Eric Holder cleared in Fast and Furious


Well-Known Member
After reading thru it, this is just another "shit stain" on this corrupt administration..........historians will have a field day with this in the years to come.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
After reading thru it, this is just another "shit stain" on this corrupt administration..........historians will have a field day with this in the years to come.
perhaps this is why barry is wining and dining historians at the whitehouse, get them on your good side, a little food, a little wine, a little wenching, and they will write a history that portrays Barry as the pimp mack daddy, the second coming, the return of the mack, and the fulfillment of all grand prophesies.

at the very least they might sand off the rough edges before they give his "legacy" to Steely Dan (the giant metal dildo, not the prog-rock band)


Well-Known Member
perhaps this is why barry is wining and dining historians at the whitehouse, get them on your good side, a little food, a little wine, a little wenching, and they will write a history that portrays Barry as the pimp mack daddy, the second coming, the return of the mack, and the fulfillment of all grand prophesies.

at the very least they might sand off the rough edges before they give his "legacy" to Steely Dan (the giant metal dildo, not the prog-rock band)
Sounds like Rmoney at a $50,000 per plate dinner talking about how worthless 47% of America is.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Sounds like Rmoney at a $50,000 per plate dinner talking about how worthless 47% of America is.
any idiot who pays $50,000 for rubbery chicken, or a cold T-bone deserves what he gets.

your intimation seems to be that barry seotoro doesnt ALSO have big money supper clubs with the big money donors where he says stupid shit that tickles the fancy of the assholes tucking $50s in his G-String.

both these shitheels are simply cheap whores pretending they are expensive strippers, while claiming to be "exotic dancers" on their resume's. offer either of them a fistful of cash and it'll be fuckee suckee love-you-long-time in the back room before you know it.

was that racist? i cant even tell any more. either way, for enough currency either of these bitches will let you put it in their pooper. Bareback.


Well-Known Member
any idiot who pays $50,000 for rubbery chicken, or a cold T-bone deserves what he gets.

your intimation seems to be that barry seotoro doesnt ALSO have big money supper clubs with the big money donors where he says stupid shit that tickles the fancy of the assholes tucking $50s in his G-String.

both these shitheels are simply cheap whores pretending they are expensive strippers, while claiming to be "exotic dancers" on their resume's. offer either of them a fistful of cash and it'll be fuckee suckee love-you-long-time in the back room before you know it.

was that racist? i cant even tell any more. either way, for enough currency either of these bitches will let you put it in their pooper. Bareback.

Agreed with the above.

Obama flew off to a Las Vegas fundraiser as our Ambassador to Libya was assassinated.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Not true at all...I dislike republicans slightly more than democrats, I am a left leaning. How do you get from corrupt gun/drug smugglers to left vs right argument. Dude you need to smoke a joint.

I have never been so offended since the last time you called me a republican.

Are you fucking kidding me? I make a thread to shit on Romney weekly, I am absolutely furious with Republicans in so many ways.

not near as far as obama's dick is in your mouth.

This has nothing to do with the right wing as I said, I am not right wing jackass.

Your a coward. Scared of a bubble scribbling exercise. This is exactly what the criminals want is for you to be afraid.

LOL! Your doing the opposite numbnuts.

Exactly yes, agree with the bolded

They really do got a gun to your head don't they you coward?

An increase in marijuana arressts and not ending the drug war when he can do so without congress is NOT soft on drugs...Its a continuation of the same thing.

LOL....then you come with this.....

because he is not a revolutionary.


I will say it for you...I actually agree Obama IS better than Romney.....but I would NEVER vote for Obama. I am not a coward, I do not compromise my principals, and Obama would be relatively the same result in all actuality he isn't that much different from Mitt Romney. I am NOT afraid of a bubble scribbling exercise, I do not buy into the propaganda from either corporate gang.
I must spread some reputation around before giving some to deprave, again.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Your labelling me? You know me? Sorry you obviously have no idea. I am not going to repeat myself.

"Quit coming with the weak arguments"
Political tunnel vision. No imagination. Everything is either black or white, right or left, you're either an R or a D... why even argue with someone who refuses to acknowledge that there are alternatives and has sold his soul to the Democrats and WILL NEVER CHANGE.


Well-Known Member
perhaps this is why barry is wining and dining historians at the whitehouse, get them on your good side, a little food, a little wine, a little wenching, and they will write a history that portrays Barry as the pimp mack daddy, the second coming, the return of the mack, and the fulfillment of all grand prophesies.

at the very least they might sand off the rough edges before they give his "legacy" to Steely Dan (the giant metal dildo, not the prog-rock band)
Or just tell them you'll have a drone drop a load on their head if they don't. That seems to be the direction his administration has taken. And people still will vote for them. It makes me sick really.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Or just tell them you'll have a drone drop a load on their head if they don't. That seems to be the direction his administration has taken. And people still will vote for them. It makes me sick really.
actually the way some people act, obama threatening to drop a load on their faces would be considered a reward.

fuck you cant get Chris "Tingles" Mathews off obama's jock.
