz.'s per plant x 6. They are about 5 ft. tall at 5 weeks into bloom. ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS BABY!!!


Active Member
It appears the only step left is for us own to do our own controlled experiments. Everyone be sure to eliminate your variables and carefully document your findings! Yeah right...


Well-Known Member
It appears the only step left is for us own to do our own controlled experiments. Everyone be sure to eliminate your variables and carefully document your findings! Yeah right...
wait, what were we talking about again?


Well-Known Member
probly gonna run 24 and 0... for a few days a week because my digi timers are stuffed and wierd...


Well-Known Member
my digital is built into a power board... which times all 4 outlets! but only allows 4 different times per outlet...!


Well-Known Member
High Times Q&A Database says to do 24/0. Keeps the plant from stretching and keeps the nodes tighter. I've also seen Ed Rosenthal and Jorge Cervantes say the same thing...Those dudes are golden as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
High Times Q&A Database says to do 24/0. Keeps the plant from stretching and keeps the nodes tighter. I've also seen Ed Rosenthal and Jorge Cervantes say the same thing...Those dudes are golden as far as I'm concerned.
I've found using the lights closer produces small and tight plants with 18/6.