Colorado Medical Greenhouse


Well-Known Member
Damn dude this whole season seemed like abunch of b.s hopefully when you move u can get a legit secure set up. Did you get a good amount Meds to donate a last a little while?


Well-Known Member
since they passed amendment 64 now they need to up the plant count for medical growers to like 12 total... and stop that half in bloom half veg shit... should up the amount for med patiants to atleast a half pound like cali


Well-Known Member
Damn bro jus read all thats been up. So sorry. Hope ur harvest u have left gets u through the next year. U need to get some of those shotgun carrying kinfolk from va for some secutity. When looking for ur next place look where rich people live. Where I rent people are not worrired about stealing plants, they have the cash! Just have to be able to pay the rent! Lots of land and million dollar homes.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro, great great thead... BUT are you even aware of all the money these random people ran off with? This is crazy then ontop of it all cops have been to your house tons so when they think your cutting them down they will come knocking an arresting for possession of ton of weed. Fightable for being wet im sure but your in jail till your jury says otherwise... lucky your not in jail already.

Im sorry again man to discredit you but i have recent trouble with neighbors on 9 plants an sleep there now every night to protect them. They jump your fence your in the yard and hit them hard with a bat. No joke. On your property that is fenced in. You hit them to do injury. Word on this spreads fast each plant is prob 4k a peice. You local highschool is laughing at you while they all bent on your hard work. So far seems like no one serious came into your yard yet. The amount of money sitting there your crazy lucky your wife and yourself are not tied up inside with nothing left in your house.

No hard feelings on my post but be realistic here... you may have lost your crop but no one threatened your life YET. Just be preparded to protect yourself when these high schoolers older brothers that are broke come knocking... wish the best for you and hopefully you court situation gets fixed an you move to another city. Live an learn. You may be legal plant wise but id rather be quiet an harvest my green house then harvest 2 plants out of the 90 your got robbed for cause it was that obvious where they were.