does it mean cannabis with high CBD would make more effective tincture for pain? If I was to grow cannatonic and use the buds to make tincture, the tincture wouldnt get me high?
Here is an example of 17 Cannatonic plants grown from seed and then tested. This should give you an idea of what you can expect.
Yo, is this variability because of individual phenos or can some of it be attributed to differences in how individual plants are treated within the grow?
Also, remedial lab report question, what is the difference between the first set of columns and the second set? Seems like there is less thc listed in the max column than the sum of the thcs in the individual columns?
Does CBDA turn into CBD when "activated" by heat?
Also seems like there is a relationship between CBN and CBD's, right? Just about every time there is even minor CBN present, the CBD's drop way down? Does that suggest harvesting earlier to capture more CBD's?
There is no relationship between CBD and CBN, but there is a direct relationship between THC and CBN. CBN is the product of degradation of THC.
I hope that makes sense!
In California we have a strain called ACDC that was germinated and tested by Dr. William Courtney ( ) It has tested at 22%CBD/1%THC. It was originally called Cannatonic. I'm just finishing up an outdoor grow and am looking forward to trying it. If anyone is passing through Sonoma County and wants a clone let me know.
anywhere you can pick up high CBD clones in California ?