World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Wow! Dalek, you are truly Dalek Supreme. I have not seen Dr. Who in a dog's age and you have now sparked my interest to relive some of those classic episodes. Hope to find some on youtube or something.

Couple pics from my current grow.


Mystery Clone



Well-Known Member
@ Stoneslacker; Those look great. I really like the training of the blueberry. Is it mainlined or just topped and topped and tied down spread eagle???

Well She looks like she wants it anyways!


Well-Known Member
@ Stoneslacker; Those look great. I really like the training of the blueberry. Is it mainlined or just topped and topped and tied down spread eagle???

Well She looks like she wants it anyways!
Thanks Watt. They both were topped, the blueberry multiple times, and trained vigorously under the scrog screen.


Well-Known Member
Super nice Slacker.

I just stared at them till my eyeballs went dry. lol.

You achieve this on CFL tech? Incredible. Ive just decided to add my T5 into my growroom.


Well-Known Member
Super nice Slacker.

I just stared at them till my eyeballs went dry. lol.

You achieve this on CFL tech? Incredible. Ive just decided to add my T5 into my growroom.
Thanks for the kind words Moeb. Running a 250w hps. Just CFL supplementing. I like the 6500k cfl to supplement blue light in my flowering. I think it makes a big difference in density.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words Moeb. Running a 250w hps. Just CFL supplementing. I like the 6500k cfl to supplement blue light in my flowering. I think it makes a big difference in density.
Looking at the pics again I see the yellow glow of HPS. You've done very well with them. Reminds me of the gorgon, Medusa. How long before the chop?



Well-Known Member
I read thru the first 20 pages of this thread and am really thinking about changing from DWC to Hempy. I would use a perlite/growstone combo of sorts. I figure since some use straight perlite that adding the grow stones can only help with my air/water ratio.

About nutes; Do most people just use the manufacturers recommended dose and wait till a little drains out of the hole at the bottom? Water every few days?


Well-Known Member
Those pics were from yesterday, day 33 of flower. My last blueberry went a little over 9 weeks so I am just a bit over half-way.

While I have some great cannabis minds here, I have a question to pose. During my last grow I experienced some foxtailing on the buds about week 7. Is this due to too much light intensity at the end of flower? Would raising my hood a few inches help some?
I usually keep the bulb about 5-7 inches from the canopy top and I have plent of room overhead to raise 10-12 inches if needed.


Well-Known Member
I read thru the first 20 pages of this thread and am really thinking about changing from DWC to Hempy. I would use a perlite/growstone combo of sorts. I figure since some use straight perlite that adding the grow stones can only help with my air/water ratio.

About nutes; Do most people just use the manufacturers recommended dose and wait till a little drains out of the hole at the bottom? Water every few days?
I'm not certain what a growstone is. Like an airstone you use in DWC? If so it really is not needed, just water till you get about 20% runoff and the rez will be refreshed. If you mean hydroton then yes that could help space the medium out some, but I use a mix of large and small perlite and havent had too many problems.

I have followed the drain to waste feeding schedule for the GH 3 part with pretty good results. I am starting to learn that in fact less is more when feeding and have backed down my 3 part mix. I also supplement with Liquid Koolbloom, Floranectar, and Florabend. A friend of mine who does perlite/vermiculite hempys recommended the Florablend to me. It's a vegan plant booster and he swears by it and I have had pretty good results with it.

When you water get a good feel on the weight of a full bucket. In 2-5 days they should dry out fairly good and you will notice the difference in weight. I water when the plants tell me they are ready, with my smaller buckets it usually works out to every 2 days once I get into week 3-4 of flowering.

There is some debate on how dry to let them get. I personally let them get almost bone dry, but not to the point the plants are noticeably thirsty. Then I flood-fill my buckets, pushing the old air and water out the bottom of the rez and replacing with fresh oxygenated air and water. Ask some questions here, there is alot of hempy knowledge condensed here.


Well-Known Member
Those pics were from yesterday, day 33 of flower. My last blueberry went a little over 9 weeks so I am just a bit over half-way.

While I have some great cannabis minds here, I have a question to pose. During my last grow I experienced some foxtailing on the buds about week 7. Is this due to too much light intensity at the end of flower? Would raising my hood a few inches help some?
I usually keep the bulb about 5-7 inches from the canopy top and I have plent of room overhead to raise 10-12 inches if needed.
With the foxtailing; Can you exclude genetic propensity to foxtail? Ive suffered bud bleaching/whitening from having the lights too near but the Kush didnt foxtail. Grown this as a clone before?

You may like to raise it a little anyway. ... We already know that THC and light don't mix. I tend to think a little further helps with resin but a little closer helps with yield. (JMO)

It may be something like a reaction to specific NPK levels. Every plant is different and will have an optimum level (which we try and figure out). Maybe next time try and mix it up a little, change and then observe.


Well-Known Member
With the foxtailing; Can you exclude genetic propensity to foxtail? Ive suffered bud bleaching/whitening from having the lights too near but the Kush didnt foxtail. Grown this as a clone before?

You may like to raise it a little anyway. ... We already know that THC and light don't mix. I tend to think a little further helps with resin but a little closer helps with yield. (JMO)

It may be something like a reaction to specific NPK levels. Every plant is different and will have an optimum level (which we try and figure out). Maybe next time try and mix it up a little, change and then observe.
Ya I haven't noticed the foxtailing in this blueberry strain before my last grow. Could have been a combination of factors, least of which being the intense heat I suffered through last grow. Wish I had a bigger space to do some more experimenting. I will still try to raise the lights about mid-week 6 and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I read thru the first 20 pages of this thread and am really thinking about changing from DWC to Hempy. I would use a perlite/growstone combo of sorts. I figure since some use straight perlite that adding the grow stones can only help with my air/water ratio.

About nutes; Do most people just use the manufacturers recommended dose and wait till a little drains out of the hole at the bottom? Water every few days?
I just read the manufacturers dose and start at around 1/4 dosage, see how the plant responds and increase as the plant needs it.

Airstones might be an interesting and fun experiment but it will be a lot of messing about if you do many Hempys. Personally, part of the charm of Hempy is the ease of it. I love DWC too, Hempys are just different. Give it a try, its really cool.


Well-Known Member
Ya I haven't noticed the foxtailing in this blueberry strain before my last grow. Could have been a combination of factors, least of which being the intense heat I suffered through last grow. Wish I had a bigger space to do some more experimenting. I will still try to raise the lights about mid-week 6 and see what happens.
Heat is never good. I may be wrong but ideally I don't want my plants growing much higher than ambient room temps. ... Excessive heat will cause foxtailing, I suffered this a couple of years ago (AK 47) before I appreciated the importance of ventilation. .... That's different from light stress (bleaching) which can and is commonly caused at low temps in aircooled systems, when hoods are too close.


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm still kicking myself for going with the 4in instead of the 6in extraction fan. Fall has started where I'm at and the overall temps are a blessing for me. Light on temps rarely get over 80-82F now, but during the hot summer months I was continuously over 88 degrees. I do believe this had a major part in the overall issues my last grow. Thanks for your responses and input Moeb.

Edit: IMO the 2 most important and overlooked factors of indoor growing are ventilation and ph.


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm still kicking myself for going with the 4in instead of the 6in extraction fan. Fall has started where I'm at and the overall temps are a blessing for me. Light on temps rarely get over 80-82F now, but during the hot summer months I was continuously over 88 degrees. I do believe this had a major part in the overall issues my last grow. Thanks for your responses and input Moeb.

Edit: IMO the 2 most important and overlooked factors of indoor growing are ventilation and ph.
Sounds like you've got some upgrading to do. ........ I go with a 6" fan and a 600W dimmable ballast. This combination is the most future proof and ultimately cheapest combo to go with.

I too welcome the cooler outside temps. I'll be using it to try and bring the Grand Daddy Purp colours out.

agreed on the importance of vents and ph; get these figured out and growing weed is a breeze.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it has great potential. And would be much more durable than perlite.
I see now. Looks very promising.
Looks good but I like how he chooses to compare his product with one of the least absorbing substrate in hydroponics (hydroton).

I would say to him, OK but can we repeat that experiment with this 1" Rockwool cube I have in my pocket.

also everyone knows you need to rinse hydroton and then it doesn't release the red clay water (dudes playing games there lol). Especially since he admits his own product breaks down into sand (when thrown in the garden).

I would love to try his stuff ... provided it was sold at the right price.