The Souths Succession

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ireland was technically neutral, but we had anti-British subversive organisations who at the time held a lot of power...and they were given guns by Hitler.

During WWI the same, free guns for the IRA to fight Britian with.

Ireland's neutrality is always called into question tho, one example is our allowance of US warplanes to land and refuel on both the way to the Middle East,refuel on the way back and (behind closed doors) we allow extraordinary renditions on the way back to GITMO.

Also there's a huge cross-Atlantic high speed data cable that makes landfall from the US on our West coast. This is crucial so you's don't have "lag" on your drone missions, which would render your drones useless.

It's just the "boots on ground" part we leave out really.
ireland's troubles with england was never enough to drive them into the camp of the germans, the paddies were too smart to fall for hitler's sweet blandishments. they took some of his offerings (as did franco in spain) but they never actually intended to join the axis or even give the nazi's a place to stage near england.

ireland's extensive network of fenian sympathizers in america precluded the possibility that they might join with the huns, in ww1, or ww2 electric boogaloo. only a fool strangles a goose that lays golden eggs to make a down stuffed pillow for their german rapist's comfort. nobody trusts a german promise, except stalin, which tells you more about stalin than it does the krauts.

see, the problem with the Taeg is, they just got no gratitude. the brits came over to their bogs and sorted out their little country, and all they do is froth at the mouth and hurl brickbats at their english rescuers. ohh cromwell was right, the paddies really are so troublesome. and dont get me started on the scots. those malcontents dont know how good they have it! you would think they were oppressed from the way they carry on! but i digress. ;-)


Well-Known Member
ireland's troubles with england was never enough to drive them into the camp of the germans, the paddies were too smart to fall for hitler's sweet blandishments. they took some of his offerings (as did franco in spain) but they never actually intended to join the axis or even give the nazi's a place to stage near england.

ireland's extensive network of fenian sympathizers in america precluded the possibility that they might join with the huns, in ww1, or ww2 electric boogaloo. only a fool strangles a goose that lays golden eggs to make a down stuffed pillow for their german rapist's comfort. nobody trusts a german promise, except stalin, which tells you more about stalin than it does the krauts.

see, the problem with the Taeg is, they just got no gratitude. the brits came over to their bogs and sorted out their little country, and all they do is froth at the mouth and hurl brickbats at their english rescuers. ohh cromwell was right, the paddies really are so troublesome. and dont get me started on the scots. those malcontents dont know how good they have it! you would think they were oppressed from the way they carry on! but i digress. ;-)
That's crazy talk, they came over and shit all over us.

Millions died as a result of their mismanagement of their "territory".

I hope you're trolling cos you usually talk a good game, so to be so wrong on this... I hope is intentional.
You are correct tho, there's more people of Irish descent in the US than there is here, we'd never turn on yous...that doesn't mean we couldn't or shouldn't have taken the Fuhrers early Christmas presents tho ;)


Ursus marijanus
yes... did i not mention that the prussians (hapsburg dynasty) amalgamated them into a single administrative zone for their imperial convenience or did you miss that part?

only outside forces compelling them to be one "country" made them a "country" at every opportunity they split off into their own small middlewegiht kingdoms again, and again and again until once more they were re-consolidated for some empire's convenience. di you miss that part? did you think i didnt know that they were squashed together several times? you failed to mention the romans also consolidated them into a single "province" with predictable results. the ottomansd tried to do the same thing with the birts of the balkans that they controlled, and they had to eliminate almost the entire armenian population to pacify their piece of the region. you forgot to mention that bit too.

that entire region of eurasia, all around the caucasus mountains is a seething pressure cooker of old feuds, bitterness and rivalries from the simple fact that they have been repeatedly conquored, reshaped to fit the whim of outsiders, then left to cook till they explode in a firey, cataclysm or just a nasty mess of burnt porridge all over the stove.

the small nations of the balkans have NEVER actually been one nation, not even under Phillip of Macedon (look it up). they have always been many small nations and tribal groups under the varying levels of oppression from outsiders since the days of the macedonian empire.

that is the point of the statement you failed to read. NOT a single country, but many times forced into the shape of one by outside imperial forces. this makes them unhappy, unstable and prone to sexploding in violence. these sexplosions triggered (but did not cause) ww1, the collapse of the ottoman empire, eroded the foundations of rome, cracked the base of the macedonian empire, and lit the russian's nuts on fire while they were trying to fuck the polish solidarity movement in the ass resulting in the ultimate (and inevitable) failure of the grand socialist experiment of the soviet union.

everybody who ever tried fucking with the balkans got a nasty rash, or their dicks bitten off. same in afghanistan.
The Prussians and the Habsburgs were mortal enemies at worst, vigorous competitors at best. cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The Prussians and the Habsburgs were mortal enemies at worst, vigorous competitors at best. cn
your right, the hapsburgs were austro/hungarians and the prussians were the proto-germans. , but they are all so german i get em mixed up.

its the pointy helmets.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That's crazy talk, they came over and shit all over us.

Millions died as a result of their mismanagement of their "territory".

I hope you're trolling cos you usually talk a good game, so to be so wrong on this... I hope is intentional.
You are correct tho, there's more people of Irish descent in the US than there is here, we'd never turn on yous...that doesn't mean we couldn't or shouldn't have taken the Fuhrers early Christmas presents tho ;)
dude. when an american of irish descent starts a paragraph with "the problem with the Taeg..." you know that asshole be trollin.

as far as the fuhrer's christmas gifts, better to drop the present and run, cuz you may get a brand new teddy bear on christmas but youll be getting fucked in the ass by boxing day.


Well-Known Member
yes... did i not mention that the prussians (hapsburg dynasty) amalgamated them into a single administrative zone for their imperial convenience or did you miss that part?

only outside forces compelling them to be one "country" made them a "country" at every opportunity they split off into their own small middlewegiht kingdoms again, and again and again until once more they were re-consolidated for some empire's convenience. di you miss that part? did you think i didnt know that they were squashed together several times? you failed to mention the romans also consolidated them into a single "province" with predictable results. the ottomansd tried to do the same thing with the birts of the balkans that they controlled, and they had to eliminate almost the entire armenian population to pacify their piece of the region. you forgot to mention that bit too.

that entire region of eurasia, all around the caucasus mountains is a seething pressure cooker of old feuds, bitterness and rivalries from the simple fact that they have been repeatedly conquored, reshaped to fit the whim of outsiders, then left to cook till they explode in a firey, cataclysm or just a nasty mess of burnt porridge all over the stove.

the small nations of the balkans have NEVER actually been one nation, not even under Phillip of Macedon (look it up). they have always been many small nations and tribal groups under the varying levels of oppression from outsiders since the days of the macedonian empire.

that is the point of the statement you failed to read. NOT a single country, but many times forced into the shape of one by outside imperial forces. this makes them unhappy, unstable and prone to sexploding in violence. these sexplosions triggered (but did not cause) ww1, the collapse of the ottoman empire, eroded the foundations of rome, cracked the base of the macedonian empire, and lit the russian's nuts on fire while they were trying to fuck the polish solidarity movement in the ass resulting in the ultimate (and inevitable) failure of the grand socialist experiment of the soviet union.

everybody who ever tried fucking with the balkans got a nasty rash, or their dicks bitten off. same in afghanistan.
Oh I see when you said "the former yugoslavia was NEVER one country, ever" you didn't actually mean it, you just, said it? Weird.

You tend to do that a lot, sorry I can't keep my history in check.

And yes, I'm implying it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
The South attacked first.

The problem is there's no "legal" avenue to secede, so when states began to secede it was easy for the Federal government to claim it to be criminal. When the South began to attack federal property within those states, it just gave the North a good reason, not to mention the whole "preserving the union" nonsense.

Anyways, I think they should had been able to secede. Not a fan of slavery (don't think many people are any more), but I like to think it would had worked itself out somehow, probably a bit naive.

You realize that when the Texan's joined the USA they actually had a treaty that allows them to split into more states and get more voting rights, ect. If they elected to do so, then the USA would legally have to either a) let them have more votes or b) let them Secede.


Well-Known Member
You realize that when the Texan's joined the USA they actually had a treaty that allows them to split into more states and get more voting rights, ect. If they elected to do so, then the USA would legally have to either a) let them have more votes or b) let them Secede.
They never reached a treaty, Texas was annexed.

EDIT: nevermind, I see what you're saying. I never heard that before.


Well-Known Member
Ireland was technically neutral, but we had anti-British subversive organisations who at the time held a lot of power...and they were given guns by Hitler.

During WWI the same, free guns for the IRA to fight Britian with.

Ireland's neutrality is always called into question tho, one example is our allowance of US warplanes to land and refuel on both the way to the Middle East,refuel on the way back and (behind closed doors) we allow extraordinary renditions on the way back to GITMO.

Also there's a huge cross-Atlantic high speed data cable that makes landfall from the US on our West coast. This is crucial so you's don't have "lag" on your drone missions, which would render your drones useless.

It's just the "boots on ground" part we leave out really.

The Republic was pretty awesome. I loved it there. It is really rural though. I can see why your population is different than ours in America. I don't think people realize that Ireland is so small and rural, or that you spray paint your sheep neon colors. lol.


Well-Known Member
They never reached a treaty, Texas was annexed.

EDIT: nevermind, I see what you're saying. I never heard that before.
I already replied, lol, it happens. Yea, no one really talks about it. The Texans have a legal right to secede from the USA under certain conditions. As far as I know, no other does. You could argue that since the constitution is about restraining the federal government that if it doesn't specifically say the states can't leave then they can. If it happened, then Texas would have claim to a huge chunk of the west. Texas was really big before they joined the USA. The reason I think there would be a huge issue with Texas splitting is that it would give them 2 more senators per state created.


Well-Known Member
They were annexed through a legally binding joint resolution of congress.

They tried to do it by treaty but failed.

They didn't view it as a treaty. So why should I?

If I remember correctly, that was a test question in my Texas history class more than 20 years ago.


Well-Known Member
They were annexed through a legally binding joint resolution of congress.

They tried to do it by treaty but failed.

They didn't view it as a treaty. So why should I?

If I remember correctly, that was a test question in my Texas history class more than 20 years ago.
treaty [ˈtriːtɪ]n pl -ties1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy)a. a formal agreement or contract between two or more states, such as an alliance or trade arrangement

b. the document in which such a contract is written

2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any international agreement

3. any pact or agreement
4. (Business / Commerce) an agreement between two parties concerning the purchase of property at a price privately agreed between them
5. Archaic negotiation towards an agreement
6. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Canada)a. any of the formal agreements between Indian bands and the federal government by which the Indians surrender their land rights in return for various forms of aid
b. (as modifier) treaty Indians treaty money

7. an obsolete word for entreaty

They may not call it a treaty, but it is a treaty. The way it was done is the very definition of a treaty. It was an agreement between two countries, not one country deciding something and forcing its will on the other. That is what I was getting at.


Well-Known Member
And I understand that. They did not view it as such.

And if you can point me to the "Treaty between The Republic of Texas and the United States" I'd be more than happy to agree.

When the state of Texas teaches that it was not a treaty, and they make it a point that it was not a treaty, I have to go the way of my home state.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Oh I see when you said "the former yugoslavia was NEVER one country, ever" you didn't actually mean it, you just, said it? Weird.

You tend to do that a lot, sorry I can't keep my history in check.

And yes, I'm implying it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about.
yes the former yugoslavia was NEVER one country. they just got forced to act like one several times through history.

why is this not sinking through your skull.








you might as well claim that shackled prison labour teams prove that all prisoners are part of a single unified prison gang, the aryan brotherhood, black gorillas, and MS 13 all work together when shackled at the ankle while the man rides around them on horseback with a shotgun at the ready.

so obviously those prison gangs dont exist any more!

it's proven!


Well-Known Member
The Republic was pretty awesome. I loved it there. It is really rural though. I can see why your population is different than ours in America. I don't think people realize that Ireland is so small and rural, or that you spray paint your sheep neon colors. lol.
Most of us have spent an extensive amount of time outside here so we know, but the east coast isn't as rural.

They spray-paint the sheep so different farmers know which ones are theirs apparently ;)