Obama's Fake Lead in the Polls, Exposed!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i love you sig beenthere, made up quotes like your made up news . . . . makes sense
Just like you did!
no, you siad your par thing, then at the end of that post you siad have a nice day
my quote in your sig is from a post where i said this " ask beenthere im sure he will tell you to PH to 9" . . .. and then you added bad ass to it and removed the first part. . . . .i didnt take you out of context you did on mine

such a moron you cant even dig up a worthy sig quote without lying . . your MO
You're full of shit!

talk to beenthere im sure he will tell you to PH to 9 and use hot water, or whatever else RIU info he has gleamed on this site

and by the way the Tissue culture shit is bad ass

oh ya you definitely didn't miss quote

fucking asshat

how many straight up lies do you need to tell to kick it


New Member
par is a range and is not increasable, par is light int he 400-700 nm and is nto avalue that can be increased as it is light that can be used by plants its range . . not avalue to be increased

your a idoit and you keep showing us
Of course the range cannot be increased but one type of light can produce a higher par rating than others, just like direct overhead sun produces a higher par rating than it does during overcast and cloudy days! Look back at the links I provided proving this, a monkey could figure this out.

Let's talk about the polls being rigged in Obama's favor!


Well-Known Member
Are you avoiding my question? Why is your biased opinion any more valid than Beenthere's?
the whole "skewed polls" bullshit comes from this totally non biased guy:

The truth has been exposed and the hard left can't stand it, the Kool aid drinking supporters of the narcissist in chief can't stand it, and they can't handle the truth. Whistle blown, skewed polls and biased media outed, the truth is out. The scammed election won't happen, and Mitt Romney will be elected fair and square as president by the voters. The American people will resume the mission of taking their country back from the liberal elitist pabulum pukers. Liberals and self-described progressive, deal with it.

whereas my opinions come from proven statisticians like nate @ 538, who has called the elections for years now with alarming accuracy.

does your mommy make you wear a helmet when you go outside? :lol:


New Member
Those were the findings of the Gallup poll on Oct. 28, 1980 — one week before Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in a landslide. A late October CBS News/New York Times poll gave Carter a similar lead over Reagan, 42-39 percent.

"On October 26, 1980 just 2 weeks before election Carter lead Reagan in the latest Gallup poll 47 - 39.
Carter lead Reagan by wide margins throughout the race. The Obama/Romney race is much tighter. However, both races the pollsters told us that the democrat was in the lead when a landslide was destined in the end. I don't know if the pollsters are intentionally creating false data to give Obama an inevitable win as to keep Romney supporters away. But what I do know is just as the Carter/ Reagan election the mood was very similar with people out of work, sky rocketing gas prices and a President who just seems to be in over his head."


Well-Known Member
Silver described his ideological orientation as one of "rational progressivism":
I regard myself as a rational progressive. I believe in intellectual progress – that we, as a species, are gradually becoming smarter. I believe that there are objectively right answers to many political and economic questions.
I believe that economic growth is both a reflection of and a contributor toward societal progress, that economic growth has facilitated a higher standard of living, and that this is empirically indisputable. I also believe, however, that our society is now so exceptionally wealthy – even in the midst of a severe recession – that it has little excuse not to provide for some basic level of dignity for all its citizens.
I believe that answers to questions like these do not always come from the establishment. But I also believe that it is just as important to question one's own assumptions as to question the assumptions of others.[SUP][38][/SUP]

No, he would not be biased in any way!! He only has been a political analysis since 2007. So. he has predicted (count em) One election. Nice try dipshit!!
i recall him nailing an election in 2010 as well.

eerily accurate for using such horribly skewed polls, eh kiddo? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Those were the findings of the Gallup poll on Oct. 28, 1980 — one week before Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in a landslide. A late October CBS News/New York Times poll gave Carter a similar lead over Reagan, 42-39 percent.

"On October 26, 1980 just 2 weeks before election Carter lead Reagan in the latest Gallup poll 47 - 39.
Carter lead Reagan by wide margins throughout the race. The Obama/Romney race is much tighter. However, both races the pollsters told us that the democrat was in the lead when a landslide was destined in the end. I don't know if the pollsters are intentionally creating false data to give Obama an inevitable win as to keep Romney supporters away. But what I do know is just as the Carter/ Reagan election the mood was very similar with people out of work, sky rocketing gas prices and a President who just seems to be in over his head."
that's not 11-13 points as you originally claimed, you lying racist.


Well-Known Member
i recall him nailing an election in 2010 as well.

eerily accurate for using such horribly skewed polls, eh kiddo? :lol:
Oh really, he predicted the 2010 mid term election? Who in the hell did not see that coming after the Obamacare fiasco....Kiddo


Well-Known Member
do you have any original material whatsoever?
Do you have any of your own? I could turn on any left leaning so called news channel and get the same thing that comes out of your mouth. Dem talking points and do not forget....RACIST!!


Well-Known Member
Do you have any of your own? I could turn on any left leaning so called news channel and get the same thing that comes out of your mouth. Dem talking points and do not forget....RACIST!!
well, when your buddy clayton tries to insult someone by calling them black, i'm going to go ahead and make sure no one forgets that the guy is a lying racist.

you're just an uninspired, unoriginal, empty headed copy and paste simpleton.


Well-Known Member
well, when your buddy clayton tries to insult someone by calling them black, i'm going to go ahead and make sure no one forgets that the guy is a lying racist.

you're just an uninspired, unoriginal, empty headed copy and paste simpleton.
And you watch MSNBC and parrot everything they say, and you even watch Rev. Sharpton and call out people for being racist, when there is no racism. Why don't you put that tired old tactic of calling people a racist away. Try saying something of intelligence every once in a while!!


Well-Known Member
And you watch MSNBC and parrot everything they say, and you even watch Rev. Sharpton and call out people for being racist, when there is no racism. Why don't you put that tired old tactic of calling people a racist away. Try saying something of intelligence every once in a while!!
And you watch FOX and parrot everything they say, and you even watch Bill O. and call out people for being racist, when there is no racism. Why don't you put that tired old tactic of calling people a racist away. Try saying something of intelligence every once in a while!!


Well-Known Member
And you watch FOX and parrot everything they say, and you even watch Bill O. and call out people for being racist, when there is no racism. Why don't you put that tired old tactic of calling people a racist away. Try saying something of intelligence every once in a while!!
Sorry to burst your bubble, I do not watch Fox News...still lies just a different angle. By you throwing out allegations of racism every other post just makes it a joke. One would think a person that claims to be a warrior for the less fortunet such as yourself, would not want to water down the term racism as you do.