so i found this really cool looking fossil!

i took the sucker home, tried washing it off with vinegar and a soft bristle tooth brush. gonna have my wife take to school to show her teacher thats a huge fossil collector.
i can not figure out what it is. it looks like nothing ive seen.
has to be a lizard or sumthin.
have a look guys tell me what u think!
i dont see the pic
lol i posted the original thread on my phone. and of corse had to upload the pic from my computer but here it is guys sorry for the delay..
seing that white tint comment made me thing "wtf howd u seee it" lol

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bad ass if its a true fossile :) is that the scull? or just the tail bone how far down did u find it and how did u find it? thats relly cool but if that isnt the skull how do u know its not just like a cow boan or somehting
Not quite a fossil yet more just remains at this point still cool tho bleach that shit and hang it to ward off intruders
like what bro??
and any place i can take it to find out exactly what?

its bottom jaw is so much smaller then the top jaw.
yea i knowticed that it almost looks like somekind of lizzerd but it could have been like a raptor or something that stands on its back legs that could just be the long neck that is soo cool tell me how u found it
lol no im sure its a skull and the bottom jaw has holes in it for either teeth or like a snakes mouth.
and i was just on a morning hike with my pups and boom their it is.
picked up just the peice in the pic
then went back today and got the remains just sum more of the spine
ill get sum better pics today and post tomorro.
its intresting peice and also the holes for the "horns" i think are nasel cavitys.
lol no im sure its a skull and the bottom jaw has holes in it for either teeth or like a snakes mouth.
and i was just on a morning hike with my pups and boom their it is.
picked up just the peice in the pic
then went back today and got the remains just sum more of the spine

It does look more like a pelvis. I think that's the butt end, not the end that butts. The "horn attachments" look like hip sockets. cn
La Chupacabra!

El Chupacabra.

And that is not a fossil. it's a skeleton. Probably not even a couple of years old considering its condition. I'd be careful of harmful microbes and other little pesky critters that like to hang around rotting corpses.
It does look more like a pelvis. I think that's the butt end, not the end that butts. The "horn attachments" look like hip sockets. cn

Exactly. Out here in the country I see skeletons all the time, when the neighbors have a BBQ they just go out to the goat pen and kill, gut, skin and fry it up right on the spot. Then the dogs usually carry the bones all over the neighborhood. That's a pelvis, turn it upside down (right side up) then look at it, then look at the pic shr88 posted.