the name calling's gotta get toned down. you're the worst offender by far. tone it down.
You're talking to UncleBuck, right?
the name calling's gotta get toned down. you're the worst offender by far. tone it down.
Fox news has consistently polled Obama over Romney.
And democrats were over sampled by 6 percentage points.
Facts are facts, I'm just reporting, you decide!
Fuck dude, take a deep breath, here's your link.
You're the one that posted the Quinnipiac poll, I figured you were smart enough to find your own fucking link, retard! LOL
You're talking to UncleBuck, right?
fact is that even the "unskewed polls" guy has obama up
go cry in your cornflakes, clayton.
the deleted part was me pointing out that clayton the racist fuck has never shown any proof that he has ever paid a penny in taxes. he is likely as child or a welfare baby.
nate at 538, an master statistician, should get in contact with your dumb ass ASAP!
. you racist bag of fuck.
yeah, the democrats are desperate, what with our massive lead in the swing states. yep, that makes sense.
racist republican from texas reported for spam.
not sure if you've heard, mods, but you either delete the post or don't, you don't edit it like that.
the deleted part was me pointing out that clayton the racist fuck has never shown any proof that he has ever paid a penny in taxes. he is likely as child or a welfare baby.
Not sure if they heard? Dude, after you notified them is it a coincidence they showed up on this thread, what a little snitch!
Dude, I can't believe after all the derogatory names you've called numerous people on this forum you would stoop so low as to go and cry to the Mods!
You're nothing but a hypocritical little snitch in my book!
Dude, I can't believe after all the derogatory names you've called numerous people on this forum you would stoop so low as to go and cry to the Mods!
You're nothing but a hypocritical little snitch in my book!
Dude, that's why I have him on ignore. He cried about my insulting his womanhood and had three of my posts deleted. I reported four of his posts calling me a pedophile, nothing happened. I have no idea what I said to warrant a pedo accusation. Perhaps it's out of his own personal guilt?
Dude, that's why I have him on ignore. He cried about my insulting his womanhood and had three of my posts deleted. I reported four of his posts calling me a pedophile, nothing happened. I have no idea what I said to warrant a pedo accusation. Perhaps it's out of his own personal guilt?
it's the bunny. it drives me to distraction as well.
In the spirit of the OP I ask a question, and please excuse my naivety...but why is the word "nigger" offensive to black people? Where did it come from? I assume from Spanish but why does it above all other words make black people freak the fuck out?
I understand it's offensive (before Captain Obvious strikes) but I would just like to know why? What gives it it's power?
Dude, that's why I have him on ignore. He cried about my insulting his womanhood and had three of my posts deleted. I reported four of his posts calling me a pedophile, nothing happened. I have no idea what I said to warrant a pedo accusation. Perhaps it's out of his own personal guilt?
I've never had a problem with the mods to speak of, UB did run to the them once for me posting a political thread about what type of car you drive. That particular mod deleted the thread three times cause UB contacted him wanting it off, and the mod didn't even read it, great moderating huh!
Guys like UncleBuck have no integrity or guilt, you know of a snitch that does?
I'm done with the little whining liar.
Suspiciously close to "those niggers should stop being so sensitive" or "I don't know why those niggers are so upset by me calling them niggers"In the spirit of the OP I ask a question, and please excuse my naivety...but why is the word "nigger" offensive to black people? Where did it come from? I assume from Spanish but why does it above all other words make black people freak the fuck out?
I understand it's offensive (before Captain Obvious strikes) but I would just like to know why? What gives it it's power?
What do you have against the bunny? The fact he's paying towards Mecca? That's just a coincidence, he's Hindu.
Suspiciously close to "those niggers should stop being so sensitive" or "I don't know why those niggers are so upset by me calling them niggers"
All he needs to do is read those quotes outloud and use his noggin for just a second if he's on the level he should beable to work it outas much as i enjoy a good game of "beat the racist over the head with rhetorical outrage", i think harrekin is just genuinely curious.