Colorado Medical Greenhouse

have you thought about installing an electric fence and cranking up the voltage? maybe a lil razer wire ... or attach some to the base of the stalks so they cut the shit out of themselves? (used to do this to our car stereos ... detered a few thieves) turn the last 4' of dirt near the fence into a deep mudpit. fake security cameras everywhere with blinking LEDs to scare em off. motion activated siren alarm. gotta be some cheap methods you can use to help the situation without overtaxing yourself.
have you thought about installing an electric fence and cranking up the voltage? maybe a lil razer wire ... or attach some to the base of the stalks so they cut the shit out of themselves? (used to do this to our car stereos ... detered a few thieves) turn the last 4' of dirt near the fence into a deep mudpit. fake security cameras everywhere with blinking LEDs to scare em off. motion activated siren alarm. gotta be some cheap methods you can use to help the situation without overtaxing yourself.
for someone who seems so concerned with not offending the neighbors, i find it hard to believe that they will apprieciate barbed wire or an electric fence.
Damn bro sorry to hear about those punks. And fuck these cock suckers still in your thread hating. Haters gonna hate though I guess.
Are you morbidly obese? How the fuck do they keep getting away? Put some fucking running shoes on dip on them, catch them then break there hands. Seriously, Inject some testosterone cause obviously they think your a pussy if they keep coming back! I hope you didnt take that as dis-respect but I find it crazy that they keep coming back. Call a friend, tell him to stay and watch your yard and around 2 go creep around your block and look for them. Cause im sure they are looking for other people to jack.
Fuck rippers and the assholes that invaded this thread. I agree with this guy^, if they keep coming back it's time to go on the offensive side. Hunt those little fuckers down and smash their face into to pavement.
I'm trying to get them every night, cops said I can't hurt them in my yard , I'll go to jail. Last night I took off after them , I can't go through everyone's backyard , and your assuming that their is only one , its multiple people . And believe it or not , it's been hard to find anyone who wants to put there life up, I have one friend coming to help .
its a shame to hear that you apparently aren't allowed to use physical force to stop someone from stealing your property. hopefully that is fair across the board in colorado and not just directed towards cannibis. certain states have laws on the books where if something over a certain value is being stolen that you are allowed to protect your property with force. this is one of the biggest reasons imo why it needs to be legal across the board, not just for medical! we need to be able to treat it like a real commodity, which it is, and recieve the same protection that other things recieve.

lets be honest here, i don't know how the cops are by you, but seeing how much that you have lost recently, imagine if there were and equal # of robberies to peoples other property in the area such as a rash of car break-ins. my bet is that the cops would try alot harder not only to not only catch those involved, but to stop it from happening again and at the very least have in increase in patrols in the area.

how far are you from harvesting the rest of your crop? do you have any trustworthy friends who just so happen to not have alot going on in thier lives right now? if you do then i would consider seeing if any of them can simply camp out in your yard and watch them in exchange for some bud when its done and maybe a few joints to help pass the time while they are out there. now i know its not realistic to have somebody stay out there every night, much less stay awake. the thing is though, if someone is there it will make rippers think twice as thieves are cowards for the most part which is why the strike at night when nobody is around. they want to avoid confrontation. good luck man!
How does the cash value of the plant have anything to do with it stinking up the neighbors kids room? Duhhhh. Nothing.......Continue hating though. You look cool.

It has to do with the value of the crop and the feasibility of stealing it einstien, I didn't mention smell but if commercial grows are gonna be fined for odor then anyone should , nobodies gonna steal a rose my concern was more that this weed may end up in minors hands and being pedaled at the local high school .duhhh
It has to do with the value of the crop and the feasibility of stealing it einstien, I didn't mention smell but if commercial grows are gonna be fined for odor then anyone should , nobodies gonna steal a rose my concern was more that this weed may end up in minors hands and being pedaled at the local high school .duhhh
And why does that bother you? You never smoked mj in hs? Better for them to have good locally grown than shitty brick weed that supports mexican cartels.
And why does that bother you? You never smoked mj in hs? Better for them to have good locally grown than shitty brick weed that supports mexican cartels.

new research shows damage done when weed is smoked at an early age.better for them to have none. lets not make it easy for them.
Man's best friend......... a 120 lb. rottweiler :mrgreen:

Or two 75 pound rednoses :D

That sucks tho man ..
They ripped you once and now they're just being greedy.
I honestly don't give a fuck about what the cop said if you catch those bastards in your yard you have the right to protect yourself they probly have knives or a axe to chop your plants down which could technically be considered a weapon right ?

A louisville slugger to the knee isn't like your trying to kill em.

I've had my tools stolen out of my truck twice so I'm a lil hot headed when it come to rippers/theives
A small dog kept close to the residence to act as an alarm would be useful, but I think any big dogs running the fence line would be quickly poisoned. Chain link fence isn't cheap, but it is effective.
I'm trying to get them every night, cops said I can't hurt them in my yard , I'll go to jail. Last night I took off after them , I can't go through everyone's backyard , and your assuming that their is only one , its multiple people . And believe it or not , it's been hard to find anyone who wants to put there life up, I have one friend coming to help .
that's a crying ass shame right there...but true these one has any balls anymore....buncha freakin pussy boys. If I was there I would help ya!!

  • Thinking of adding in co2 to the greenhouse as I already have it inside.​

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