Obama considers a dead ambassador a *bump* in the road...

Did you notice that on all the coverage, they are showing "Death to Obama" and "Kill Obama" signage........ and he's thinking they still love him????????

He's a delusional narcissist.

Let's see. BOA announced 16,000 layoffs, Best Buy 1,200, 400 W.V. coal minors, and numerous others were recently released. Just wait- 2013 is going to be a shit slide into the toilet.
remember how bush described bringing democracy to the middle east?

that's what i thought.

nice double standard there, ANALEXCESSGAY1.
remember how bush described bringing democracy to the middle east?

that's what i thought.

nice double standard there, ANALEXCESSGAY1.

The left called bush an idiot... Do you want to compare him to Obama now?

Obama was the one that called the death of the ambassador and 3 other Americans including navy seals "bumps in the road"
yep..... it is very sad.
just can't wait for his next 4 years.
be very careful what you guys wish for.
The left called bush an idiot... Do you want to compare him to Obama now?

Obama was the one that called the death of the ambassador and 3 other Americans including navy seals "bumps in the road"

again, remind me of how bush and company described introducing democracy to the middle east, you bleating partisan hack.

and rollindud comes out as openly racist.

who would have thought that a douchebag republican retard from texas would be racist?

that shit just boggles the mind.
now that we've exposed rollindud, the texas republican retard spam artist, as an openly racist piece of shit, my work here is done and my lunch break is over. back to trimming.
The shriller they get the more they drop their guard

Neither one of you bothered to address the actual issue of Obummer attempting to eat his whole shoe, foot and all.

Not surprising.

Now that I think about it, maybe Obama didnt stick his foot in his mouth. Maybe he actually believes that dead Americans are just a bump in the road. Look at the hundreds of hispanics that were killed in Mexico when he and Holder tried to wag the dog on gun control... Just an inconvenient truth..
Neither one of you bothered to address the actual issue of Obummer attempting to eat his whole shoe, foot and all.

Not surprising.

Now that I think about it, maybe Obama didnt stick his foot in his mouth. Maybe he actually believes that dead Americans are just a bump in the road. Look at the hundreds of hispanics that were killed in Mexico when he and Holder tried to wag the dog on gun control... Just an inconvenient truth..
I think it's less of an issue than your trying to make it out to be but your being so shrill it's a bit hard to be sure
I think it's less of an issue than your trying to make it out to be but your being so shrill it's a bit hard to be sure

Yes, because we all know that the death of 4 American citizens including our Libyan ambassador is much less important that Romney's tax returns.
It would have to be poor people for you to give a shit...

It is amazing your cavalier attitude.
Yes, because we all know that the death of 4 American citizens including our Libyan ambassador is much less important that Romney's tax returns.
It would have to be poor people for you to give a shit...

It is amazing your cavalier attitude.
Your gonna have to help me out I have daughters and there's often lots of high pitched squealing that I automatically switch off when I hear it

I heard "yes because......" but the rest was just squeaky nonsense

Could you repeat that in a lower more adult tone?